50 Replies to “News Flash: ‘No One Is Illegal’ Hates Jason Kenney”

  1. They sure say a lot of words with emotion, does that mean the accusations are true? Like if the words are spoken in a monotone, would the accusations be false? Hmmm…

  2. The second chick said “supposibly”. Ha ha!
    What a bunch of ‘tards. These are the people who work ceaselessly to make Toronto suck. So far, they are getting the job done.

  3. And whereas the leader of the Gaza s#!t disturber flotilla isn’t a raving anti-semite!?!?
    I’d heard the immigrant populations actually rather like Jason Kenney.

  4. Upon reflection Nov. 4th sounds like an excellent opportunity to show up with a fun sign (“Jason Kenny ROCKS!”) a video camera, a big huge dog and a pound of bacon.
    Sadly I’m washing my hair that day.

  5. Open borders.
    Massive Welfare state.
    A peaceful & co-operative citizenry.
    Pick any two. Lose the third option.

  6. I haven’t seen phil for a few days but maybe he can go explain to them the importance of getting to work and not taking handouts from those who do work.

  7. We’ll see how many actually show up.
    Were they reading from a teleprompter?
    It’s hard to believe that they’ve memorized the catechism.

  8. And I thought we had wackos in California! Maybe this goes to explain where they came from… (just kidding – we grow ’em ourselves).

  9. pok @ 8:57
    I suspect they only memorize a few words.
    Jason Kenney
    poor people dying
    They keep those firmly in mind, and let their tongue do the rest of the thinking. All they come out with is accusations, and no context. These are progressive elites!

  10. “No one is Illegal”, that must also go for Christians and Jew Zionists. They have feelings too you know.

  11. I wonder how many of these dingbats plan to march the next time a white Protestant family from England, Scotland or Ulster is denied permanent residence and threatened with deportation because some ugly, fat French cow of a immigration cop found out one of the children had a cold once, which will clearly cost the Queen more than the new heart, liver and wooden legs the Frenchwoman will need on account of her diabetes.
    They, of course, will be deported because the child is supposedly likely to become a public charge—not because the child is white and is being raised to speak English and profess the Protestant faith, and may well grow up to vote Conservative, Wildrose or Social Credit.

  12. John >
    “Maybe this goes to explain where they came from… (just kidding…..”
    They simply haven’t pooped in this nest enough to move onto greener pastures yet. California or places like Detroit would be too “Liberal” for these little monkeys. No room for “Change”.

  13. Wonder what will happen when Hammad from the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid meets Ms. Goldstein from the Jews for Whatever.

  14. Dear ok/new/so, don’t you ever get tired of this illiterate facade you put on every day?
    I certainly do.
    You aren’t fooling anyone with this crap. If you show up on Nov. 4th I’m going to let my giant dog drool on your pants.

  15. The Phantom >
    “don’t you ever get tired of this illiterate facade you put on every day?….. I certainly do.”
    Not me, every time I see “ok/new/so’ or other trolls whining and winging I know we’re winning.
    Makes me want to give more money to the Honorable Stephan Harper each and every time they squeal in pain.

  16. This is a classic example of brainwashed individuals and how you create mass hysteria.
    As mentioned many times before, you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes a mirage of reality.
    Have firsthand experience with this from a socialist country run by communists.
    These people are so much into this made up thing, there is no chance in hell, that they will think like anybody normal for a long time.

  17. I like the distinction ok/new/so makes between real Muslims and those faux Ismali Muslims… seems they don’t act or dress like ok…imagine that…

  18. Awww… they are moderating comments on the video to control the message. Just like fledgling editors for the CBC. Isn’t that cute.
    No democracy or freedom of expression here…

  19. Wow…where does one begin. The left wing lunatics keep giving Canadians more and more reasons to realize just what our Liberal and NDP parties believe in. Absolute drivel. Keep up the good work…it will assure four more years of sane sensible government.

  20. Well, this old horse soldier, at least momentarilly fantasized about borrowing a horse and a sabre…..

  21. Go Jason Kenny go…!
    Just ignore the “Cantankerous Cumquats Coalition for the disunion of Canader”.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  22. This induces anger. Get all the Muslim scum out of Canada. There should be a counter demo with pitchforks and torches. Time to scour the shire.

  23. John at 9:00 AM
    “And I thought we had wackos in California! Maybe this goes to explain where they came from… (just kidding – we grow ’em ourselves).”
    At least the nutcases up here keep their clothes on. See – winter is good.

  24. Freaks…..all of them. No big surprise, nothing to see. Oh, by the way, when is Canada going to deport US Military deserters?

  25. ok/so/new, I will feed the dog bacon before he drools on your pants. Yummy, smeary, greasy bacon. He’s been taught to jump up and lick with deadly accuracy. He can also recognize the smell of halal goat curry from two hundred yards.
    ok said “I’m melting, mellllltiiiiing…”
    By the way, if you want to experience -real- pain and anguish from immigration, you should try immigrating to the USA as a college educated Canadian white male. Don’t cry to me, Argentina. You got the red carpet treatment here in Canada, don’t even try to pretend otherwise.
    sasquatch said: “Well, this old horse soldier, at least momentarilly fantasized about borrowing a horse and a sabre…..”
    Telling you man, big dog, pound of bacon, video camera. Best part, your arm won’t get tired. ~:D

  26. Supposed to a low of 0 degrees on Sunday night, looks like a good time to bring out my water truck and give these greasy whingers their first bath of November. It is my civic duty to wash scum off the sidewalk. Keep Toronto beautiful!

