This Is Awkward

Oh, Shiny Pony!

In November 2010, Trudeau told a Quebec television show that he was tired of Albertans running the country and that, whether it was Jean Chretien or Brian Mulroney, Canada is better off when Quebecers are running the country.
“Canada isn’t doing well right now because it’s Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn’t work,” Trudeau said in French to interviewer Patrick Lagace on the Tele-Quebec program Les francs-tireurs (The Straight Shooters).
Lagace then asked Trudeau if he thought Canada was “better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans?”
Trudeau replied: “I’m a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec… This country – Canada – it belongs to us.”


Update: Trudeau summons his best substitute teacher skills to draft a stinging rebuttal.

108 Replies to “This Is Awkward”

  1. The LIBRANOS just can’t help themselves…
    “All a you NEP oil profits are belong to us…capice!”
    Yep that is the ticket back to power, Justin’s got it, NEP Part DEUX!
    Yesterday David McGuinty, today Justin Trudeau, I will be waiting for the Bob Rae slap down and grovelling apology in due course.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I know it’s over a year old,but if ever a story screamed for the headline of”Things you won’t see on CBC”

  3. The ones he thought were the best prime ministers, were all the worst prime ministers in Canadian history.

  4. Now there’s a pile of doo-doo from the Shiny Pony that would glow in the moonlight. Let’s hope some bright journalist asks the Shiny One if he still feels the dame way?

  5. Canada runs better when Quebec is in charge, eh.
    Would that be the Quebec that has one corruption scandal after another? The one that uses the threat of separation to blackmail the rest of Canada but everyone knows is too weak to actually leave? Or the Quebec that is an economic basketcase that has never been off equalization welfare?
    I’m not sure what we are supposed to admire.

  6. Quebec, and a lesser extent Ontario, are not relevant to Canada and with their attitude and expense to us actual Canadians, shouldn’t be welcome here. They could be Gaza to our Israel.

  7. Quebec, and a lesser extent Ontario, are not relevant to Canada and with their attitude and expense to us actual Canadians, shouldn’t be welcome here. They could be Gaza to our Israel.

  8. Quebec, and a lesser extent Ontario, are not relevant to Canada and with their attitude and expense to us actual Canadians, shouldn’t be welcome here. They could be Gaza to our Israel.

  9. Peter Van Loan got this on the record today in the house today in his response to the Thursday question

  10. Peter Van Loan got this on the record in the house today in his response to the Thursday question

  11. The stupid jerks just can’t help themselves can they? “We know better than you, we’re smarter than you, we rule better than you.” How about you guys go f— yourselves.

  12. Can anyone say, “Hidden Agenda”?
    The whole party is anti Alberta and anti Western Canada. They don’t hate the West as individual Canadians.
    They hate the West as not conforming to the eastern Canadian values of philospher king led statism.
    Uppity folks from the West think they should be able to make their own decisions and have their own views about property and civil rights. How dare they!

  13. This is the attititude of the top 25% of francophone Quebecers – the ones who read and appreciate French literature. There’s them and redneck riffraff, whose duty is to obey the elite of Quebec.

  14. This is real journalism! We should thank Sun News Network for resurrecting this 2-year-old video so we can get angry about it as if it happened yesterday. News!

  15. @ Ian:
    Its called vetting, due diligence etc. That’s what the media is supposed to do when someone is running to lead a party that has the possibility of running the country.
    That’s what the old school media used to do.

  16. This will have no impact on anything. Everyone already knows the Liberals hate Alberta. The problem is that most liberal-leaning people think it is acceptable to hate Alberta.
    Hate someone because they are female, black, gay, asian, muslim…then you are unelectable.
    Hate someone because they are Conservative…well, in many places now, that’s what’s expected. It’s the last acceptable prejudice.

  17. That apple didn’t fall far from the teee. This country tolerates another Trudeau at it peril. Don’t let this happen.

  18. It’s about time we considered the Western Canada option, an autonomous region within Canada, with NO equalization payments unless we feel in a generous mood.
    It doesn’t matter if the video is two years old,this guy is being touted by the LPC as the next Prime Minister,so everyone should be fully aware of his opinions.
    Liberals hound conservatives over everything, even if it happened or was said twenty years ago,so exposing Justin-the-Cute in a 2 year old video is fair play.

