Sen. Roberts on Benghazi

Senator Pat Roberts on the Benghazi event during Greta last night. Probably the most fair, but damning discussion I’ve seen. Here’s a former Marine asking the CINC to clear the air. He gets it. Politics matters, but this is more important. This is about the whether the trust between leadership and the pointy end of the spear is broken.
Previous to Roberts was Sen. McCain who reiterated the questions that Veterans, Nat.Guard, and Active members are asking. Anyone, anyone, who thinks these kind of questions from those willing to serve are a good thing needs their head examined.
Western society can not survive indifference from those who normally would be willing to kill and be killed; there are too many wolves.

18 Replies to “Sen. Roberts on Benghazi”

    Mark Levin Explodes on Benghazi: This Is a Full-Fledged Cover-Up!
    Mark goes incandescent on the “Obama-Nation(tm)”.
    Yep, whose gonna serve in the military when the Coward in Chief lets you get fragged by mortars courtesy of Al-Qaeda on full HD drone TV into the situation room?
    But then maybe that is what the Dullard in Sleep really wants…decimate morale among the military because they don’t really serve his purpose, that is if he has one.
    The “Obama-Nation(tm)” simply isn’t engaged; he is in a somnolent slumber straight into disaster.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. The role of “this” Congress can’t be any more important than dealing with Benghazi after November 6th. It is not reasonable to continue with a corrupt Administration that tells everyone to F***-off . No need to continue this nonsense if the Constitution has failed. Arrest the bastards or prepare to Lock & load.

  3. Drip, drip, drip. All they need is someone to open the tap within the next couple days and all hell will break loose. One brave soul to put his career on the line with the proof we know exists. Just like Nixon denying Watergate until the proof was out there. Still 4 days to go.

  4. I thought the Media was finished in 08. Frankly they just threw themselves in the fire over this. They are naked to our eyes to what they really are now. Bums on the take . Ideological drug addicts . Thats wouldn’t know truth from falsity if you hammered it in there brain on a nail.

  5. This is how Rome fell. The citizens no longer believed in the values of being Roman, the politicians broke their faith with the people and the legions who defended them and the Legions lost faith in the leadership of Rome. Why fight and die for a cause that is willing to waste your sacrifce to further thier own narrow ambitions. Rome on the Potomac is falling.

  6. Romney needs to put out an ad geared toward the Armed Forces: Under a Romney government, you won’t be left behind.

  7. The fallout of the handling of this affair is a feature not a bug.
    I believe the current president wants a demoralized military, wants the all-volunteer service eliminated and looks to re-institute a compulsory draft, returning us to a military that looks a lot like the military of the late 60’s early 70’s.

  8. Carter, Clinton, and now Obama. All these presidents had attacks on US embassies (not to mention other targets) occur during their administrations. And their responses to these attacks were ineffective and half-assed. Maybe the problem is that democratic presidents project weakness to America’s enemies. Too bad there are too many moronic voters who easily forget that democrats are gutless and will pander to their enemies.

  9. Robert L at November 2, 2012 1:37 PM
    Yer probably right.
    Although Golda Meir had resolve the aarabs assumed because she was female, she was weak. However when Begin was elected Sadat moved post haste (“I will fly to Isreal.”)
    wheat01 at November 2, 2012 2:47 AM
    ” 10th crusade now overdue.”
    Regretably you are probably right. I envision no other long term solution.

  10. “Western society blah blah blah” is not going to be destroyed by one incompetent ruler. If “Western society” were so fragile it wouldn’t be here.
    We haven’t begun to see what can happen, in terms of military takeovers, general strikes, and various forms of insurrection and civil war.
    Just think, for example, that the Roman Republic could be described as “great”, but ceased to function politically around 100 BC,
    and after a 60 year struggle (a very bloody struggle) was replaced by a great empire. That empire lasted nearly 600 years in the west,
    and endured in the east until 1453.

  11. Is there going to be a poll at SDA on the predictions of the Messiah/Fascist Corporate Running Dog race,as per the popular vote?
    Obama 51%
    Romney 49%
    “In 1796, Federalist Party candidate John Adams won the presidential election; by finishing in second place, Democratic-Republican Party candidate Thomas Jefferson, the Federalists’ opponent, became the Vice President.” From Wikipedia.
    I like this idea,might force politicians to represent the voters instead of their Party.

  12. Ezra Levant predicts R 295 and O 243 electoral college votes but his track record is about the same as mine. Shiny pony getting the snot beat out of him….wrong. Wildrose party…..wrong. Hope for 1 out of 3.
