The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

An ICE agent in Delaware was threatened with suspension if he didn’t release an illegal alien with 10 prior traffic violations. In El Paso, two ICE agents doing a routine inmate screening found an illegal alien who’d been arrested by cops for domestic assault; the illegal alien attempted to escape, assaulting one of the agents in the process, and was then released — and the ICE officers were questioned by supervisors regarding possible disciplinary action because the illegal alien was a DREAMer.

A lawsuit’s been filed. Go read.

17 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. Par for the course. Under a liberal tyranny, sorry government, you have every right in the book, unless, of course, you try to use them, when you have none. Jeeze, didn’t yoose guys learn that under our dead liberal God Trudeau?

  2. Toldja. As well, DHS and Border Patrol have been ORDERED not to arrest illegals at the Arizona border, and they release the ones that ranchers and AZ State Police deliver to them. Been that way since Barry took the reins. Or the reign, as I’m sure he thinks of it.
    With the result that tour groups in the Organ Pipe National Forest are lead by National Parks employees carrying AR-15 rifles and pistols. The guns are not to defend against bears, I assure you. Ain’t no bears in the desert.
    Of course the -other- result is ad-hoc groups of civilians go out looking for the drug gang mules in the desert at night, and sometimes find them. And get in firefights with them too. But mostly the civilians just find dead bodies of illegals/smugglers beside trails here and there.

  3. OTOH
    Obama’s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn
    The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.
    Fifty-nine percent of Latinos said they disapprove of the president’s approach to removing illegal immigrants, more than double the number who said they approved in Pew’s nationwide survey.
    Among Latino registered voters, the sentiment was nearly as strong, with 52 percent disapproving of the Obama administration’s handling of deportations.
    Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.
    Meanwhile, the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States has hit a decade low because of the down economy and stepped-up enforcement efforts.
    the abc news link

  4. here’s the link

  5. That’s interesting. Record high number of deportations during a time when border protection has basically been removed, but also when there is a large number of illegals returning to Mexico voluntarily.
    That tells me I don’t have the whole story, pretty much. Perhaps adding arrests/convictions of illegal violent offenders would prove enlightening?

  6. Proof positive that the whole world is upside down. Only an occasional round of sanity followed by totally flipped upside down. It’s like a roller coaster and I want to get off….

  7. Rizwan….that article is almost a year old.Not to worry.The Zero is taking steps to ensure that illegals can join the ranks of the dead and pets as “legal DEMONcRAT voters.
    What they are doing to ICE now sorta reminds me of the two border guards charged for defending themselves against drug runners.

  8. The Phantom
    Yeah funny that….more open border, reverse migration and more deportations and the presense of illegals is more obvious….some or all of these assumptions must be false.

  9. For whatever reasons, about a year ago ICE agents seemed motivated to enforce the law (mid-level Republican-friendly bureaucrats trying to embarrass the CoC perhaps? or under Obama’s whimsical orders to seek law and order votes?). Since Obama doesn’t have any use for the rule of law he has implemented Chicago thuggery to pander for votes. If he gets back in without the Senate, he will likely be impeached for this and multiple other breaches of the Constitution.

  10. There is no surge of violence connected to immigration into America period. It is all complete BS. Further, did xenophobe Lamar Smith apply his fudging to pre-Obama deportation numbers? Obama has at least maintained a very high rate of deportation with the odd sop to Hispanics because that’s what Big Labor wants. Big Labor is as xenophobic as the GOP. Hopefully the DREAM act will signal the beginning of a more rational ie open US immigration policy. Oh, and there is no chance ICE members are getting disciplined. They are cops (or ‘copesque) and therefore above discipline.

  11. And the whole backstory is crapola. The DREAM act is completely 100% constitutional and so is the Obama directive ordering a lower priority on catching unauthorized immigrants, one of the few sensible things he’s done. It is within the government’s purview to put some things lower on the priority list than others. Over-zealous government workers who violate these directives should be subject to discipline.

  12. One should ask “why” put priorities on deportations. I believe the answer is that the massive numbers of illegal aliens apprehended is more than the deportation system can cope with. If this is true then one must either be selective about who is deported OR expand the deportation system. In my view, expanding the deportation system is the better choice in terms of accomplishing the mission but it is not politically smart. In short, the system is overloaded and so serves as an excuse to accomplish other ends.

  13. LAS said: “There is no surge of violence connected to immigration into America period.”
    Oh, dude. There so is. You just aren’t hearing about it because the extra-chomosome media isn’t reporting it. Peruse the Arizona Republic on-line, some new crap going on in the Southern desert every week. Don’t neglect Texas and California, plenty going on there too.
    I’m not kidding about the armed tour groups in the Organ Pipe National Monument either, you can google that one yourself.

  14. I am not reading some BS paranoid xenophobe online rag. I deal with FACTS not delusions. There is no surge of crime in America PERIOD. As a matter of fact, according to Cato institute studies there is actually a negative correlation between immigration and violence. The whole immigration -> violence idea never made a bit of sense. Why would someone cross a border just to commit crimes that can be carried out with impunity in Mexico? Time for the right to pull its head out on the immigration issue.