  19. By “nous,” of course, the Get meant French Canadians. Not even just the Liberal Party—trust me, Liberal MPs from Quebec and their cousins in the PQ all worked for the same master.
    The Get is carrying on the plan of his father, may he burn in Gehenna for all eternity, which differed from that of the separatists only in grandiosity. Rene Levesque, may he burn alongside Pierre Trudeau, wanted a Catholic Republic purged of Protestantism, Jewry and English language, liberty and law only in Lower Canada. Pierre Trudeau wanted for the Laurentian Republic that his accursed race would rule with an iron rod the whole of British North America.
    Every French Canadian dreams of the happy day when he’ll have the run of Westmount, smashing in the skull of every Englishman in his path and grabbing everything in the poor man’s house that isn’t nailed down—before giving the Englishman’s daughter what he thinks she deserves for snubbing him in a pub on rue Crescent. Trudeau pere and fils are merely daft enough to promise him that and the chance to have the run of Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver for good measure.
    That’s why Justin can get away with talking like this, just as Parizeau was cheered when he railed against the “money and the ethnic vote,” code for Lower Canada’s Protestants and Jews who allegedly stole the country the French thought was theirs by divine right. In English, if he plans to win any votes there at all, the Get has to pretend that he values the opinions of the plain people of English Canada or anything of theirs but the tribute and tithes they pay the French Canadian elite. In French, of course, there’s less need for the Get to lie about it, same as his father never needed to.
    If you’re not an inbred cretin from lac St-Jean or a Plateau ponce, as long as the oil money keeps flowing into Montreal, Justin will have no interest in giving you any say in government. The Protestants are an embarrassment and a nuisance that must be endured, in the short run, for as long as they keep paying taxes—in the long run, only for as long as it takes to replace them with a Third World rabble glad to clean Justin’s toilet with no more memory or desire for British liberty than they do of visiting the moon.
    As for the Jews—well, I think his father’s policy of importing Muslims wholesale speaks for itself. A country belonging wholly to French Canadians will have no place for Jews even as slaves.

  20. Please Liberals, elect this goof ball and see what happens. This chump screams “unelectable” on many levels.

  21. I don’t think that old Upper and Lower Canada have ever understood why the West wanted in. In Locke’s words, the main purpose of men uniting into commonwealths and governments was for the preservation of their property. Prime Ministers from Quebec were/are too comfortable with taking over the West’s property – wheat, hunting rifles, energy. Ontario politicians and journalists turned a blind eye and shrugged because the property rights of vulgar people working in vulgar occupations in unimportant places was of little concern to their personal interests. The Reform Party that sought to only restore property rights to Western Canada both scared the bejesus out of them and angered them.
    With the talk of energy strategies and carbon pricing cheered on by central Canadian politicians and journalists this old, destructive pattern continues.

  22. And again we see the typical divisive policies of the liberals. They only care about Ontario and Quebec. The rest of us who are west of Winnipeg are seen as unimportant and treated as enemies. If Justin were to be killed in an avalanche like his brother I wouldn’t shed any tears. Anyone who grew up hanging out with tyrants like Fidel Castro isn’t worthy of living in our country let alone leading it.

  23. LC Bennet: the “west” didn’t really want in. Most of the land transfer from the HBC was enforced by the British crown. BC was bought off by Canada taking over its debt and buying them a railroad.
    When I go to NFLD there are still some people who talk about how they were betrayed by being forced to join Canada.
    Anyway here we are. Personally if Quebec wants to go its own way, I welcome them to do so.

  24. Justin, why not keep quiet instead of confirming my worst fears on your dad’s treatment of the West, NEP in particular.

  25. langmann, “The West wants in” was more polite than the real sentiment…F-off and keep your dirty paws off our livelihoods, you greedy b******s. IMHO anyway.

  26. This chump screams “unelectable” on many levels.
    Um. Opinion polls show that the Liberals could go right to government with Trudeau at the helm.
    The Liberals in the 90s certainly weren’t bad for western Canada. Alberta’s oil patch prospered. Will glib Trudeau of 2 years ago govern or will the visible Trudeau of today who approves of the Nexen deal govern?

  27. .Every French Canadian dreams of the happy day when he’ll have the run of Westmount, smashing in the skull of every Englishman in his path[…]
    —Dick Slater
    Not all of them, maybe 60% but not all of them.

