15 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Why not? Membership is a great excuse to get out of the worst part of winter, though it’d be better if HQ could be closer to Miami I suppose. Don’t take it seriously. It’s all part of a long-running comic opera and means nothing to the lives of real people.

  2. It meets the standards of the UN these days. As its become just a guide to the lowest human standards there are. The lower the better to include as much human scum as possible. The Marxism Muslim way. You see where supposed to be even lower than the slavers. Since where not as multicultural as them. I,m sure they know no inequality in the sorts of slaves they use.

  3. “means nothing to the lives of real people.
    Posted by: 49erDweet at December 11, 2012 3:39 AM ”
    And just how long have you been living in Mommy’s basement?

  4. Revnant Dream, “It meets the standards of the UN these days.” This nails it perfectly, as the UN today is mostly a collection of thugocracies of one sort or another.

  5. It will never change on its own. It will never change as long as Obama and Harper are in power. It will never change as long as Reid heads the senate. So, who cares?

  6. If it wasn’t so costly, it would be a great Abbot and Costello type of movie, these people are so stupid they are comical, but unfortunately, diabolically.

  7. We are somehow slowly improving it by participating? The same reason we vote for Conservative parties that implement Liberal policies.

  8. When the USA decides to “off-shore the UN” for cost savings, to say China, we will be ‘saved’.

  9. I’m just curious as to how much money, Canada forks over to this ‘Human Rights Council. Time for Canada to toss the UN to the curb.

  10. That news probably brings a warm & fuzzy feeling to Tommy Mulcair and all the rent seekers who operate the Canadian Human Rights Tribunals.
    Because they always stick together and support each other.

  11. Gee, the UN operates about the same as China. How come we want to ‘invest’ our resources with China, but not the UN? 🙂

  12. Yesterday Anderson “bleached hair” Cooper had a lawyer on discussing Rights of the Child crap from the U.N. Wouldn’t let the interviewee get one sentence in without interrupting and changing topic.
    Of course the other side’s “expert” could deny and make his point unimpeded

  13. Ah this slavery thing….
    Despite all the noise about the “inside passage” which brought african slaves to the americas…despite the fact that the majority went to Brazil….that 3times as many europeans were enslaved by the Muslims of the Maghreb (Barbary Pirates)…
    The Barbary Pirates depopulated the european coastal regions by raids and the migration of the residents into the interior. Raids as far north as Ireland and Iceland removed entire villages.
    It is speculated that the final demise of the Greenland Vikings was a Barbary Pirates Raid…according to Inuit oral history.
    Mauritania is not the last refuge of the Muslim slavers. Covert slave trading, of Agricans, into the Persian Gulf occurs to this very day. Now the slaves wear electronic ankle bracelets.
    Back in the day, white slavery of european/american women was prolific. Operators such as myself made a good living, pursuing slavers into the Rub Al Kali….the world’s worst sand box.
    Slavery despite the best efforts of the despised colonial powers in the 19th century is still a feature of the MENA…..that anti slavery project is probably why “the colonial powers” are so despised.

  14. Old country boy, why would and why should the UN change on its own?
    The UN was set up in 1945 as a forum for international debate and rapidly imploded to a site for the corrupt economic and political agendas of the undeveloped third world versus the developed West. As such, UN is a major beneficiary to these corrupt Third World regimes. There is no way, in an open economic market, that these regimes could receive the massive funding and support from the West – except via the UN.
    The UN, in itself, is corrupt and filled with misdemeanours, failed agendas and so on.
    Your suggestion that Harper supports the UN is nonsense; the facts show the opposite; he refused to address the UN General Assembly.
    But, the UN still exists as an infrastructural part of the world and its existence is part of the socialization of every Canadian child. It can’t be rejected that easily because of that image. It would take a decade to re-educate the public about the UN.
    The US provides over 25% of the funding to the UN. Under Obama, I agree, this won’t end. Canada provides around 3.2% of the UN’s 15 billion dollar budget.
    But there is no way that Harper can, even with a majority government, take Canada out of the UN. The Liberals and NDP are bonded to it as a utopian institution, and we have to remember that well over 50% of Canadians tend towards those two parties.

  15. It’s an affront to civilized people, which is why it doesn’t bother liberals one iota. Bush should have told Kofi to plan for a new home. Not in the heart of a country that most members despise, and whose policies they seek to thwart. Sadly, nobody has the cojones to do such a thing.
