43 Replies to “The Left’s Winning Formula: Divide and Conquer”

  1. Enough white Americans voted for Obama to place him in office.
    Over 90% of blacks voted for Obama because of his skin colour.
    Who are the racists?

  2. When are certain politicians going to smarten up and refrain from slapping down the race card at every opportunity. It’s like trumping every good hand in some bizarre game of Kaiser from Hell.
    In addition to displaying stupidity and downright ignorance, Lucas is showing desperation by pandering to a segment of American society that thinks along her lines.

  3. Yes, of course, with the election of the first black president, we are finally presented with absolute proof of the horrible racist USA. Why those racists will stop at nothing!

  4. The self righteous turds who joined the mob in order to assassinate Herman Cain’s character don’t have to answer charges of racism, and he is twice as black as Obama is. I guess starting a race war is a small price to pay for the left in their desire for power

  5. But according to Morgan Freeman Obama is not really black right? This circular web of logic kinda has me lost.

  6. Any person who asserts what this woman is saying is either a racist or a liar or both.
    Dennis Prager’s thought experiment on this subject: If white, conservative American voters had the choice between a black conservative and a white leftist, who would they vote for?
    Corollary: If a white leftist had a choice between a black conservative and a white leftist, who would they vote for?
    End of story.

  7. “I’ve managed to convince my children that racism is alive and well.” She’s right about that; she’s leading by example. Funny, how if you’re black, the MSM lets you get away with crap like that. But if you’re white, watch out!

  8. “And for the first time in my life I’ve been able to convince my children finally that racism is alive and well.”
    There can’t be much racism out there if that’s the case.

  9. Quite the racist she is, but what race is she? Notice her hair? Did she have it straightened? African’s hair is not straight like other races. So she is either not black or she doesn’t like her natural hair and wants to look non-black. Self hatred becomes her.

  10. “We need to have a national discussion on racial issues.”
    Oh. Would she like to discuss crime?

  11. “And for the first time in my life I’ve been able to convince my children finally that racism is alive and well.”
    And there are people out there who eat this crap up.Must be the same race as the First Klingon who is now proud to be an American.With people like that calling themselves American,you don’t need outside enemies.
    Definition of a racist……a conservative winning a debate with a leftist.

  12. ‘Justthinkin’, one Black conservative called into Dennis Prager’s show this morning and explained why so many in the Black community “eat this crap up”, to use your words. He said [paraphrasing], “it’s much easier to look for and blame external forces for one’s mediocre plight in life than it is to accept responsibility and do something about it.”
    Never have truer words been spoken! And by the way, forgetting about race for a moment, that explanation could be equally applied to the the entire Occupy movement.
    It’s pretty astonishing to think that such a great proportion of America’s citizens have adopted Loserdom as a way of life. Here in Canada, the NDP and their supporters fill that role. Never did I think that south of the border the equivalent of the NDP would rule the roost. 🙁

  13. “Racism is alive and well. Especially in Virginia.” Where she was elected, no?
    Still blaming Bush for the economy after 3-1/2 years of Obama’s leadership which started with 2 years with a majority in the Senate and House.
    From wiki
    In 2008 two companies which she controls applied for Empowerment Zone bonds to build a conference center in Portsmouth, VA. The request for approval was denied by city council on a 3-2 vote with two council members who had a financial interest in the project abstaining. The companies, still controlled by Lucas, later filed a $97.7 million suit against the City of Portsmouth (home of most of her constituents) claiming the companies were discriminated against because they were led and funded mostly by African-Americans. The suit also named those Council members who voted against the original proposal and the CIty Attorney. Council later reconsidered the decision, but nonetheless still denied funding. The suit was dropped after the second denial.”
    Everything is about race to her, rather than merit, it seems.
    Is this really the best person the State of Virginia can elect to its Senate?

  14. Portsmouth is a hole. It has a crime index of 4 out of 100 (100 being the safest)and with 96% of the nation safer to live in you realize what her constituency is, thieves, murderers, rapists etc. She speaks the language of thieves murderers and rapists.
    I loved the quote, “I absolutely believe it is all about race,” Lucas replied. “And for the first time in my life I’ve been able to convince my children finally that racism is alive and well.”
    Well she either convinced her children that she is a racist or, thanks to all of her hard work, we have yet another generation of entitlement seeking African Americans.

  15. Man!
    And I though we had the real morons elected to office here in Ontario. I mean, she makes Dildo McDinky sound smart.

  16. Apparently certain forms of racism are ok. Identity politics are destroying the cooperative approach that used to exist in US politics – where, when faced with a common enemy or challenge, they united rather than marginalized each other, as exists now.
    Idiotic developments occur, where GWB racks up deficits and so-called progressives take common cause with misogynists and anti-semitic murderers.
    When will the trade union movement ever figure out that they, along with their intelligensia allies would be the first people executed under Sharia (well maybe not, the homosexuals would likely be offed first)? Answer: never, because they’ve never thought about this fully, cliches and ignorance are much easier – thinking makes their head hurt.

  17. So, she had to convince her kids that America was racist. Without her intervention, these children would have grown up thinking they were no different. More to the point, they must not have encountered racism if they had to be convinced it existed.
    They would have been better off without her.

  18. “We need to have this discussion.”
    Right. We’ve never had a discussion on race in America. Never. Nobody ever mentions race. We’ve never had any legislation directed at racial discrimination, nor any court decision. The problem with America is that we don’t discuss race enough.
    And the problem with Michael Moore is that he doesn’t eat enough.

  19. It’s pretty sad when you think about the quality of the voters there if they looked up to her enough to vote for her.

