29 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do”

  1. Poor kids, screwed over for cheap political gain at such a young age.
    Child abuse is such a tragedy.

  2. The left becomes more and more insane, forgetting there is a point when they become irrelevant in their insanity.

  3. I believe this was already tried somewhere back in the 1930s, only then the kids got cute little uniforms with their indoctrination package.

  4. Mmmmmmmhhmmmmm. Barrack Hussein Obama.
    Anyone remember that song being taught to kids by their “teacher”? You can probably still find that indoctrination video on Youtube.

  5. Mmmmmmmhhmmmmm. Barrack Hussein Obama.
    Anyone remember that song being taught to kids by their “teacher”? You can probably still find that indoctrination video on Youtube.

  6. Hopefully,one of the things on Mitt’s plate when he gets in is a FEDERAL child abuse law. Sorta reminds me of that commie Lennon’s song.Where are all the lefties “for the children” groups on this? Oh wait.

  7. About half those kids will grow up and realize that they were lied to … the other half will vote democrat.

  8. syncrodox at October 27, 2012 11:14 AM
    Yeah me too….
    Actually to be specific, I had a sudden acute, craving/need for one of them little red buttons….like in that masterpiece “No Pressure”.

  9. And the obvious question, where are these kids parents? And who are they?
    If they’re “blaming mom and dad”, then do mom and dad know they are appearing in a video subverting their own family? Or is it, as I suspect, that these are kids of Left radicals — they will actually be blaming other kids’ moms and dads: the moms and dads who don’t adhere to Left ideology — the moms and dads who would never allow their children to be politically exploited like that in a video.
    Take a good look at these kids’ faces folks — you may in fact be looking at a face of one of your future jailers if Obama’s “utopia” (i.e. dystopia) succeeds.

  10. Funny how they always claim it’s “for the children”, yet will exploit those children to no end.
    Any time I see the Left use kids like this,it reminds me of that great scene in “Cabaret”,where the young NAZIS sing “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”.

  11. The left has not been able to put together a coherent argument for decades so they have been resorting to different tactics. The use of child surrogates (everyone loves children!) is most distressing not only because it shows how intellectually bankrupt they are, but also exposes their willingness to exploit the most vulnerable in our society for their own ends.
    And I, too, feel the urge to kill a poley bear.

  12. Some teacher and some school principal – or whatever they call them now in California – put this together and made it happen.
    Who are they?
    Where is the prosecutor?
    Certainly there is a law in California that can interpret this as child abuse.

  13. The only way this would be more honest is if they all wore khaki colored shirts and red kerchiefs around their necks.

  14. Someone, I can’t remember who, said, of the Spanish Civil War, ‘the communists had all the good songs’. That’s certainly no longer true. Their little performance here is nothing more than a dirge; certaunly not a stirring anthem. They should try listening to the Horst Wessel Song if they want to hear something that gets the blood racing. I’m sure that there are some communist celebrities that could have come up with something better. Bruce Springstein, perhaps?

  15. In an earlier thread involving Lena Dunham I exclaimed “Whoring & Pimping of America’s youth by O’antichrist” this is far worse. These poor innocents know not what they do.
    Unlike the “young adults” of America these children are being abused; put out to front for “idealogs”…reminds me of the Khymer Rouge. Eerie spooky sh@t.
    What’s Kate’s prayer for California? An earthquake needs to swallow O’ & fellow turdy’s up. Hear my prayer Lord!

  16. What did the ‘gimme, gimme’ generation expect? The generation that flaunted the gold standard principles that made and kept our countries free should not be surprised that they have spawned such nasty, repugnant beings.

  17. When you out-source your children’s education to the state, this is now inevitable. It’s no longer “public” in the traditional sense, the institutional left now owns it. Knowledge, critical thought, history and reason – all gone in exchange for green narratives and leftist indoctrination.
