Reader Tips

This offbeat video comes from a university a German friend of mine is attending in Sweden. It’s not quite clear why a moose has a British accent but, other than that, I didn’t have any other qualms with the narrative. 🙂
Your offbeat or mainstream reader tips are welcome, as always, in the comments.

38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Good video Robert.
    One thing always amazed me about Swedes. It looks like such a great place, yet they all moved to Minnesota and Saskatchewan. Go figure!

  2. Plainz, perhaps not everyone of Swedish descent is a devout socialist. Perhaps some valued economic opportunity just like legions of people from every other part of thew world did. I imagine that’s why they made the move.

  3. This was a very strange video Robert, but then Swedes are very strange people. I know because a Norwegian told me so, and they should know.

  4. $43 trillion lawsuit:
    … Attorney General Holder acting in his individual capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former “communications director” for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign)…

  5. Here’s an agenda item for Kate’s first international user conference/cruise ship tour (which I’d be more than happy to organize — with help, of course; why not get together, meet each other and have some conversations in person?)
    I’m a Del Mastro sort of character, so why don’t we take what he’s saying to heart? On the other hand, here’s a howler:
    “Many websites, including, yes, The Globe and Mail, have struggled with what to do about online commenting. Most news websites either allow anonymous comments or verification through other social media accounts.
    But any legislative approach to limiting online speech would be “enormously problematic,” said Michael Geist, a law professor specializing in the Internet and online commerce at the University of Ottawa.
    “Del Mastro is right that people often say things online with the veil of anonymity that they would never say if identified or commenting in person,” Mr. Geist said. “We need to work on better online etiquette, but banning anonymous speech isn’t the way to do it.”
    Geist and the Mop and Pail are way over the top funny (peculiar, ha ha or pathetic — your choice), don’t you think?

  6. Today, libertarians are Santa because I have a (small) bag of links for you. I am ever generous.
    First: Moody’s downgrades Canada’s banks
    Can’t wait to bail them out.
    Second, Harper capitulates on unilingual AG, tries to shove French further down our throats.
    Third: another great column by Coyne (almost goes without saying). How SOE investment benefits all.

  7. A Mann sized lie!
    The Norwegian Nobel Institute has today made a statement affirming that climate scientist, Michael Mann lied when he claimed he was a joint winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Mann and his hot shot lawyers have thus violated Rule 11(a)( 1) and( 3) with Mann’s affadavit that may now be shown to have knowingly sought to mislead the court.

  8. Las your a moron!!
    No conservative is opposed to a forgien govornment taking over our natural resource companies!!
    They are against communist dictatorships , who have an appalling human rights record , have stolen our technology , have committed countless copy right infringements, and basically down right fraud , manipulated their own currency in order to control the market taking over our natural resource companies.
    If china played by the same laws rules and regulations we do I would have on problem with the takeover but unbenounced to your dumb ass you are void of any knowledge of Chinese history , so again you spout off like you “gotcha” but you end up once again sounding like a typical lefty … Geary turney before speaky !!
    Little tip for you las .
    It is better to have some one think your a moron , then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!!!

  9. This stinks to high heaven.
    Up to 40 percent may vote early in election; Obama ahead.

    “Early voting, which began in some states in September, is now underway in nearly all 50 states, either by mail-in or in-person voting. Political scientists who specialize in early voting predict that a record 35 to 40 percent of all U.S. voters will cast their ballots before the November 6 election.”

    I can’t shake this image of former Acorn staffers stuffing envelopes in basements and backrooms across the country.

  10. EBL:
    I checked your link, and nowhere does it show evidence that an ac-130 was IN THE AIR over benghazi. As far as I can determine they never left the ground in italy 400 plus miles away.
    Now they should have been scrambled over to benghazi the moment there was news of an attack, but being told to stay on the ground versus not firing when in position to fire are VERY different things.
    If there is IN FACT proof that an AC-130 was overhead and it was ordered not to fire I will be one of the millions calling for someone’s head pronto.
    But, until then we need to continue to pull the threads of leaked intel to find out where the Stand down order eminated. I think that – as Levin has said – there is no plausible way that obama did not directly make or approve that decision.

  11. Obama’s incompetence led to this failure. I do not know if he was directly told what was going on or not. But he did say the buck stopped with him.

  12. Gord, 😉
    Yes, I’m waiting for this storm to open up just a little bit more. There could be hundreds of service people in Germany that watched the entire event in real time. I imagine if they had the Septre in the air we’ll hear of it soon enough, Though if those rules need to be broken, possibly not until a new sheriff is in town / Washington.

  13. Ebl:
    I have seen that link already. And yes the use of the laser would “imply” a AC-130 was on station. But it does not prove it. There could be other reasons – as I outlined elsewhere.
    Such a red-hot piece of info as that being an AC-130 being on station and not firing will not stay secret for long – too many people would have known and there are manifold ways for any one of them to leak it.

  14. @ Gord Tulk at October 27, 2012 3:28 AM
    I too have been trying through dozens of links to see if a C 130 was overhead. As near as I can determine , there was not. A Drone definately. Armed, no information at this point. C 130 not given permission to fly. Painting the target might have been on the misconception that help was on the way. Regardless, I’m so ticked off I’m ready to blow a fuse.

