
Apathy – noun, plural ap·a·thies.
1. absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
2. lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
3. Also, ap·a·thei·a, ap·a·thi·a  [ap-uh-thee-uh] Show IPA. Stoicism . freedom from emotion of any kind. *

31 Replies to “Ho-hum”

  1. I was riding Sunday morning, stopped for breakfast and read a newspaper columnist who was wringing his hands over this quebec election. He was upset because PM Harper wouldn’t be a good “ambassador” during this crisis.
    It was a funny nostalgic moment; dead tree newspaper and a dead tree columnist stuck somewhere back in the angst days of quebec separation.

  2. Apathy. I agree. I don’t care, don’t care, don’t care.
    I’ve realized I don’t care because the power of Quebec to destabilize Canada, by its endless threats of separation, is gone. Long gone.
    First, the majority of Canadians now realize that Quebec is parasitic on the Canadian taxpayer. They may not be aware just how much Quebec takes from the Canadian taxpayer but they are aware that it’s deep.
    Second, the economic strength of Canada has shifted from that old centralism of Quebec and Ontario to the West. Quebec is, economically, primarily maintained by its population being employed in various capacities by the federal government, and by subsidized and protected agriculture. It has refused to develop a robust small business economy.
    Third, even though we have Mulcair and Rae waiting in the wings, both socialists and both pro-Quebec’s endless demands, and even though we know that we now have Harper who won’t give in to these demands…the above economic realities are stronger than any politician.
    So, I don’t care, don’t care, don’t care. Quebec is an empty chair. Its teleprompter rhetoric no longer has the capacity to frighten the Rest of Canada.

  3. Harper is the first prime minister in 50 years with the proper response to the to the Quebec crybabies (separatists). He Ignores them. They are like to 3 years old at the supermarket checkout screaming for mommy to buy him a chocolate bar. Canada has been giving in and appeasing Quebec for 50 years and the screaming only got louder. Harper has ignored it, so now its weak arguments will see the light of day. Sure they may squeak out the election victory, but these separatists are not like the Levesque separatists.
    I look forward to four years of Harper letting these separatists and socialists cry themselves out and then go for a long nap.

  4. The second sentence in the second paragraph refers to “Liberal Prime Minister Jean Charet”.
    Typo??? Or is Sun Media sending a message and no one cares???

  5. “four years of Harper letting these separatists and socialists cry themselves out”
    Agreed. Harper knows there is no future in catering to these people as the power is in the West. Who would be silly enough to think he would cater to these people any longer?
    And what’s the opposition going to do? The liberals are not stupid enough to champion this cause and extinguish themselves, and the NDP would further marginalize themselves as the party of the separatists.

  6. They just have three different ways of saying:
    Send us YOUR money..!
    I think I just need more maple syrup with my breakfast waffles.
    The rest of these wafflers just ain’t sweet enough…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. @Rick “Harper is the first prime minister in 50 years with the proper response to the to the Quebec crybabies (separatists”
    Rick, I’ve known Stephen Harper since his days with the Citizens Coalition. The man is deep down Oxford Blue. He has however, attempted to appease les Habitants by changing the government’s ‘official Canadian history’. Stephen called the people of Québec a nation. In the anniversary of the founding of Québec city, he announced that the French founded Canada. All the governors-general are successors of Samuel de Champlain, the Governor of New France. Confederation is a minor blip. Like the Grits before the Tories, all attempts at insisting that the French population of Canada will adore the rest of the population of Canada and its British history since 1759 have failed. Even when the Liberals pretended that Canada was never British it failed…not good enough,,,they know the truth…they are still victims of British tyranny, i.e., Wolfe defeats Montcalam in straight sets. The Maple Flag was invented to permit French Canada not to be offended anymore by Canada’s history. It didn’t work. The only thing rarer than the Maple Leaf in la belle province is Steak Tartare at les Halles.
    Sir Wilfrid Laurier tried to develop an understanding of the political reality and he was magnificent but as we can see in today’s papers, it didn’t work. MacKenzie King and the Grits policy of ‘Canada if necessary, but not necessarily Canada’ has not worked. Decades of paper bags under Expo ’67 and a hotel in Shawinigan did not work. Making more than half of the Canadian public service and the Canadian Armed Forces officer corps primarily French speaking has not worked. Nothing will work. Les Habitants make the grievances of Derry and Armagh look like minor complaints. The glorious French Empire of their ancestors was defeated by a brilliant, if somewhat shy, English General and his Highlanders. Then the Gentry of l’Estrie ran back home to be with Louis…and then they all lost their heads. Les maudits Anglais made a deal in exchange for loyalty to the English King, his heirs and successors, &c. &c. We’ll let you live as you always have…your society, laws, religion, culture, and schools…just remember our kindness…Je me souviens…
    The Quebecois of today despise the Georges Vanier of yesterday and his participation and advocacy for Canada. They are the perpetual orphans of a King and his governors who abandoned them.
    This is Groundhog Day Québecois. Yawn.

