We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Wind turbine makers are stalling decisions on whether to invest in new manufacturing plants in the UK, pending clarification from the government on its future energy policy. Several large companies, including Siemens, General Electric and Mitsubishi, are pondering building manufacturing plants in the UK, but will make no decision without firmer assurances from the government. The repeated insistence from Osborne that the UK’s energy future lies with the gas industry – a new “dash for gas” is under way, with the government clearing the path for 20 new gas-fired power stations – has unsettled renewable energy investors. “The constant talk about gas is not reassuring for us,” one wind investor, who could not be named, told the Guardian.

As is so often the case, an article best read from the bottom up.

8 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. Bird Blender factories and planned wind farms are shuttin’ down all over the USA. Ending of the stupid subsidies is the reason.
    It’s sorta like the guy with the oil filter….”ya can pay me now or pay me later”….except after paying a whack upfront the consumer then has his power bill skyrocketing.
    The Brits are just conceeding the obvious.
    The scammers are bailing cause they know the party is over.

  2. This is the tail of the Long March Through The Institutions. Wind farms to me seem like the swan song of the 1960’s cohort that chose government as their career. The cynical, indoctrinated @$$h0les among those I went to school with, pretty much.
    If you want to find out where the corruption is in a country, just go look at which party in which level of government is pushing the windmills.

  3. Meanwhile in SW Ont it is full speed ahead with the industrialization of the province’s best cropland to build the useless whirligigs. The McGuinty plan is to start construction of as many projects as possible, before the Liberals join him in retirement. Once the true cost and waste is known, it will be too late to halt development.
    That at least is the Liberal plan.

  4. Reading the comments at the Guardian is like an alternate universe where the _Real_ economics of heavy duty power engineering (never mind the technical aspects) is some magical stuff that can be wished away.
    I was going to comment but it became obvious that too many of them are religious ( leftism, greenism) fanatics whose mind will not be changed, they know the truth.
    The funniest thing? They are perfectly happy to have power prices many times the going rate ( if the the market were allowed to operate) not seeing or caring that it makes them all much poorer, not JUST in the electrical bill dept, but because their entire industry/economy is hobbled by it.
    “Felony stupid”

  5. They haven’t gotten the memo in Doan country either, 83 bat whackers are being assembled and put on line within the next 2 months. In sight of the Battle River Generating Station.

  6. “If you want to find out where the corruption is in a country, just go look at which party in which level of government is pushing the windmills.”
    Phantom, there are governments of every political stripe financing windmill production right now. The corruption is not particular to any political Party but to a ruling elite whose SOP is fleecing the taxpayers.
    In my riding a Conservative businessman is building thousands of electric vehicle recharging stations in the U.S., just his small,multi-million dollar part in the whole renewable energy scam.

  7. Maybe you cannot blame someone for recognizing a business opportunity & capitalizing on it. But, I suspect those who are on the gravy train are crony capitalists with good connections to politicians or swivel servants looking for a bit of graft.
