38 Replies to “Free Kathy Shaidle!”

  1. I can’t remember when I first heard of her, but it’s great to see her success; no insider connections, just hard work, intelligence and a great deal of courage. I have also been impressed by her refusal to back down in the face of law suits. It’s easy to see why she would infuriate an overrated “ass kicker” like kinsella.
    (She still has bad taste in music though….)

  2. Kathy Shaidle is da bomb, baby! Love some of those comments too. The trollocracy got an emergency call-out, looks like.
    Here’s what I don’t get about the whole Montreal Massacre thing in Canadian culture: why is some short chick from Hamilton just about the only person in Canada calling all the MEN who walked out of that thing cowards? I’m thinking back, I can’t remember another instance anywhere that -all- the men in a building just peacefully walked out and left the women to die. And then the media says nothing? Seriously?
    What kind of country is this?

  3. I’m always amused at the likes of Catsmeat trying to butt heads with Kathy, its likened to him stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson. The predictable thrashing he gets from her, would educate a normal person, but Warren, like an obsessive toddler playing in its diaper, goes for it again.. With much the same results.

  4. Phantom, it’s not the country. It’s the gutlessness of the left. This is why there are no liberals in the infantry.

  5. I will confess that “come and get me, you fairies” has become part of my lexicon when dealing with airheaded political correctness.

  6. Phantom, I started calling out the cowards years ago, and the common excuse I got was ‘did you know one of those guys committed suicide because of this’ I would dutifully respond by saying, he should have, what he did was shameful.. boy does that ever get you banned from the ceeb and Glob and Wail in a hurry. I agree with Kathy on this point, more importantly, the question needs to be asked, what would be the outcome, if one of the women had a concealed carry permit?

  7. Love Kathy! Warren is so dated, “ass kicker”?
    That’s a joke.
    He is doing such a good job “ass kicking” his Liberal Party is in third place and the “Great Justini” is warming up to be the Leader.

  8. Poor Warren “wee-wee” Kinsella. Can’t understand and can’t stand the derison he invites.

  9. Warren is still choking on his chinese cooked cat fur…
    I expect WK’s next text will be entitled “Who flung dung?”
    Maybe WK is secretly obsessed with KS…
    But then Kathy should be flattered as they say in the war business:
    “If you are taking lots of flak, you’re probably over the target.”
    As for the Montreal Massacre, the perp was just unhinged, so as a male gun owner I feel no need to genuflect to some misappropriated “High Holy Day” to LIEberalism.
    As regards Dec 6th, I prefer to celebrate St. Nicolaas of Myra, who gave away his gold to prevent young girls from living a life on the streets. Its a more compelling story…
    As the leader of the group “Sh*t from Hell” he can have all the Hell he wants; but he probably won’t enjoy it.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Kathy’s CHRW podcast is a great listen…”Never Hear the End of it Day”…Ha! Oh, and Katsmeat should stick to hunting bathroom Nazis, he looks slightly less foolish.

  11. WK attempts to browbeat and silence woman, gets his ass kicked. WK regroups, attempts again to browbeat and silence woman, gets his ass kicked.
    Repeat ad infinitum.

  12. I love Warren. I love it when he comes out with this wild and crazy stuff. I love it when he writes articles about Justin-The-Moron and extolls the virtues of his ‘triangulation” theory. I love it when he gets on his knees to photograph a tiny swastika on a door in the men’s room. I love it when he suggests that Chinese eat cat.
    And I especially love him when he tries to trash
    Shaidle and she kicks him square in the nuts.

  13. As any good shrink would say,there’s something beyond just disagreeing with Kathy Shaidle at work here, it’s…it’s almost something….sexual, on Warren’s part.
    Yes, like the Preacher who lusts after prostitutes, Kinsella is obsessed by Shaidle because he WANTS her,in the biblical way.
    Rave on against Shaidle ,Warren, but we know what’s really at the root of it!

  14. Phantom – my understanding is that one of the young men involved later committed suicide because he felt so guilty about leaving the women in the classroom.

  15. I confess, I used to have a grudge against Kathy. She looks, and speaks a lot like an ex-girlfriend. That swayed my opinion, and I feel bad about that. Come to think of it, after a very long cooling off period, that ex-GF had some good points, too.

  16. What’s blinding is that Kinsella things disagreeing with someone else’s politics is a perfectly acceptable reason to abuse the government’s power.
    He is neither fit to live in, nor does he deserve to live in a civilized society.

