70 Replies to “Bev Oda”

  1. Cabinet shuffle is due . . . probably in the summer when Ottawa is all sleepy & stuff.

  2. I am at a loss to understand the mindset of this kind of behaviour. It shows an utter lack of appreciation for where government money comes from and the sacrifices that taxpayers make.
    Better have been damn good orange juice.

  3. In the public memory,this type of scandal, egregious waste of taxpayer’s money,will stick,while the other faux scandals (Robocalls,etc.) will fade.
    BUT,the effect is cumulative,there are entirely too many of these types. Oda and the rest have to be called onto the PM’s carpet and told to curb their kid-in-the-candy-shoppe ways.
    Oda is a repeat offender,she might be better off on the backbenches,but I suppose her sex and ethnicity make it politically sensitive to replace her.
    Send her to the back of the House,Mr.Harper, you have plenty of others who deserve a chance and may have a better sense of right and wrong.

  4. After reading this, I understand her decision better. Out of touch with real people.
    She began her broadcasting career at TV Ontario in 1973, and later worked for Citytv and the Global Television Network. Oda was an Ontario Film Review Board Member in 1986-87, and a Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Commissioner from 1987 to 1993. She became the Chair of FUND (now The Harold Greenberg Fund) in 1994. From 1995 to 1999, she was a Senior Vice-President of CTV and Baton Broadcasting.

  5. Particularly stupid since this is going to allow critics to double down on the prior trumped up “Oda lied” non scandal.

  6. I’m not going to defend what she did or how she did it, just explain it better than the news media has done. Any time a story makes you go “WTF?”, there is usually more to it they they are telling you. Why on earth would someone leave a perfectly nice hotel located right at the venue they were attending to stay in another hotel more expensive and further away (and requiring transport back and forth)?
    This whole thing was actually about her cigarette smoking…the first hotel didn’t allow it, the second one did. Anyone who has ever been addicted to nicotine will understand this, but the news media are keeping this aspect of the story pretty quiet…”16 dollar orange juice” is where *they* want the focus kept.
    Again, not an excuse. Just an actual explanation that the news media is deliberately obscuring.

  7. I can buy a bag of juicy delicious oranges for four bucks, fer crying out loud. What is her problem?

  8. Fred: Her addiction should be her expense. No sympathy here – I quit 25 years ago.

  9. They’re got three years….Harper should do a Red Tory purge now and let people get used to real conservatives.

  10. Agreed, Kate.
    We elected this government because they’re conservative, not a buncha lavish spenders. It seems we’ve been taken advantage of. If this irresponsible behavior results in lunatic left wing parties gaining momentum and getting elected who loses? US!
    I call BS. Harper needs to turf this one. She needs to pay so the Canadian public doesn’t have to.

  11. Agreed….she needs to go.
    We didn’t elect the Conservatives so they could become the Liberal party.

  12. Tony Clement, Bev Oda are easy shuffles.
    Peter McKay may prove to be a bit more difficult.

  13. You’re right, JamesHalifax. Lookin more and more like Liberals everyday. Remind me not to drink the water next time I’m in Ottawa.

  14. In today’s economic reality there is no excuse for MPs to not be eating boxed lunches.
    Harper needs to start cracking the whip and rolling heads!!
    At least the Liberanos knew about brown-bagging it. …ummm…never mind.

  15. “This whole thing was actually about her cigarette smoking.. the first hotel didn’t allow it,”
    So she can step the hell outside. London, UK doesn’t get nearly the kinds of winters that London, ON does, never mind other parts of Canada where smokers somehow manage. Or is walking outside too hard for little miss entitled?
    100% agreed with Kate. Fire her ass.

  16. c b c just reported her big apology, she’s all “unequivical” and bla bla
    JimBob would mention that she is a minority woman afterall, maybe if we just look the other way and pretend that she really works for B o b Rae?

  17. Bev Oda ‘unreservedly apologized to the House’ during today’s Question Period. Stated that all overage in expenses has been reimbursed to the taxpayer.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. Apology NOT accepted.
    She’s doing irreparable damage to the CPC’s rep. Her along with Clement. They’re gift wrapping things for the stupid left wingers anything to be high and mighty about.
    Where’s the pride? Where’s the common sense? What a joke.

  19. but she’s a victim!
    she’s addicted to tobacco!
    it’s not her fault!
    it’s all those ads she grew up with!
    and the tobacco taxes in one year more than make up for it.
    plus, the UK has no ‘insight’ hotels for addicts!
    why isn’t the left demanding special treatment for her?

  20. The security for transporting a gov’t minister in a london cab would be a nightmare.

  21. I tend to think that once a Cabinet Minister has proven to be a liability, the very best thing to do is get rid of ’em. Shuffling is not necessarily the answer. Removing them will definitely send a message to others.
    Sooner, rather than later, too!!!

  22. A Conservative government cannot abide this behaviour. Ms Oda needs to be out of cabinet, ride a back bench and ride the bus.

  23. In the next federal election, all the other parties will have Bev’s face front and center. Hopefully she’ll find something else to do before then.

