13 Replies to “So what the -blank- could possibly go wrong?”

  1. You need to fix the link in “So what the -blank- could possibly go wrong?” to EBD. It presently goes to your Esperanto audio. By the way, I really appreciate THAT link, since I actually speak Eaperanto (or used to), but I would like to know who or what EBD is as well.

  2. Did Obama get McGuinty to consult on this? It definitely sounds like a typical Ontario Liberal plan.

  3. ONly a socialist could take Obamacare seriously as not a massive tax & power grab. She did an excellent job describing the plan from the misinformation machine of democratic run government.

  4. Much better than attack ads to run in a election campaign. Even democrats can understand the logic behind that one.

  5. How many liberals actually know even half of those facts she is saying?
    Apparently the average liberal’s attention span is not long enough to listen to the reality that woman is describing

  6. Oz,
    I have posted things here that have been ignored and then credit was given to someone else two days later
    it is annoying , I agree
