36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Dr. Michael Mann invokes the Streisand effect
    From Wikipedia: The Streisand effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely. It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt in 2003 to suppress photographs of her residence inadvertently generated further publicity.

  2. Revnant, I think that Michael Mann is both incompetent & corrupt and I almost always support Mark Steyn but I don’t agree with mixing Mann’s name with pedophilia, if even just as a comic device.
    To me, that’s even worse than the common tactic of Leftists, especially in the U.S., to call everyone who disagrees with them and/or disagrees with Obama, a racist.

  3. Not sure if anyone noticed …. but it looks like the MicroSoft part of MSNBC understands the concept of bias,dinosaurs and oblivion.
    SAN FRANCISCO — Microsoft is pulling out of the joint venture that owned MSNBC.com, freeing the world’s largest software maker to build its own online news service.
    The breakup announced late Sunday dissolves the final shreds of a 16-year marriage between Microsoft Corp. and NBC News, which is now owned by Comcast Corp. The relationship began to unwind in 2005 when Microsoft sold its stake in MSNBC’s cable TV channel to NBC.
    The inherent constraints of being locked into a joint venture sometimes handcuffed Microsoft and NBC.
    Microsoft, in particular, had grown frustrated by contract terms requiring it to exclusively feature MSNBC.com content on its own websites. That exasperation was exacerbated by the MSNBC cable channel’s strategy to counter Fox News Channel’s appeal to conservative viewers by tailoring its programming for an audience with a liberal viewpoint.
    The strategy fed a perception that material from MSNBC’s website was politically slanted, too.
    “Being limited to MSNBC.com content was problematic to us because we couldn’t have the multiple news sources and the multiple perspectives that our users were telling us that they wanted,” said Bob Visse, general manager of MSN.com.
    Ya Don’t say?

  4. Wow. Just wow.
    Thanks Robert for this fabulous offering. They descended from 4304 meters elevation to 930 meters in just over 9 minutes. What a way to fly!
    I do my explorations at a much lower altitude.

  5. The AUPE is experimenting once again with the definition of “libel”: http://stoptheripoff.ca/
    They also have a “send Alison a letter” link which still, interestingly, lets you edit the content before hitting “send” — I wonder how long it’ll be before they lock-down the content?

  6. Meanwhile in Calgary.
    China’s CNOOC to buy Nexen for $15.1-billion

    Nexen Inc. has agreed to a $15.1-billion (U.S.) takeover by Chinese oil producer CNOOC Ltd., marking the most important acquisition to date by an Asian firm in Canada.
    The all-cash deal is worth $27.50 per Nexen share, a 66-per-cent premium to the 20-day volume-weighted average for the company, which has not seen its shares reach that level since before the financial crisis. Nexen closed at $17.06 Friday.

    I thought I felt the earth move just a little.

  7. Children are our future, that’s why I’m taking the bus.
    Mommy, I want to go home…
    A civilian employee set a fire that caused $400 million in damage to a nuclear-powered submarine because he had anxiety and wanted to get out of work early, Navy investigators said in a complaint filed Monday.
    Casey James Fury, 24, of Portsmouth, N.H., faces up to life in prison if convicted of two counts of arson in the fire aboard the USS Miami attack submarine while it was in dry dock May 23 and a second blaze outside the sub on June 16.
    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/23/civilian-worker-charged-with-arson-in-maine-navy-sub-fire/#ixzz21XXJP3Cf

  8. Mommy, I want the political correctness to go home…
    LCBO sells booze to burka-clad teen
    Three liquor stores in the Greater Toronto Area recently sold booze to a 14-year-old boy whose identity was hidden because he was wearing a full-length burka and face veil at the time.
    The teenager, clad in an Islamic female’s traditional garb of a burka, headscarf and facial covering, shopped in three different LCBO stores north of Toronto last Wednesday.
    …employees may have been trying to be “culturally sensitive” in each situation…
    meanwhile…let the beatings begin…
    Egypt’s New Islamist Government Bans Sale of Alcohol During Ramadan And Other Islamic Holidays, Doesn’t Want “The Feelings of Muslims” Hurt…
    (MENA/Ahram) – Along with month of Ramadan, Egyptians won’t be able to purchase alcoholic beverages during 4 other major Islamic holidays, according to new decision by minister of tourism.
    Egyptian Tourism Minister Mounir Fakhry Abdel-Nour has decided that prohibitions on the serving of alcoholic beverages to Egyptian citizens would be applied on all major Islamic holidays and not just during the fasting month of Ramadan, Egypt’s state news agency MENA reported on Sunday.

  9. The “higher education bubble”: Even the Chronicle of Higher Education has taken notice:
    And laitleigh, I agree that the Bush interview was a good one; however, the only reference I came across on the CBC included two short clips, one in which Mr Bush described being President as “awesome” and another in which he described no longer being President as “awesome”. Those two clips were, as I’m sure you suspected, were accompanied by the customary patronizing commentary.

  10. In “the latest rankings of conservative news and opinion sites, which are ranked based upon Alexa traffic rankings,” and which even include some “middle-of-the-road or moderate sites, but they are included because they do publish conservative opinion pieces on a regular basis,” sda is Number 112 in the top 150.
    The top four are Fox News, wsj.com, telegraph.co.uk, and nypost.com.
    sda is in good standing in impressive company.
    Congratulations Kate!

  11. @ Roseberry – the reason you won’t see the rest of the interview on CBC (or any other MSM) is that it clearly shows Mr Bush at his best, which doesn’t fit within their ‘non-biased’ agenda. So sad, that they fail to appreciate any of his good qualities, of which there are many.