  24. This is a small example where symbolic tokenism goes wrong. She was obviously elevated to cabinet because of her minority status rather than her integrity and abilities.

  25. Oda thinks the public purse is hers to blow and she’s in trouble. Alberta PCs think the public is theirs to blow and they get a majority – and they’re cheered on by the same types condemning Oda.
    I’m so confused.

  26. Marni’s question is easily answered. Bev Oda IS terminally stupid. She never learns despite repeated “adventures” of this kind. Why do you think she’s in charge of as meaningless a ministry as responsibiility for CIDA? Harper had to put her somewhere where she couldn’t do any real harm.
    Yes, her professional background says it all.
    No, you can’t get rid of Paradis. Who from the lavish number of Quebec MPs do you propose to replace him with? Because Quebec has to be represented somewhere in Cabinet and it’s too soon to rehabilitate Bernier. Sorry, but the little geezer has to stay.

  27. While they are re-arranging the deck chairs, they might want to address their pensions and expenses.
    Since it is clear some of these people come from ‘entitled’ mindsets in their backgrounds, they cannot be true conservatives, just the nameplate makes the distinction. Otherwise, they are liberal spenders all.
    MPs pensions are all important in this next round of attacks on CPP and OAS.

  28. after the last go round you would think that someone would clue in? Apparently visible minority woman is an over riding qualification for a position of stature. Don’t believe me? Think Hedi Fry, the BC racist.

  29. It is one thing for us to complain to each other on this site about Ms. Oda’s behaviour. It is another to complain directly to the Prime Minister: pm@pm.gc.ca

  30. Make any MP or diplomat pay for their own hotel, ect. Why should the taxpayer? Unbelievable.
    Sixteen dollars for orange juice? Where did it come from? Shangi-La?

  31. Kathryn; we now have a Lieberal Government. Redford is a dyed in the wool Liberal. We tried, sorry we didn’t get the job done. Apologies to all…..

  32. Look at it this way…the media is now finally on top of this sorta thing…..
    Now if it was a few years back and she was a LIBRANO minister…..crickets….
    Oh well, I’ll take whatever check and balance the media provides….regardless the motive…

  33. This story is another yawner from the mixed-up-media and their Marxist friends. Bev Oda is damn good conservative Minister. I’ve paid similar price for an “Orange Juice” at a hotel resort in CANADA(I hadn’t checked the menu before ordering). Besides, people want BIG spending governments. Big spending governments require liberal expense accounts – just ask lavish Olivia Chow and the decently dead, Jack Layton.

  34. email:
    I like the job you are doing Mr Prime Minister.
    The country has a long way to go to be weaned off the nanny-state they’ve been accustomed to.
    Bev Oda needs a real sit down, before I get REAL mad at this pig,and start writing more on the blogs,and opinion columns as in the past!
    Better yet, just FIRE her ass!
    Taxpayers money is not for the priviged-minded to blow through at lightspeed.
    Her sense of “entitlement” needs to be nipped in the bud.

  35. Travel much people?
    Many hotels gouge for breakfast ala carte orders … especially room service.
    $600 per night hotel rooms …. standard rates in many cities.
    Limos? Well … that is no accident.
    Now … I’ll bet that most of the union brass that were at the NDP convention did all of that. If past experience is any predictor then for sure they did and so did the dipper leadership.
    I know that any of the media who could put it through on an expense account certainly did/would.
    The problem with Oda … is that she is a twit who continually shows a complete lack of judgement. She should NOT be in cabinet at all and needs to spend her time in the back benches until her political career is ended.

  36. Fire her ass now.There are a lot of good MPs on those back benches who could do her job in their sleep, do it better and obviously cheaper.Look at her background she has obviously been schooled at the entitlement trough,how she ever got into the CPC is a mystery.A graduate of the Bob Rae School of Economics if there ever was one.

  37. OMMAG
    yup, I travelled a lot, more than most in here, and there is no excuse for this sort of thing, period, end of song!!!!!

  38. A real massacre is needed. I understand why Idiot J. McKay has been kept around as long as he has been but, it’s nevertheless time to swing the axe. Oda and Clement? No reason at all to keep them unless they have something on Harper. Anything to do with a sheep perhaps? Hmmmmm.

  39. This is the kinda garbage that will ensure the conservative will only have a one term sitting majority witch is pathetic there is so much garbage to go through from 1970 right through until 2011 they don’t need this kind of stuff !!!

  40. It doesn’t matter who it is – could be JC hisself – they all go batshite crazy with perks once they are comfy with their privileged Ottawa sinecure.
    Better yet recall the decadant freeloader.

  41. If I tried expensing that I would find that I no longer have a job. I stay in hotels in Africa that are 350 usd a night for nothing special and 600 for the savoy is a sweet deal, but this is BS.
    I can only hope that Harper issues a public condemnation of this sort of largess and then promptly kicks her out of cabinet, but I know he won’t. This is what happens when Ontario red tories have to be given cabinet seats due to regional guilt and afirmative action.

  42. Thank the opposition for alerting him and dump her and her “Ministry of” and then announce “it’s just a start”.

  43. “The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’ she said, without even looking round.”
    In this case, the gender would be different.