  28. Trudeau, both the elder and the younger, are operating in the old Liberal mindset.
    This is frozen in the era of the 1950’s. The population of Canada was about 11 million in 1940, with 8 million in Quebec and Ontario and 3 million..the rest; it was 13 million in 1950 with the same centrism. The economic and political power was centrist, located in Quebec and Ontario.
    Two things happened. The economic and population growth shifted to the West. Centrism, which is the default position of the Liberal party doesn’t recognize this; their membership is locked into Quebec and Ontario and they simply aren’t aware that their old prewar Canada is totally different.
    From the 1970 and 80s, Quebec became economically static and ‘no-growth’. Ontario slowed and reduced its growth, due in large part to unionization which transfered profits to wages rather than to Investment and Production, and the growth of big government services requiring higher taxation.
    In addition, Quebec’s francophone population moved out of its rural domain and local home economies – where it had existed refusing to participate in any industrialization of the province, leaving that to the ‘anglophones’. BUT, Quebec didn’t take charge of this industrialization. Instead, it moved its urban population into a bureaucracy. This was aided by the Trudeau’s 1980 Charter which inserted bilingualism into the federal government.
    Since the majority of Canadians are not and never will be bilingual, this moved the federal bureaucracy into the control of the urban quebecers. Industrialism continued to leave the province.
    The Liberal Party remains entrapped in the East and in the old notions of a paternalistic and centrist govt. Since it is operating only in these images, these ideas, and not in reality, it relies on emotions for its support. Then, there’s the NDP, which is also operating in concepts rather than reality. Heh – put the two together, Mulcair and Trudeau – that’s an interesting fight.

  29. I would love to see the west separate as long as we don’t have to take Vancouver and the lower mainland.

  30. I’m sorry.
    Justin Trudeau is simply a moron. ‘Too dumb to sit in the House of Commons, let alone be a party leader or — God help us, either that, or put us out of our misery — Prime Minister.
    The bubble this asshat lives in is pretty thick and, obviously, opaque, not see-through. The Shiny Pony’s can’t see further than the end of his nose or his Librano bias. I can’t stand looking at him or listening to him.

  31. Andrew Coyne ‏@acoyne
    Really don’t think there’s any way to rationalize, defend or explain away Justin quotes. Best he can say: he was pandering, didn’t mean it.
    Michael Den Tandt ‏@mdentandt
    As for Alberta, we can now move it “off the board” as a potential Liberal comeback zone, if it ever was on the board. #cdnpoli
    Gerry Nicholls ‏@GerryNic
    Liberal Party comeback was nice while it lasted.
    Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More
    Dean Skoreyko ‏@bcbluecon
    Love to hear from those Liberals who were praising McGuinty for ‘doing the right thing’ by resigning, call on Trudeau to do same

  32. Quebec politicians have a long tradition of saying one thing in french to Quebeckers and another thing in english to the rest of Canada. I know, since I speak both languages and grew up in Quebec.
    What we need in Canada is the equivalent of the memri institute, which translates the insane, anti-semitic ravings of the arab/islamic leadership and media in the middle east, to translate the pronouncements of french speaking politicians here in Canada. It’ll either help to shift the political landscape in the right direction or force the politicos to make their message at least quasi consistent across the linguistic divide.

  33. Peter you forgot Kate at Macleans
    “He brought his best substitute teacher skills to the table with that one”

  34. Oh, c’mon, people!
    I’m sure that what Justin really meant was “Central Canada is better off when there are more Quebecers than Albertans running the country.”  Looked at that way, he’s really simply agreeing with Western separatists.
    Justin’s motto: “My Canada — everything you can see from the top of the CN Tower on a clear day.”
    The little dimbulb.

  35. J.T always appears minus his claxton horn and red plastic nose.
    I never see his foot wear so I can’t comment on their size.

  36. Thank you SunNews!!!
    We were wrong when we said, “He has his father’s looks and his mother’s brains”. Even his mother had more brains.
    Hopefully we will see bits of this clip again, just before the next Federal election.
    Btw, Aaron Wherry is a Liberal f*rt catcher from way back.

  37. The Quebec license plate says it all, (translated) “I WILL REMEMBER”.
    This is a war of words and the heart because of the beat down the French received at the hands of the English on the Plains of Abraham in 1759.
    They have not forgotten and have not forgiven, and that bitter rotten root in their hearts’ need some healing.
    Just as in the battle back then, the French troops were beaten in 15 minutes because the English troops, under Wolfe, found a new and more effective battle plan and formation, which the French could not resist. The French relied on the battle formations and tactics which they had used back in Europe. They did not progress and could not think outside the box. They were stuck on stupid, no creative thinking, just did the same-old-same-old.
    The same thing is happening today. Justin is stuck in the past, thinking that the same-old tactics and ways of the past will get you through in this new world.
    That is why Justin will not become PM. He is unwilling to recognize that the times, they have been a-changin’, and he is stuck on the past and on stupid. The West (read: PM Stephen Harper) represents a new way of doing business, with new ideas and products, which are what propel and drive this country at this time in history. Justin thinks that Quebec has the God given right to hold the rudder, which has now, it appears, to have broken off in his grubby little mit.
    All I can say is, “just-in the nick of time”!

  38. This just confirms my belief that if the internet, and some competition to the CBC where around in 1963, his father would have never have been more than one of the “nobodies in the backbench”.