  12. Speaking of Toronto…
    14 year old boy in a full burka purchases liquor from 3 different LCBO stores in the Toronto area.
    tip-Sun News Network

  13. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/residential-school-abuse-claims-surpass-federal-estimates/article4436981/
    I think most of us have seen this coming for a long time. The problem of “abuse” at native residential schools was far more widespread than anyone imagined, the activists and rent-seekers tell us. Of course, with no application of due process and no serious scrutiny of the claims of abuse (as well as extending the definition of “abuse” to practices that were common to the school experiences of many Canadians in the first half of the last century), the result is not surprising. Would that we could have dispensed with the lawyers, the commissions, and the various hangers-on in the residential school abuse industry and simply cut cheques to everyone who attended a residential school (pro-rated on their years of attendance), and announced that Canada was moving on.

  14. What Drained Brain said @ 8:51.
    Good for the Menzoid and the burka clad liquor purchase.

  15. Robert W. @11:37
    Please get your reading comprehension apparatus checked out at the shop. Steyn, who was actually quoting Rand Simberg in the article, did not compare Michael Mann to Jerry Sandusky. Not one bit. The comparison drawn was between the institutional coverup of Sandusky’s heinous crimes, and the institutional coverup of Mann’s scientific indiscretions.
    Sandusky’s crimes were horrible, but fairly limited in scope, a few young boys raped, a few lives damaged. Very hard indeed on the victims, but there was a limited number of them.
    Mann, on the other hand, was responsible for the infamous, and bogus, “hockey stick” graph which was used by Global Warming Catastrophists as “proof” that we need to “do something” about “CO2 pollution”. Every last one of us is being raped in the pocketbook as a result.
    Which, in the long run, did more harm to society as a whole?

  16. Mao Stlong* shouts: dile stlaits.
    “The entire solar industry has been in dire straits, Peng Xiaofeng, chairman and chief executive officer of LDK Solar said on June 26. The continued overcapacity and shrinking product prices have impacted profit margins.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle Mo Strong, c/o Red China.
    “Local Gov’t Struggles with Solar Manufacturer’s Debt
    Jiangxi LDK’s creditors try to work out repayment deal with officials in Xinyu”
    “(Beijing) – Led by China’s policy bank, creditors of Jiangxi LDK Solar are in talks with the company’s host city government over loan payback.”

  17. gordinkneehill- Technically, Steyn did not connect Mann with Sandusky, but I have to agree with Robert. The effect of the piece is a mental comparison, and it’s beneath a responsible journalist.

  18. Blusterly lawyer’s letter aside, I don’t see how Mann was defamed. Steyn merely suggested that there’s good reason to question the competence of the University president who gave him the thumbs up after the East Anglia scandal. I hope suing the Review damages him enormously. I try not to wish ill on people too often, but this is a special case.

  19. In case you missed it, Doug Giles of Miami, who you might know from his Townhall articles, has since launched his own conservative news/opinion website.
    Since he’s fighting the same culture war we are, I hope this is not considered off-topic. I apologize in advance if it is.

  20. Of Nutty Professors*, aka Jekyll and Hyde, and Nutty Students.
    ““No program that I’m familiar with in the United States requires a psychiatric evaluation for their students,” a Colorado University official said.”
    “‘if Holmes was so odd, how did he get guns legally?’
    The same way he got his $26,000 National Science Foundation grant, free tuition and admission into the Colorado University medical school.”
    *H/T Jerry Lewis.

  21. “Harper on Nexen: don’t prejudge government”
    “OSHAWA, Ont. – Stephen Harper is warning Canadians not to jump to conclusions about whether the federal government supports a $15-billion Chinese bid for oil giant Nexen Inc. (TSX:NXY)
    Harper is telling a news conference in Oshawa, Ont., that the bid will be carefully scrutinized and assessed on the basis of whether it’s of net benefit to Canada, as the law requires.
    He says nothing has been decided as of yet and nobody should prejudge the outcome of the Competition Bureau’s review.”
    “The Famine that Mao Created”
    “There is a view current in respectable circles that the Chinese economy was market-driven for the first ten years of the reform period, but that after the Tiananmen events of 1989 it became “Leninist, statist and dirigiste”. My personal view is that that is an inaccurate observation. There have been thirty years of reform and we still have massive improvements in people’s livelihood and an annual growth rate which regularly exceeds 10 per cent. If, for the most recent two thirds of that period, this has resulted from Leninism, dirigisme and statism, we market-based economists should pack our bags and think of something else to do.
    It was therefore with some enthusiasm that I picked up Frank Dikötter’s Mao’s Great Famine, an excellent book which shows exactly how real Leninism and dirigisme work in an economy and how fast and disastrously they work. Dikötter describes in horrifying detail Mao’s Great Leap Forward of 1958 and the great famine which rapidly followed and which killed a great number of people—the real number remains hotly disputed but it is at least in the tens of millions, which makes it possibly the greatest man-made disaster in history.”

  22. O’bama.
    “Mona Charen: The most business-despising President in history”
    “Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. Casey distances himself from Obama, ‘You didn’t build that'”
    “Romney: “If you do not want America to be the strongest nation on earth,
    I am not your President. You have that President today.”

  23. Freaky Red-Green/MSM.
    “It’s suddenly easy being green: NASA satellites spot unprecedented melting across nearly all of Greenland
    Scientists say there has been a freak event in Greenland this month: Nearly every part of the massive ice sheet that blankets the island suddenly started melting”
    “Greenland Ice Melt every 150 years is ‘right on time’
    Posted on July 24, 2012 by Anthony Watts
    “Ice cores from Summit show that melting events of this type occur about once every 150 years on average. With the last one happening in 1889, this event is right on time,” says Lora Koenig, a Goddard glaciologist and a member of the research team analyzing the satellite data.”
