Actually this is from her 1977 appearance on William F. Buckley’s Firing Line, where she discussed the topic, “What Have We Learned From The Failure Of British Socialism?” But given that transforming America into the failed socialist England of the 1970s seems to be one of Mr. Obama’s goals, it dovetails perfectly with the choice today’s American Voters face.
Make the rich pay!
Lady T’s only peers on her level of integrity, clarity of vision, strength of moral character and historic achievement are the best in world history.
Like a Churchill, Reagan, Gandhi, their contributions benefit great swaths of humanity beyond their borders and lifetimes.
Let’s see if deceit and corruption wins another four years Tuesday, or if we avert ruination.
And then hope Romney gets a chance to reverse the rapid slide to the failed euro socialism model we see virulent in the USA today.
Reagan brought down the iron curtain and freed millions of communist slaves. In so doing this has caused a great realignment in the geopolitics of the world. The west had grown fat on socialism used as a tool by the west to keep the masses quiet and focused on the Communists. When Reagan tore down the wall, the millions of captives who had been making inferior products for their captive market behind the wall got a shock. They recovered from the shock and quickly adopted western manufacturing methods with western corporations supplying everything in order to reap great profits. So now the second great unravelling has begun. The race to the bottom, in wages and living standards etc. The socialism handed out freely in entitlements in the west have been found to have bankrupted all western nations. The EU countries inhabitants are very angry that the heroin of socialism is being withdrawn and must be paid for, its the paying for the free lunch that they do not like. This is the same story in Canada and the US, Japan etc. What the final outcome will be no one knows for sure. Probably war. The fiat money scam is just about at an end. The literally hundreds of trillions owed in sovereign debt will bring about a complete collapse. Germany and other nations have been as quietly as possible moving their gold back home. I think probably for the rebirth or reconstitution of their national currency. So they can start again. Sadly for Canada the dupes Chretien and Martin sold all of Canada’s Gold Reserves off at 250/oz. Like the so called economic genius’s they proclaimed themselves to be. Sucked in like the rubes they were, and the generations that grew up in Canada since the Communist Trudeau days, clamour for more free lunches and googaws. When the collapse comes it will be devestating for those who are not prepared. “A prudent man forseeth evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on, and are punished.” Proverbs 22:3
Since the creation of the Fed 99 years ago, the gold standard has been tossed overboard in favour of fiat currencies globally. Politicians, unable to discipline themselves, have unleashed the worst destructive power to cover-up their mistakes and their corruption, and to promise voters what could never be delivered.
During the Reagan and Thatcher years, it was still possible to reverse out of the mess. Now, we are beyond the point of no return. Japan has lost 23 years trying to work its way out, to no avail. After nine quantitaive easings, their currency continues to strengthen. Its largest companies have lost their competitive edge and are on the verge of bankruptcy.
Japan survived because it was the only country experiencing this. Now every country has been infected with the disease and none can survive as each will fall like dominoes, one after the other, with the US last to succumb. As von Mises warned, there is no escape from a debt crisis.
After the collapse, people will force their leaders to return to honesty, in currency, in governance, and in commerce.
“During the Reagan and Thatcher years, it was still possible to reverse out of the mess.”
Wow all the rose colored glasses out there.
Reagan ran the largest deficit in American history
(to that point) Why is it you are still paying for star wars.
He did nothing about the fiat monetary system. Also laid the ground work for the following recessions, by changing the laws so the Banksters could rob you legally. If you look into the real reasons the wall came down, and power behind it. It had more to do with what the pope was doing behind the scene then what Reagan did.
Perhaps rose tinted glasses to some extent. One has to ask if the Reagan deficits worth the cost if it meant the collapse of the Soviet Union? Sure the Pope was involved but he didn’t destroy the Soviets. American military spending and the strategic realization by the Russians that they could not afford or compete in the Star Wars technology race caused their collapse.
Reagan and Thatcher provided leadership that has not been equaled since. You have a point about the monetary system but at the time I am sure the Russians were seen as a bigger threat.