10 Replies to “Muslims 1 – Olympics 0”

  1. The previous head of the IOC, Juan Antonio Samaranch, was a long standing Member of Franco’s Fascist party in Spain.
    Go figure . . The IOC beings run by a Jew hating Fascist.
    Kinda explains things.

  2. Posted by: Fred at July 24, 2012 10:07 AM
    What? Aren’t we all led to believe that only Hitler hated Jews?
    Apparently that was a way to absolve the collective guilt, by scapegoating one man, albeit an evil man who completed the throught, word and deed formula that’s necessary for any action.
    I know of many people from many and various European nations who held the same sentiments.
    Samaranch and Spain would be the furthest west.
    Trust me, it was a common sentiment in Europe well into the mid-20th century.

  3. We can only hope Muslims boycott the Olympics instead of disrupting them. If there are no
    Muslims at the Olympics they will not be missed nor will the liberal media’s droning acceptance of all things Islam. England is going to have it’s hands full trying to prevent attacks from the religion of peace against innocents.

  4. Time for another Crusade….starting in Europe same as last time….same rules…Deus Vult!

  5. Uh, guys – this is the “quid pro quo” of holding the Olympics during Ramadan.
    And Samaranch played footsie with Moscow’s international socialists too.
