Who knew drinking coffee was good for you? Not me that’s for sure. Nope, the information I’ve absorbed over the last 50 years, has as a rule triggered a twinge of guilt every time my lips hit the rim of a re-fill.
Now much to my shock and surprise, drinking coffee is apparently really good for those of us advancing in age!
“Go for Joe. You’ll delay or help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s with two cups of caffeinated coffee a day. You’ll get even bigger benefits with up to six small cups daily. (Skip this longevity booster if caffeine triggers migraines, anxiety, gastric upset, insomnia or abnormal heart beats.) your body’s real age gets about 0.8 years younger from enjoying Joe”.
….read Dr. Oz’s other 5 tips HERE

24 Replies to “”

  1. Funny, ain’t it? There’s all kinds of TV doctors, but never any TV undertakers.
    I enjoy my coffee, but I’d put about as much trust in Dr. Oz as I would in Michael Moore.

  2. Well, this certainly explains why the Mormon leadership (usually getting up there in years) behave the way they do. Hehhh.

  3. From Dr. Oz’s other 5 tips:

    No. 2: Go for two baby Aspirins a day: Both of us take 162 milligrams of Aspirin daily

    Have been taking one baby Aspirin a day for well over 7 years now.
    Here is another recent article about this topic: Aspirin a ‘no brainer’ against cancer after screening
    Disclaimer – I am not a doctor, check with a real one before starting this program.

    No. 4: Go for four sessions of cardio and resistance training every week:

    I go out with a hiking club every week. Did 19 Km round trip with 680 meter ascent/descent last Thursday. Well worth it. Beautiful scenery.

  4. The day our number is up is more genetic than life style. Jim Fixx was the perfect example of that.
    We are all born with that stamp, “Best before….”
    Live clean, eat healthy and die anyway. Last funeral I attended was a very good friend who never smoked, ate healthy and only drank in moderation. Not overweight and exercised regularly. Colon cancer@ 53. My own Doctor died at 58. Brain cancer. All this health crap is feel good nanny state activist garbage and they are experts at pulling statistics out of their ass. The cost of Alzheimers is a far greater threat to the heathcare bottom line than lifestyle abuse ever was. Live for today because none of us know what tomorrow will bring. Smoke ’em if you got ’em. (I don’t but the hipocracy and BS drives me nuts.)

  5. I’m with you peterj
    How many younf healthy fit twenty somethings have died running marathons or working out ? kids ding on the football field , you name it .
    My exes grandpa smoked teo packs a day had a cough a welsh coal miner would be scared to hear could not climb a set of stairs with out sucking wind for ten minutes after ..but died from diabetic compllications …he was also 78 years old !!!
    pretty good life to me . he had four boys one one girl , all except the girl are amazing people all work hard are reasonably successful. pretty good legacy to me!!

  6. Interviewer: So, George, to what do you attribute your good health and longevity?
    George Burns: Well, I start every morning with a glass of Scotch, I smoke three cigars a day and I end the day with another glass of Scotch before bed.
    Interviewer: Wow! What do your doctors say about that?
    George Burns. Don’t know. They’re all dead.

  7. My wife lives by Dr Oz so I should expect regular coffee all the time now. 🙂
    A funny incident was being on a trip with my wife and mother-in-law when Dr. Oz was raked over the coals for a bogus warnong he made on jam. Apparently is research failed him. Deathly silence in the pickup as their hero was exposed! Priceless.

  8. According to the “health” media, coffee is either going to save your life or its deadly poison about every other week. Along with everything else we eat, drink, wear or sit next to.
    Better than the Sunday funnies, really. Always a new scandal/miracle coming along to destroy/save the reverently reading masses.
    What kind of concerns me is the medical journals aren’t much better. Too many “studies” with ten people in them, or where the conclusions don’t match the observations.

  9. Vindicated again:
    I drink TWO leaded javas first thing in the morning while reading. For me a first-order ritual. ONE un-leaded early-mid afternoon.
    When travelling — even on long motorcycle rides — I carry a stainless steel mug, stainless steel French Press and an immersion coil for boiling water. Few things give me more pleasure than my own “gourmet” Italian roast esp. in a cheap motel. Oh, and a small digital timer to ensure the minimum 4 minute steeping.
    RED WINE. Cold-turkeyed my alcohol addiction a few years ago. Made a mild attempt to get around it asking the good doc, heh, what about the benificent effects of red wine? He smiled, “red grape juice is just as good”.

  10. A TV doc is just that: a TV doc.
    Remember, half the docs graduated
    in the lower half of their class. I wonder
    where Dr Oz placed.
    I do follow his coffee advice, though.
    Just turned 80.