  20. “And all this time, I thought I was intelligent.
    Posted by: foobert at July 24, 2012 3:35 PM
    There there. Just watch MSNBC and you too can be brainy like what’s-her-name up there.

  21. Robert, great comments, both times.
    This is so sad that people do not stop to think for themselves.

  22. ..we get boots on the ground and shovels? …for the bullsh*t I guess.

  23. She’s right about one thing, “We need to have a national discussion about racial relations”.
    The difference of course is that she wants to rule over and steer the course of such discussions. A one way street that screams “Whip Hand”, as Enoch Powell once warned the British public in his “Rivers of Blood” speech.

  24. People are very touchy about race in a post-racial America.
    I wonder if they can be so touchy about Obama’s incompetence, willingness to legalise infanticide and deal with the mad, theocratic state of Iran without re-condtions?
    Is that raaaaaacist?

  25. If you had your Dem decoder ring on, you know that coded speach was a signal that the DNC will be plotting wide spread ballot fraud.
    Sometimes hope and change need a fixed ballot box to help it along.

  26. If America is so racist, HTF did she end up as a senator? Another gem in her moronic rant was that it was just the people who were staying home who were for Romney whereas the people who support Obozo were out of the state on holidays. That, of course, brings up the question of how this class of people could afford to take holidays given the state of the US economy?
    What I’ve become aware of is that whenever someone uses the label “racist”, it almost always applies much more to them than the target of their labeling. 90% of US blacks are racists. Affirmative action is a racist policy. Being called a “racist” no longer has the power it once had to suppress views unpopular with leftists and I love to turn the tables on people who call me a racist.
    One of the problems the US will have to face is the entitlement mentality among its black population. Current “black culture” is a glorification of the socially dysfunctional but unfortunately no US politician seems to be ready to deal with this problem. Instead they hope that black on black murder rates will exceed black birth rates so that they won’t be forced to confront the issue in the future. We can blame Lyndon Johnson for this problem.
    Had Herman Cain still been in the running for the Republican presidential candidate, conservatives would have no problem voting for him. I have no problem with an intelligent black man who supports the US Constitution serving as president, but I do have issues with an affirmative action president who is not only stupid, but is actively working to destroy the US. We need to see Obozo’s university transcripts this election; failure to produce them is even more indication that he got special treatment because he was black.

  27. The more I see black people – lying trough their teeth – claiming there is racism where there is obviously none, the more I think I should distrust black people.
    I can not be the only one.
    So many of them do that highly dishonest thing that one has to wonder if it is in their genes.
    It makes me wonder if there is in fact differences between races.
    I can not be the only one.
    In short, those shameless manipulative black people( like the woman in the video) are increasing the number of white people who will hesitate to vote for a black person.
    VERY counterproductive and very stupid.

  28. From this I’m drawing an evidence-based conclusion that the left are getting really desperate now.

  29. After listening to this idiotic babble from Lucas, the feeling I came away with is that this woman is dumb as a stick. As happey infidel at July 24, 2012 6:53 PM mentioned, it tells one a lot about her constituants. No race issues here, nope, just supporting soul brothers and sisters. Damned whities always tryin’ to put us back to the jim Crow day. We gots here fair n square thanks to affirmative action. Learned that from MSNBC and AL Sharpton. Race isn’t part of this election. Race is everything in this election. Since Obama has failed at everything he has overseen, race and class warfare is all he has left. Just may work too. If you disagree you are a racist. If you are white and don’t vote Democrat , you are a racist. If Romney doesn’t pick a black VP, he’s a racist. What it boils down to is if you are white…..and don’t vote black……..you’re a racist. All Republicans are racist. That’s the line in the sand. Vote often, to prove you’re not racist.

  30. “We need to have a national discussion on racial issues.”
    Last week my family went to Sesame Place in Philadelphia for our vacation. At the park there is a theatre where they put on a live “Elmo’s World” show. The hostess of this show picked 6 children to participate. She covered most of the “PC” bases. There were three boys and three girls, there were white, south Asian, Spanish and Native children represented. At the end of the show, a black woman went to the hostess and berated her for not picking a black child. She claimed it was a racist move, though there were a variety of races chosen. The poor hostess was reduced to tears.
    Do you know what my son saw on the stage? Six children…Do you know what her son and daughter saw on the stage? Six children…Do you know what the other 100 or so kids in the theatre saw on the stage? Six children. Race does not play into their minds, why do we need to introduce it to them?

  31. Why doesnèt every white person in the USA stand up one day and say…..YES..YES. we are racist….now can we just move along and get along. Where was all those white racists when they voted for this as-h–e i in the last election. I think they must have watched every black clone on tv telling us we are all racist.
    Do you think this Senator likes white people… I would bet money she hates white people. The reason being is that blacks are jealous of whites….after all we are good looking.

  32. Politicians such as Louise Lucas are adult toddlers – just like their supporters. Unable to differentiate between choices and consequences.
    An impossible task to reason with any of them.

  33. “Do you really believe, now, that this is still about race?”
    “I absolutely believe it’s all about race and for the first time in my life, I’ve been able to convince my children, finally, that racism is alive and well.”
    She had to convince her children? From the look of her, her children are adults now … they had to be convinced … they couldn’t draw a conclusion based on adult life experience? She been hiding them in the attic or something … ??
    “We need to have a national discussion on race.”
    What was that we all did in 2008? Wasn’t that the biggest, baddest discussion on race all of space-time … ??
    “Intelligent people understand” and “right-thinkin’ people know” that it’s all Bush’s fault.
    This woman is a loon.

  34. @ lethargic at July 26, 2012 9:46 PM
    “This woman is a loon.”
    Yup, and she’s carrying the message her constituants want to hear. She will need nothing else to be re-elected.
