Democrat National Convention News

Kevin DuJan;

The equivalent of this would have been having Marilyn Monroe talking about the things she let JFK do to her on the same night that Jackie Kennedy was going to speak somewhere and announce her plans to renovate the White House. It was the most surreal thing I’ve ever seen anyone do in real life…

22 Replies to “Democrat National Convention News”

  1. Good to see Kevin is back at it and excellent summary of the convention so far (and thankfully he is willing to watch the event – I would be poking my eyes out if I was forced to watch that parade of dysfunction).

  2. I am glad I didnt watch it all…..what would one expect when you get a group of racist, leftist, abortionists, hate filled blacks, union losers, commies….what the heck do we expect them to say…
    They will die by the words from their own mouth.

  3. I made it a point to watch the convention. The more you know about the enemy, the better off you are.
    Besides (to paraphrase Napoleon) when the enemy is making mistake, don’t interfere.

  4. Apparently a zinger line was “if Romney was Santa Claus, he’d fire all the reindeer.” Oh that really hurts. Here’s a better one:
    Obama thinks he’s Santa Claus, but he’s overburdened the elves with regulations and taxes, while borrowing from the Grinch (China), so they can’t make any presents, so the reindeer had to be laid off.
    This seems too easy.

  5. Shamrock,to continue,”then the unemployed elves ate the reindeer”.
    Sorry I missed the convention last night. I love being shouted at by angry entitled people.

  6. I really couldn’t watch more than a few minutes at a time before I had to go to the bathroom to vomit. Reading today that the lunatic Waserman-Shultz lied again in reference to Isreal and the GOP. When is it possible for this clown to open her pie hole without lying. And my god, who are the stylists at this convention. Shultz hair looked like she stuck her hand in an outlet. And some of the worst dressed women/lesbians you’d ever find. Why is it gay men dress really nice while Gay women dress like they just came off a construction site. Perhaps there is more to that than we want to know…seriously, train wreck central is in north carolina the next few night. I also heard Obama has moved his acceptance speech from the stadium to a smaller venue because of the weather…hmmm. Or maybe because of the fact the stadium would be well over half empty played a part…

  7. So the DNC believe that government should operate like Santa Clause.
    ”If Mitt Romney were Santa Claus he’d have fired the reindeer and outsourced the elves!”.
    Oh joy, BBQ reindeer…
    Of course they forgot, that for Santa Claus to come, he needs to have naughty or nice children to visit. Unfortunately, the DNC platform is to eradicate children:
    “8. Women who seemed like they’d never be in any danger of getting pregnant screeched about their “Right to Kill Babies”. A woman named Nancy Keenan took the stage as a seemingly angry, man-hating lesbian and bellowed about how women should be allowed to kill all the babies growing inside them…which, they actually are in fact allowed to do, sadly, in this country.”
    The DNC version of stoke up the fires, is to drop a lump of coal in yours shoes, but even that may violate the environmental groups who are enthralled with Anthropogenic Global Warming.
    Well that’s all for stoking the fires at the Obama-Nation(tm) this morning. Maybe Beelzebub will address them tomorrow, and shed some Luciferian light on the matter. Saul Alinsky should do the introduction:
    “Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: … the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer. ”
    ― Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
    As for the venue change, hey you never know when a few incoming lightning bolts will replace the stage lighting…
    Democrats WILL move Obama’s big speech from 74,000-seater outdoor stadium to smaller indoor arena citing bad weather (but was it really because they couldn’t fill it?)
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. Michelle Obama’s speech was good, despite what her detractors might say today. It was a solid A-effort for a First Spouse’s speech.~Kevin DuJan
    Perfect ! Michelle Obama Just put The History of Her and Barack Front and Center ! Perfect.

  9. I watched Michelle’s speech, It was good if you like Will Smith feigning empathy.
    Otherwise lame as hell.

  10. “Her face was frozen and never moved, but that’s normal for her. If memory serves, in the past her arms and hands were still capable of basic motor function but they were locked to her sides”
    Sounds like Pelosi has had her entire body botoxed. Did it seep into her brain, one wonders.

  11. Rabbit:
    Not that I’d ask you to look but how did her ass look. Because if Botox seeped into her brain that would be where they’d have to inject it. LOL

  12. Hil-air-ee-us!
    No class at the DNC.
    Just a lot of hurdy-gurdy — and too much of Moochelle’s rear end in that dress. Hillbuzz is exactly right about the FLOTUS’s lack of style, not to mention lack of taste in defending her lameduck, do-nothing, live-high-off-the-hog husband.
    I’m making myself watch the convention just to see what they and their lapdogs in the media are up to. Over at PBS, Gwen Ifill, Mark Shields, and Judy Woodruff — the OBobble-head Triplets — (less so, David Brooks) are having a regular party, smiling their faces off. Yuck.
    I hope the Dems lose just so I can get the satisfaction of seeing Gwen Ifill’s face collapse.

  13. What bothers me about Michelle Obama’s speech is her Appeal to Pity, by her informing us that Obama has gone ‘grey with worry’ about the poor-in-America and how hard he works.
    But Obama sneered at individual hard work; remember, he said ‘everyone works hard, everyone is smart’…but you didn’t build it…the government did’. So, why does Michelle praise his ‘hard work’ as admirable? Everyone works hard.
    Then, there’s her claim that it’s right to ‘give to others’. What? Obama has a half-brother living in deep poverty in Kenya and does nothing for him. He has an illegal resident aunt in NY, living off welfare. Romney gives 10% of his income to charity; Obama gives less than 1%.
    Is it really true that Debbie Wasserman’s mother and step-father were jailed or fined for tax evasion and receiving compensation for votes?

  14. I got a kick out of how various speakers were incrementing the amount of jobs created by The ONE. I think it started out at around 2.3 million and ended up at 4.5 million. That’s 2.2 million net new jobs in the course of an evening! No wonder they love that guy.

  15. I’ve checked; I think it’s a different Wasserman family who were charged with tax evasion. There’s a site that claims they are her parents but I think it’s wrong.
    However, with regard to the Democratic Platform, they seem to be confining themselves to social issues, the immediate ‘feel good’ emotional attractors, and ignoring the economy. The economy, they seem to declare, is linked directly to the Clinton years and his mere existence at the convention will assure that the next years will be economically robust. Just because of that asserted connection. Tales from the Imaginary World.

  16. I agree with you, ET. Michelle’s appeal to our required sympathy for Obama because he works so hard, cares so much, and came from very modest means (except that he went to one of the most prestigious private schools in Oahu) is repugnant and transparently ridiculous.
    But that’s really the only tactic she’s got in order to get Americans on her and Barack’s side: to convince them that he’s had a really tough time in office (boo hoo) and that he’s deserving of our sympathy, accompanied by the string section of a major orchestra.
    Barack’s a victim! Victimhood’s always the meme of the Leftards. Vote according to how you feel about Barack Hussein Obama, not according to his actual record, which stinks.
    Kyrie eleison.

  17. I watched cartoons last night. I’m pretty sure what I saw was not only more entertaining but closer to reality than the DemocRat convention speeches.