  11. I love my morning coffee and have had to endure the claims of various experts over the years who’ve said it was everything from a cure-all to deadly poison.
    But my favourite claim has to be the coffee enema which was “big” in the early seventies. I used to ask the proponents if they let it cool before applying it,and was always met with a scoff at my ignorance.
    At one time in my home town in Northern Manitoba, the old folks home with about twenty residents,was home to five people over 100 years of age. I knew them all.
    Two smoked like chimneys,but the ONE trait they had in common was they all worked hard at physical jobs,farmers,ranchers,their whole life.

  12. I’ve heard smoking staves off dementia too.
    Posted by: Black Mamba at July 29, 2012 11:44 PM
    You are correct, Black Mamba. Parkinson’s too.
    I am with paul and peterj the tobacco nazis are following a WHO agenda, not about health at all – it is all about control of people …and…the smoking ban has worked for them. Lots of bankrupt bars and resturants plus the ‘benefit’ of having a ‘targeted’ group to heap derision and verbal abuse on. Beer drinkers and fat people: listen up – you are next. The industry of human hatred is never at rest.
    Big pharma will have us drooling and eating pablem in our late sixties, if all goes as ‘planned’.
    Tobacco is a pain reliever too. I know, I used it instead of pharma meds after I had a brain aneurysm and a operation to stop the bleeding in my brain. I am now, ‘different’, but not drooling, as most of the others (on pharma meds) ended up. A smoke eased my ferocious headache following the cracking open of my skull, in less than 10 minutes. ‘Put that in your pipe and smoke it’, has a positive ring for me.

  13. Jema54 – I’ve also heard that smoking (I average about two cigarettes a year, BTW, which mostly make me cough, so this isn’t special pleading) is effective in relieving the symptoms of schizophrenia. I don’t know which component of a cigarette has that effect, so I’m not going more specific than “smoking”.
    p.s. your medical ordeal must have been brutal. Good for you for getting through it so well.

  14. Was told by more than one healthcare provider that whatever you do, do not listen to Dr. Oz. He is there strictly for entertainment purposes, drawing viewers in the female soccer mom to the elderly demographic. In other words, a bunch of cud chewers.
    His suggestions have been untested and could have serious ramifications if followed. In this case (coffee) it is fairly harmless however some of the other crap he comes up with needs to be addressed with extreme caution.

  15. Thank-you for the kind thoughts,Black Mamba.
    In answer to your question, tobacco smoking allows the brain easy access to the area of the brain that releases dopamine – as I understand – dopamine calms screaming nerves and produces a feeling of well- being. When a skull is sliced wide open it severs many thought channels and paths to the memory caches; dopamine allows stressed nerves to stop screaming long enough to heal. The surgeon who operated on my head was a young and brilliant man. He waited three weeks after the initial bleed to operate and the results were ‘studied’ by every brain surgeon on the continent. He encouraged my smoking rather than not because it stopped the headaches (1983 had no real nazi’s in the anti smoking ‘business’ yet). The long wait was radical, in Canada because people don’t generally live 8 days (as I had) without some sort of treatment. I had been in Dawson City and the M.D. up there thought I had exhaustion (I was hiking in the hills). One of my friends, in Dawson City, contacted my Mom when that Dr. in Dawson City was going to kick me out of the nursing station where I had been for 4 days. My Mom phoned Dawson City Dr. and diagnosed the condition over the phone for him. It took three days to get to Vancouver and when I got there my new Dr. suggested waiting 2 weeks longer, allowing my brain to calm down before surgery and another, different attack on the brain; hopefully, for a better outcome.
    Post op I was a lot better than others, worth the risk (of re bleed and death vs living dead, drooling in a wheelchair) for me.
    Strong, black coffee is my cup of ‘tea’. Booze, not so much…sometimes artificially aged wine can knock me out after one glass. The brain is a very interesting study, IMO. Common sense and moderation are key to good health, IMO. Beware agendas; know then for what they are; robbers of freedom.

  16. I have watched the DrOz show many times and I would say it is about 75% hype and pseudo science, the rest is about 25 % science( or proven facts).
    he has no choice but to pander to his female audience ( If he wants to remain on the air ) and although I will make a few enemies by stating the truth, fewer women than men are scientifically literate – thus they are more prone to believe the hype of pseudo scientific ” ancient” remedies- which is why DrOz talks a lot about pseudo scientific treatments …
    and he focuses too much on blacks which is typical over representation.
    Watching tv these days one could swear blacks are 80 % of the population of western nations instead of the actual more or less 10%…
    But back to what is the biggest problem with DrOz ;
    he makes it sound as if hokypoky new age stuff does really work… ok a few herbs here and there have turned out to really have certain medicinal properties but most of it is “folklore” to use a polite term.
    He also has had guest who claim to talk to the dead and other such idiocy.
    but as I said that is what a mostly female audience wants to see; don’t hate me , I am only stating facts.