  27. Robert
    Please don’t do that again,
    4:54 mins of my life wasted.
    Phantom, you should know better by now, if you have that much time on your hands even reading those posts, after all never can be to careful, of all the to do things in life ….. its not one of them.

  28. Open borders is a shining goal too bad this women is really interested in hating Kenney. Not that Kenney isn’t the most overrated cabinet minister by far. All he’s done is basically move to impose S13 on Canada’s borders.

  29. This is a classic example of brainwashed individuals and how you create mass hysteria.
    – Lev
    In Brave New World, my just-in-time re-read, they’re referred to as hypnopaedic phrases. Excellent coinage there Aldous.
    “migrant communities”; “status for all, services for all [paid for by some]”; “Roma Refugees” [the new hotness] fleeing the Nazis … ad nauseum. Stunning paradox there eh?: fleeing the much-loved Europe!
    As a rock-hard libertarian the “no one is illegal” fascinates me for, in an ideal world, this would be true. If I’m not mistaken in the Edwardian era, passports weren’t required for international travel.
    But of course the plebs didn’t have access to international travel as capitalism had not yet delivered this mass blessing. And of course we didn’t have welfare [majoritarian stealing] states.
    My very favourite hypno word is access. It’s just THERE to be accessed. Not created by industriousness. Scarcity is a hoax, yunno!

  30. Yet another great reason for not living in or near Toronto.
    And – oh dear God! – curiosity got the better of me. There was something about “Free Wallmapu” in the closing credits.
    Googling that was a mistake.

  31. When I look back on it, Lobotomies may not have been such a bad idea after all. If you toilet trained them they might even make good pets. Sigh………

  32. Probably none of the twits in the video read SDA, but, if they do, I offer this:
    you made your little video on a street corner in Canada where the worst thing likely to happen because of it is that some people will call you names. OK, the Phantom might show up to your protest with bacon. You get to call us “racists”.
    Try it in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Pakistan where if you’re lucky you’ll only wind up in a re-education camp.
    If Canada doesn’t have the most generous immigration and refugee system in the World even after the ‘horrors’ Jason Kenny has recently inflicted, it’s definitely in the top three. So, enjoy your protest on November 4 and perhaps feel just a bit thankful when you wake up in your own bed on November 5.

  33. Think I Kenney Jason job fine doing.Don’t want we people immagrants who like don’t cultur ours.Home stay if Canada don’t like you,for Canada is Canadians.Face in yours ok.

  34. I guess you have to be “queer” in order to say queer. You can tell that they all drink the same koolade though. Trouble is they probably don’t know what the koolade reference is about.

  35. If no one is illegal, can we flood this country with Syrian/Egyptian Christians, Chinese greengrocers and Indian Hindus? You know- people who will consistently vote/act conservatively?

  36. Jason Kenney really is leading he way in immigration policy. Americans would be wise to implement a similar policy.

  37. Let’s look simply at Sue Goldstein shall we?
    1. Female
    2. Jewish
    3. Queer
    4. Westerner
    Yet somehow, she thinks the Muslim world is on-side with her, while Israel is her enemy.
    Talk about being stuck on stupid.

  38. What is Jason Kenney ‘leading’ us to, aside from applying S13 to Canada’s borders and making it slightly more difficult for poor foreigners to come to live in Canada.

  39. Now I know why Ontario’s credit rating is going down the toilet.
    At the rate the Ontario welfare-bum state is going, pretty soon it’ll actually be against Federal regulations for Canadian banks to hold Ontario bonds as collateral for OTC trades – because they are of too low quality!

  40. What pathetic losers. That “Amelia Murphy Beudoin” from Queers Against Israeli Aparthied” is also a Queer for Khadr – she was stalking Michael Coren at a pro Khadr demonstration – I think an appropriate answer for her would be to hand her over to Khadr’s Taliban buddies. I’m sure they will respect her non gender normative lifestyle choices

  41. Yeah, join the real racists while they vilify everyone else.
    Just what Canada needs. More people who hate how we live show up to complain, than threaten to kill us .

  42. After watching this herd of Moonbats, Dingbats, Islamo-Fascists and Wankers, it must be apparent that Minister Kenney is doing his job well in keeping the Queers and Kaffirs out of Canada! That shows that Minister Kenney should deport this disagreeable lot to clean up Toronto. Send them back to California’s Universities where they came from!

  43. Jason Kenney rocks!!!!!! He’s plugging the sieve that is Canada Immigration. The people in the video would let in Stalin as a refugee.

  44. Who’s willing to bet that’No one is illegal’ goes hand in hand with ‘stealing my tax dollars to fund your lifestyle’?
