17 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Opps, I threw in a flippant one liner. My bad, Kate.
    I would be interested in how Canada stacks up to the USA in this ‘for sale’ ambassadorships practice.

  2. Why not? Being an editor/leftard,she can lie as well as the last one. As Canukguy said,move along.

  3. If’n I recall didn’t Cretin reward a party “bagman” with an ambassadorship to somewhere important then had to cancel it because he had prior commitments…like a prison term…..some Italian fella from Montreal…name escapes me….

  4. Who is Canada’s ambasador to Washington?
    Could it be a life long parasite dipper?
    Gary Doer …. rewarded for NOT saving Jack Layton and the NDP from oblivion.
    As for Obama’s fashionista …. just another slap in the face for American adults.

  5. The comparison Jay makes between Richard Holbrook and Anna Wintour is invidious to say the least. The US and France have a great many common military and security concerns in Africa, and I can’t see Wintour being the slightest use in any of that. What’s she going to contribute to suppressing terrorism? Bash then will a fancy brand name handbag?

  6. I dunno – after running vogue and becoming a millionaire fund-raiser for Bam Bam…?
    An ambassadorship in France might be a bit too dull.
    Maybe instead a sphincter-clenching term as the Libyan or Egyptian ambassador might be a bit more suitable given Anna’s background.

  7. So Americans are Ok with being represented on the International stage by a fashion commentator? Really? Holy cow… I am gobsmacked.

  8. I heard she was touted for the ambassadorship to the court of king James. What is it … that Obama enjoys insulting the British?

  9. I wonder if she gets a Bamba phone?
    At least all the little people who voted for Obamba should now be able to use food stamps to by some of her fashion lines.
    Maybe they can even crash at her new Embassy Mansion in France when their passing through on vacation, sharing in the socialist wealth so to speak.

  10. Now, that is how to present a story. Instead of a clip of a political partisan for each side you actually lay out some facts and get a person on camera that actually knows something about the issues at hand.

  11. @ Paul in Calgary at December 11, 2012 9:50 PM
    Judging by the number of votes, either they have been hacked or every union member has been told to cast a vote as if their lives depended on it. Shows they are paying attention to Sun News. The only seal that isn’t trained to be politically correct.