  8. Well, most contributors are not within hearing distance of Quebec, unfortunately, I live in Eastern Ontario – english speaking in Canada begins about here. You can hear the screams of the poor disadvantaged Quebecers. A bright light is real estate here is improving, it seems realistic people from Quebec, are probably going to move West of Quebec. For the Western Fed servants PSAC members – good news – Your Union has endorsed the Parti Quebecois!

  9. PMSH will do precisely the thing that will incite the separatists into a frothing rage:
    He will treat them as he does all of the nine other provinces. Equally among themselves but also as a lower echelon politically relative to his position as prime minister of ALL of Canada.
    Charest was a thorn on PMSHs side – a hero for the old PC progressive guard who wanted him treated with kid gloves (and he was). That is not to say that PMSH will now talk tough to the PQ, rather that there will be no discrimination – just a constructionist approach to the division of juristiction as it is laid out in the constitution.
    It is my opinion that PMSH is planning on reopening constitutional talks after the 2015 election. The complaints of the PQ would help provide a raison d’être for such talks – Quebec has not signed the current constitution.

  10. I don’t think you can blame the anglophones for being apathetic in this election. For instance, in my riding, I have the choice of voting for:
    a) Separatist (Parti Quebecois)
    b) Separatist (Quebec Solidaire)
    c) Separatist (Option Nationale)
    d) ex-Separatist (Coalition Avenir Quebec), or
    e) Criminal (Liberal)
    Regardless, my riding will go Liberal as it always does. Us angryphones have no other choice.

  11. Quebec always wants to separate but in the final hour backs off. It’s just the same old game to squeeze more out of Canada.
    Is there not some way we could kick them out?

  12. This seems to be a lot like San Francisco mayoral elections: a choice between crazy and crazier. Am I right?

  13. All of the above, well, except for I hope LAS is wrong. Enough is enough.
    I hope this is the start again of a drive toward separation and I wish them bon voyage into the socialist utopia.

  14. Its not Apathy that the ROC fells towards Quebec. Its contempt. We have found them wanting, if not hollow.
    They have no brand we wish to emulate, no respect left in the bank of Canadian views.

  15. A few quick points to warm the hearts of all you cold-blooded Conservatives:
    If Quebec un-friends the ROC in a referendum, then presumably all the MP’s from Quebec are no longer able to cast votes, collect pay, or remain in Anglo Canada, correct? That’d mean getting rid of 59 NDPers, 6 Liberals, 4 Blocists, (and 5 Tories). I can live with that. Our Parliament, the one that would vote in favour of imposing a no-fly zone, would look like this:
    161 – Tories
    44 – Dippers
    28 – Liberals
    I can live with that too. Oh, and we’d also toss 24 senators –almost a quarter of the senate. This keeps sounding better and better.
    We could forcibly move the Monteal Canadiens to Toronto, just to rub salt in the wound, and Saskatchewan could have the Alouettes (if you think they love the Riders, imagine how they’d react to a team that actually *wins* Grey Cups).
    Oh, and if things turn ugly, the rest of us are going to be thankful that Quebec was such a progressive place, with all their gun-control and registration laws.
    Happy, happy thoughts!

  16. Your Happy thoughts!, other James, and some of my own – no more French costs on packaged goods, no more irritation with the ‘bilingual slingo’ in all our national affairs, huge $$ savings on the snivil servants (no pensions for the Kebec legions), all good, no bad.

  17. Some nights as I shut down the computer (last read is SDA) and think about the state of the world I’m a tad upset.
    Tonight not so much.
    Bed bugs at the hotels in Charlotte, and (the other) James analysis of the Quebec election…I’m quite giddy at the moment.
    Good night indeed.

  18. sad news
    it seems anti-anglo ” souverainiste” Pauline Marois will be quebec’s prime minister…

  19. it seems anti-anglo ” souverainiste” Pauline Marois will be quebec’s prime minister…
    Music to my ears
