11 Replies to “Voter ID laws bad; Military votes bad”

  1. Not that the military needs to be pushed in this direction, but I do hope the military membership serving overseas and denied a ballot in time, remember who was the governing party when they return.
    … more if the USA’s DOJ deciding which laws needed to be enforced.

  2. Its a scandel. If Canadian forces can do it cheaply , why not American.
    We all know the real reason. Most of the military vote Republican.

  3. Two words that should NEVER be used in the same sentence,”Democrats”…..”integrity”.
    These guys are less subtle than the old time Mafia in their crooked, corrupt ways, but 40% of Americans are still committed to vote for them?!
    Allah almighty,the price some people will pay for a “free” lunch.

  4. And yet all of a sudden all convention long democrats were all about how proud they are of the military and their country. I found it laugh out loud funny myself.

  5. From wikipedia
    As of 31 December 2010, U.S. Armed Forces were stationed in 150 countries.[35] Some of the largest contingents are the 103,700 in Afghanistan, the 52,440 in Germany (see list), the 35,688 in Japan (USFJ), the 28,500 in Republic of Korea (USFK), the 9,660 in Italy, and the 9,015 in the United Kingdom respectively. These numbers change frequently due to the regular recall and deployment of units.
    Altogether, 77,917 military personnel are located in Europe, 141 in the former Soviet Union, 47,236 in East Asia and the Pacific, 3,362 in North Africa, the Near East, and South Asia, 1,355 in sub-Saharan Africa and 1,941 in the Western Hemisphere excluding the United States itself.
    Within the United States
    Including U.S. territories and ships afloat within territorial waters
    As of 31 December 2009, a total of 1,137,568 personnel were on active duty within the United States and its territories (including 84,461 afloat).[24] The vast majority, 941,629 of them, were stationed at various bases within the Contiguous United States. There were an additional 37,245 in Hawaii and 20,450 in Alaska. 84,461 were at sea, 2,972 in Guam, and 179 in Puerto Rico.
    bout half a million votes pppppfft.
    Its a scandel. You’re right Revnant Dream, but you know that.

  6. Cynical, disgusting disenfranchisement of military voters.
    Shame on Obama, his administration, and the Democratic party.

  7. Disenfranchise a few thousand serving military personnel who are likely to vote against you, and support the anti-democratic efforts of ACORN and other ballot-box suffers who support you.
    In a hundred such small ways. plus a few damned big ones, are the fundamental franchise rights arrogated by progressives. Creeping socialism, indeed.

  8. Does anyone want to venture a guess as to why this isn t a major news item on the alphabet networks.I m willing to bet that Chris Mathews leg has suddenly stopped tingling until the Obama-speak explanation is filtered through their media outlets as breaking news.This will be downplayed as a non story until some other Demo-manufactured event arrives to take front and center on the news front.They will do their best to nail Paul Ryan to the cross,just wait and watch them.

  9. For all their flaws I have to give credit to Elections Canada and their handling of the military vote in Canada. Every soldier in Canada can vote in the riding they are living in or the one they enlisted in. Every base holds an advanced poll and they have copies of the ballots required for every soldier. While on a three month temporary duty gig in Quebec, I voted in my home riding in Ontario in a federal election. It must be a huge effort, for what in Canada amounts to an insignificant number of votes that would likely have no effect on the election outcome.

  10. “Six Republican senators are asking Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta personally to intervene to ensure that U.S. troops stationed away from home get the chance to register and vote in the upcoming election.
    They say Pentagon officials are ignoring a 2009 law that ordered the military to set up a special voting-assistance office at every U.S. base around the world, to make sure troops can negotiate the confusing patchwork of 50 different sets of state registration and absentee voting requirements, and get their ballots mailed in time.”

    ““The price of [the Department of Defense‘s] failure to follow the law will likely be paid this November by military service members and their families, whose voting rights were to have been safeguarded by this provision…”
