Hillary and Barack: The 3am Failure

Larry Johnson, of No Quarter USA outlines with even more details, what happened on September 11 – 12:

The 3AM phone call came, but it was not at 3AM. The phone rang a little after 1600 Lima (that’s military jargon for local) in Washington, D.C. And Hillary Clinton, David Petraeus and Barack Obama failed to answer. Their failure facilitated the deaths of Americans. In my opinion, they have blood on their hands.
Now let’s turn to Barack Obama. One hour into the attack on the “Consulate,” he met with SecDef Panetta and General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I can understand not wanting to put an F-18 or F-16 for a bombing run. Those aircraft cannot do precision bombing in a dangerous close situation. But there reportedly was an AC-130H Spectre gunship available. That weapon would have made a difference.
How do I know? I have good friends who flew and commanded units flying those birds. The Spectre can shoot the testicle hairs off of a gnat and are particularly effective during night time ops. Tyrone Woods had identified the mortar. This means the mortar had fired more than one round. The mortar team had a spotter and were adjusting fire. Woods reportedly lasered the mortar. That means a Spectre could have come on scene and taken it out.
Obama refused to give the order to use that weapon. He was too worried about his own election and did not give a damn about the U.S. forces in danger. The phone was ringing and Barack refused to answer the call. As a result of his failure to act, two former Navy SEALS paid the ultimate price for his cowardice. Damn you Barack Obama. Damn you.

Read it. Please read it all.

17 Replies to “Hillary and Barack: The 3am Failure”

  1. IF the MSM would show a modicum of integrity,THIS would be the “gate” that causes the down fall of the most inept President in U.S. history.
    I hope to hell the conservative talk shows and internet can keep this story of craven politicking front and center for the remainder of the Campaign to Re-elect the President.

  2. This sounds a lot like the description of Obama’s dithering on the bin Laden raid. It sounds like the same outfit described in that story that was so roundly denied by the WH. We all know what WH denials are worth these days.

  3. No one in the military would ever give that order to stand down…it goes against everything the military stands for…no soldier left behind…no matter what, you have the entire US military behind you
    Every military officer knows what that would do to moral….it would completely destroy it
    There’s only one person in this entire world that can give that order to stand down, and that person would have to have absolutely no military experience…and would have had to go against every military officer that serves under him…

  4. I’d have a hard time believing that the reason nothing was done was presidential laziness if it were another president. Still, this is bizarre. There must be some other motive. Something lower.

  5. Fox News 10 pm Sunday Oct. 28th
    Host Bret Baier announced he will be repeating his programme on Benghazi that includes everything new.

  6. Right Latitude! If anything will bring this man down, it is this sickening response (or non-response). Unless the American nation has changed over the last several years, this will bring down the whole bunch of them, including Biden and the stone-faced Clinton! However the national and even foreign media are failing to do their jobs here. Most Americans are still unaware of the whole mess.

  7. LAS, it wasn’t laziness. It was cowardice. Obama was afraid that this was going to demolish his chances of re-election. He claimed Bin Laden was dead, Al Qaeda was on the run and the War on Terror was over. All proved false by the attack.
    So like any cowardly narcissist, if he thought it so, it must be so. Stall it off and ignore it as much as possible until after the November election.
    If you want a real nightmare scenario, think of how useless this twit would have been in the Cold War.

  8. Can you imagine what it would have been like if Obama had been President on 11 September 2001?!? It took George Bush 8 minutes to figure out what to do;
    would Obama ever have figured it out?
    If Obama wins, and the Iranians load one of their new nukes into a cruise missile (the Qader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qader_(missile) or a Phase 4 Noor)
    and put it aboard – maybe an Iranian destroyer; then head for New York, dash inside the US territorial limit,
    would Obama be persuaded to do anything? And if the Iranians succeeded in taking out New York city,
    what then would the Ayatollah-loving Obama do? My bet is, NOTHING.
    To say that Obama is a Hell-sent despicable lowlife is true; he is also a dangerous lowlife.

  9. The 130 was 2 hours away. The drone that was overhead was, or was not, armed. The drone overhead was reinforced, why weren’t the people?
    If Obambam has such a set of cahones to fire on Osama where were his cahones to unleash the Hellfires as suppression fire?
    Integrated fire control systems on aircraft can pinpoint a target and lay down armament on a confined space that allows for NO collateral damage. In effect, irrespective of the suppressing fire from American weaponry NO unintended targets would have been hit.

  10. This was either the most cowardly action of a US president, or an act of treason. A US diplomatic facility was attacked and a decision was made to do nothing. I’m curious what the response would have been had a Russian embassy been attacked, especially if said embassy was within 500 miles of Russian special forces? I very much doubt that the reaction would have been to look for a scapegoat within Russia. The girly man Obozo must detest Putin who, despite his totalitarian tendencies, knows what do do in situations like this immediately.
    The sooner the TOTUS is put on the scrap heap of history, the better the future of the USA will be. I can’t think of a single US soldier who could, in good conscience, vote for Obozo.
    Obozo had better start practicing his cringing coward act as I have no doubt that this event will be fully investigated when Romney becomes president.

  11. And yet our fine friends in “Law Enforcement” continue to enable this illegal alien, in DIRECT violation of their very oath of office. But I am the troll…
    May every one of those maggots rot in hell for what they have done to this country.

  12. So, Latitude, just how many military officers are speaking out against the filthy piece of maggot shit, and resigning their commission since it is now worthless, and defames their honor?
    The stench is not only overwhelming in pigdom…