  17. I wonder how Cat’s meat would like the tables being turned, everytime we find out he’s appearing in public we could contact the venue like he allegedly did to her?

  18. Nice to see someone has picked up the WK smackdown baton.One would think Warren would shy away from messing with coservative women after Kate left him licking his wounds,feline pun intended.

  19. I’ve always said that WK is a horse’s ass.
    Kathy’s got more guts and bigger balls than he. Ironic, as he prides himself on being a founding member of a punk rock band called “Shit from Hell.” Now, that’s perceptive.

  20. “Asskicker”…hmmmm… as I glance down to my keyboard, I can’t help but notice the ‘L’ is directly next to th ‘K’. I think that might explain a lot.

  21. The mere fact that Sun news pays the septic Kinsella a penny, keeps me from watching or reading much Sun news, like I turn off Tamara Holder and Juan Williams on Fox, I don’t read or watch any person that is as stupid as Kinsella and all lieberals, I will not pay for their stupidity. Why? Kinsella is a moron. If one was dull enough to put into practice any liberal doctrines, they would fail, look to failures to find out what does not work, look to successes to see what does, only because we’ve entered this pathetic nutless PC world of, “what do you think we could season that meat to make it better Mr. Dahlmer” world of media do idiots like Warren have any soapbox at all to constantly fall off of.

  22. I disagree that Sun should stifle Kinsella.
    First of all it’s a freedom of speech issue.
    Secondly, it’s only prudent that we listen to opposing views so that we may be better prepared to refute them.
    Thirdly and most importantly, it gives us an opportunity to publicly mock him.

  23. I am with you Bartinsky. If I want to have my intellect insulted by ageing pasty faced liberals that never grew up – I can read the Glob And Snail or the Tranna Red Star. Those rag sheets are where swine like Kinsella belong because that idiot hasn’t written anything worth reading in his wretched life.
    I know that it is bad manners to wish ill on people; but some are so filthy and putrid that common decency doesn’t apply to them. It is sad but true – Canada would be a better place tomorrow if Kinsella got run over by a bus today.

  24. I laughed out loud at the Joan Tintor “whatever the hell this is” link. Oh, Warren, you funny little ass-kicker you.
    “I wonder how Cat’s meat would like the tables being turned, everytime we find out he’s appearing in public we could contact the venue like he allegedly did to her?”
    Posted by: Rose at December 11, 2012 2:30 PM
    I’m so up for that. He really has it coming.
    Takimag is weird, though, isn’t it? Taki Theodorosnuffaluffagus (I don’t do Greek names) has always been a some-of-my-best-friends type anti-semite, and his comments section really goes to town in this direction.

  25. The best part of this is that Kathy Shaidle is precisely what Warren Kinsella wishes/thinks he is and tries to be.
    And he knows it.

  26. Here’s a recent Kinsella Sun column, in the paper on or about Nov. 27:
    WK: “Stephen Harper once said Canada was ‘a second-tier country’ with ‘second-rate status.'”
    A letter to the editor a few days later pointed out that what Harper actually said was that Canada was or might become a “second-tier socialist country”. The omission of one crucial word distorts the quote, and the meaning thereof.
    If Kinsella’s misquote were a deliberate attempt to besmirch the reputation of the PM, the latter might have grounds for a lawsuit.
    WK: “[Harper also said] that there was a ‘national culture,’ and that ‘ethnic groups’ need to ‘integrate.'”
    Well, yeah, isn’t it that “national culture” that the lefties are always trying to protect with the arts handouts and radio and TV regulation?
    Is Kinsella saying that the arts handout industry should be abolished? Please elaborate.

  27. Warren Kinsella has become in the flesh, that most wretched of human conditions. A walking talking cliché. He is imbued with so much of the spirit of the age, hes become drunk on Multiculturalism. Five star brand. Hating whites along with, his civilization, with all the lefts fashionable mental calamities of the age. The have made him cringe from life. Unmanned his reason, to become a feeble Metrosexual.Imbiber of sensitivity’s drool , made for toddlers. From facing the true reality of his existence into the musings of fluff born mental memes fading in time. From being a Man to being a laughing stock. Many have fallen into the same path, yet the dawn of their day is already upon them. With cruel times a head. A sad Clown. A Kathy’s Clown
    The Everly Brothers – Cathy’s Clown.wmv

  28. Revnant Dream at December 12, 2012 4:29 AM
    Holy makerel! And all the time here I was thinking that he was just an opportunistic putz with a bit of wee-wee thrown in!