  15. AccuWeather headline uses “Historic”:
    >>> “Historic Sandy Targets New York, New Jersey, Delmarva”.
    Here is the counter-factual at the bottom:
    >>> “Not So Historic”.
    “Brad Johnson’s ‘Frankenstorm’ malfeasance masquerading as idiocy”
    “Harsh headline, I know, but when you read what former Climate Progress propagandist Brad Johnson of the TV weathercaster pressure group “Forecast the Facts” has sent out in a press release late Friday regarding hurricane Sandy, you can only be left with one conclusion; he’s purposely anti-science and anti-factual wrapped up in a bought and paid for political wrapper.
    This isn’t the first time he has claimed punishment from on high is retribution for not seeing climate issues his way, readers may recall he blamed conservative states for bringing tornadoes upon themselves by not acting on the climate issues he and his fellow propagandist, Joe Romm were pushing at the time. Three scientists, Kevin Trenberth, Michael Mann, and Gavin Schmidt provided quotes to make that exercise in Tabloid Climatology™ complete.
    Here’s his press release today, followed by a factual rebuttal. Bolding in the body of the PR is mine.”

  16. Mark Steyn belts this one out of the park.
    “Yet the commander-in-chief declined to give the order. So Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods fought all night against overwhelming odds, and died on a rooftop in a benighted jihadist hell hole while Obama retired early to rest up before his big Vegas campaign stop. “Within minutes of the first bullet being fired, the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied,” said Ty Woods’ father, Charles. “In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured, and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision.””
    Lots more at the link.

  17. Of O’narcissist: “*The disillusionment and disenchantment are agonizing.”
    “the 2008 election that saw Barack Obama come to power was no exception – more than 75 per cent of voters in the region cast ballots for him. Now, a lot are sorry they did.”
    “It was not supposed to be like this.”
    “*This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”
    “Obama needs Ohio, but Ohio is not so sure it needs Obama anymore”
    “Barack Obama – Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?
    Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. – 8/13/2008”
    “*The “small people”, the “rank and file”, the “loyal soldiers” of the narcissist – his flock, his nation, his employees – they pay the price. The disillusionment and disenchantment are agonizing. The process of reconstruction, of rising from the ashes, of overcoming the trauma of having been deceived, exploited and manipulated – is drawn-out. It is difficult to trust again, to have faith, to love, to be led, to collaborate. Feelings of shame and guilt engulf the erstwhile followers of the narcissist. This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  18. “It’s not quite clear why a moose has a British accent”
    “A Møøse once bit my sister …
    No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge Nordfink”.

  19. If china played by the same laws rules and regulations we do
    They will. If they don’t, the SOE can be charged. Better a bird in the hand…

  20. flip at October 27, 2012 11:32 AM
    Have seen the same speculation by astute bloggers and it certainly makes sense. But without evidence it remains speculation. If it turns to fact with evidence, Obama is toast even if he wins.

  21. British Explorer Prepares To Dig Up 140 Mint Condition Spitfires Buried In 1945
    “More than 25 years ago, British farmer David Cundall overheard a comment from a group of U.S. veterans who said they buried an unused fleet of World War II Spitfires in the Burmese jungle.
    The rumor wedged itself in his mind and he resisted it for more than 10 years before finally satisfying his curiosity.
    The satisfaction didn’t come cheap, and over the last 15 years Cundall spent $210,000 of his savings on trips to Myanmar, the country formerly known as Burma, looking for the aircraft before finding them earlier this year. Now he’s been given the government’s permission to dig them up.
    The original find was thought to be about 20 planes, but updated estimates put that number at 140.”

  22. @ maz2 at October 27, 2012 7:17 PM
    Guess they have’nt heard that the whole thing is a scam. Can’t fix stupid.

  23. USA/France: voters’ remorse.
    “Hollande in crisis talks amid gloom”
    “Factory closures and spending deficit have fuelled voters’ doubts over ability of president to lead country to recovery”
    “Democrats’ huge lead among female voters is crumbling as concerns about the economy cost them”

  24. MSM Flip-Flops.
    It’s over. A preference cascade is turning into an avalanche. O is being buried.
    “6th major paper to flip from Obama in ’08”.
    Key words: “Breaking from 40 years of Democratic endorsements,”.
    (1972: Nixon buried McGovern).
    “Des Moines Register endorses Mitt Romney for president, becoming 6th major paper to flip from Obama in ’08”
    “The Des Moines Register endorsed Mitt Romney Saturday night for the presidency. Breaking from 40 years of Democratic endorsements, the Register cited the economy, job creation and an ability to work across party lines as reasons for their support of Romney.
    “The former governor and business executive has a strong record of achievement in both the private and the public sectors,” the paper wrote in its endorsement. “He was an accomplished governor in a liberal state. He founded and ran a successful business that turned around failing companies.”
    The endorsement breaks the pre-existing tie in endorsements from major papers in Swing States. The Register joins five other papers — including the Orlando Sentinel and South Florida Sun Sentinel — to flip its support from Obama in 2008 to Romney in 2012, giving the GOP nominee the lead in Swing State newspaper endorsements.”

  25. Posted by: ES at October 27, 2012 12:23 AM
    // The Norwegian Nobel Institute has today made a statement affirming that climate scientist, Michael Mann lied when he claimed he was a joint winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. //
    The response to Morano’s blather has been so swift
    // Morano must know that (1) the certificate on display at my facebook page (and is available here for anyone to see) is the precise certificate that was sent to me and *ALL IPCC LEAD AUTHORS* […] It is an actionable lie to claim either that (1) I did not receive such a certificate or (2) that I in any way modified the text [….]. //
    that one observer speculates that the IPCC mention by Mann’s lawyers was bait to elicit more actionable claims by the National Review set.
    // Now some, not Eli to be sure, may wonder what happened. Morano has never backed off. His usual is to double down. However, in this case Mike Mann has shown that he can make more trouble for Morano than Morano can make for him, an interesting switch for Morano. One can bet that lawyers were consulted. One may wonder if the Nobel Prize business in the complaint against Steyn and Simberg was a trap? //
