Next up, Transport Canada

“Travel to the following areas is not recommended. Canadian Consular staff may be unable to provide assistance in the case of kidnapping, assault, rape, police brutality or murder”.
Tehran, Benghazi, Mogadishu, Detroit.

* Yeah, I know, it’s just another Union busting their chops, but Detroit, MI. is the second most violent city in America….after Flint, MI.

29 Replies to “Next up, Transport Canada”

  1. Say one thing about this police association: it’s got a flair for the obvious. I mean, does anyone know anybody who wuld have picked Detroit as a destination of choice in the last 40 years?

  2. Detroit — proudly Democrat for the last fifty years (at least). Reinforces my belief that the endgame of liberalism is law of the jungle.

  3. There is no valid reason to ever set foot in Detroit.
    But then I feel the same way about Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles, and San Francisco too.

  4. Lance, I beg your pardon? I work at Transport Canada aka the the Department of Transport. Last time I checked there is no gang violence, flash mobs, etc in Tower C. I do not understand your headline.
    The only reason to go through Detroit is to cross the border at Windsor. My truck driving brother told me 20 years ago that truckers do not stop in Detroit for a blown tire, they’ll continue driving and have the wheel replaced outside of the city.

  5. You reap what you sow. This is the only result of leftism. Eastern Europe was a testament to that and now so too is Detroit. No tears here. Then again Detroit is an inspiration for any post-appocalyptic science fiction scenario.

  6. ‘Tis risky enough crossing the border into Quebec with the Quebecians marching in the streets pot banging with spoons demanding more…and more…and more.

  7. It is my understanding that Detroit has been bankrupt for a few years now. The State threatened to take over the financial affairs of the City and the Mayor threatened to burn it down in retaliation. The City cannot afford to pay its workers and have laid off policemen and firemen. There are sections of the City that police and ambulance won’t go too.
    I remember reading an article about the great Ted Lindsay. He was lamenting the fact that he didn’t go down to the Joe Louis Arena much becuase it was too dangerous.

  8. “There is no valid reason to ever set foot in Detroit.
    I did Detroit a couple of years ago – toured Motown studios, rode the people mover, watched Ford pickups being built, and went to the Henry Ford Museum.
    No problems.
    But my hotel was out in the suburbs.

  9. When Liberalism brings in the third world you become third world, look at Canada’s beef industry now with 90% of beef handled by third world people, the plants are losing their licences and shutting down.

  10. Detroit is now America’s Quebec, they need to wall it off like the Israelis do with the Palestinians.

  11. It’s probably nothing
    •Black alone – 586,573 (82.2%)
    •White alone – 55,604 (7.8%)
    •Hispanic – 48,679 (6.8%)
    •Two or more races – 12,482 (1.7%)
    •Asian alone – 7,436 (1.0%)
    •American Indian alone – 1,927 (0.3%)
    •Other race alone – 994 (0.1%)
    •Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone – 82 (0.01%)
    From City-Data.

  12. Over the last twenty years I visited Greater Detroit at least two dozen times. North/West End Winnipeg is about a decade behind Detroit’s decay – already zoned “no enter on foot’ between dusk and dawn.

  13. Back when Ford was having it’s 100th anniversary celebration, we went through Detroit and were forced to take a detour off the highway. It struck me as odd that even the ice cream trucks needed bars on their windows.

  14. If I had to choose, I’d actually take Mogadishu over Detroit. Al-Shabab has been mostly driven out and Mogadishu is WAY more economically vibrant than Detroit. Detroit is a monument to Progressivism. The nuke that hit Hiroshima did less damage.

  15. in case some one wants to visit Deeetroit, they invented spray-on-tan with a leftist scent

  16. Am I obtuse? I’m scratching my head, trying to figure out the Transport Canada reference.

  17. Am I obtuse? I’m scratching my head, trying to figure out the Transport Canada reference.

  18. @Zog…
    The fact that you can drive with a flat tire and not be pulledo ver shows how incompetent transport canada is !!
    The reason it is transport canada is that the vehicle being driven in the comparison belongwed to canadians who were passing through detroit.
    AT least that is hoiw i understood it!

  19. I was in Detroit last summer with a couple of my ‘sistas’ catching a Tigers game.The new “Tiger” stadium is right downtown. I got scammed by a scalper. I found him a bit later and confronted him and got my tickets exchanged by doing a deal with another scalper. It was a little tense,but there was plenty of cops around. My sisters were impressed.
    We went inside and got ripped off by the vendors selling Budweiser draught for $7 a ‘pint’.
    Detroit may be a bit worse than most American cities,but you have to be careful in all of them. Tourists have to use common sense. They usually only kill each other.

  20. The 1987 movie Robocop was set in then-future Detroit, which is probably roughly now, and the only thing they got wrong was their overly generous depiction of that sh*thole.
    It’s a testament to what decades of unchallenged Democrat rule looks like.

  21. Trust me Canadian cities are catching up. Just go to Vancouver, or Winnipeg. Between over immigration, with drugs plus the so called homeless ( they spend welfare money on drugs, so can’t afford an apartment) . Our once clean shinny cities are becoming graffiti pits.
    Edmonton doesn’t have gun problems, but most people now carry tire irons under their car seats, or a knife handy. Its been a slow year only 26 murders so far.
    Mean while city administrations raise their own wages. Mayors who had no money leave office millionaires. The corruption is spreading, as the real workers with boots on the ground are replaced with paper pushers as the city grows. Most new hires being relatives of said administrators.
    Never a dearth of paper minions, making over 100,000 a year.
