6 Replies to “Leaks, lies and Libya”

  1. It seems CBC basically shut down TV in the Parry Sound region…..and to placate the uproar….they instituted a plan/programme where those who apply get FREE satelite TV.
    It seems their mandate to provide pinned them into this….at taxpayer expense.

  2. GALLUP:
    Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters.

    Racists Sum a Bitches.
    George F. Will
    Hey George, I voted early!

  3. Not a whisper of the Benghazi fiasco at Nat’l Newswatch,the only story on the U.S. election is about Republicans bringing in ID laws,Headlined “Voter Suppression”.
    If the U.S. MSM is as quiet on this as the Canadian media, only a small percentage of voters will have any idea it’s an issue.
    Meanwhile Prez Obama is acting the heroic leader in the Northeast,defying the perfect storm,standing in the wind to assure HIS people that he is on top of things.
    To quote a much reviled Leader from bygone days, “sometimes you wonder whose side God is on”.

  4. Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate,
    Ward said Facebook pulled the re-posted meme down within 7 or 8 hours and suspended the SOS account for 24 hours.
    In other words, Facebook put the Navy SEALS in timeout in order to shield Obama.
    How low can you go?
    With Shrillary lying to Wards father,,, I don’t know.

  5. Victor Davis Hanson’s The Wages of Libya over at NRO describes how Careers have ended over less than the administration cover-up.
    When the government systematically misleads and cannot establish a believable narrative, almost everyone involved is eventually tarred. The final chart of those officials in the Nixon White House who were devoured by Watergate was vast — and so it is becoming with the disaster in Libya. If we have learned anything from Watergate and Iran-Contra, it is that the longer officials deceive and obfuscate, the greater the number of wrecked careers and reputations
    The cast of characters stars Oblameya, Shrillary,Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Press Secretary Jay Carney, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Martin Dempsey,CIA Director David Petraeus.
