18 Replies to “New Hope For A Prenatal Test”

  1. Like Limbaugh said, its going to be fun watching the liberal heads exploding if somebody comes up with a prenatal test for gay.
    I wonder if there will ever be a prenatal test for “Liberal”?

  2. The Phantom, exactly, as Liberals seem to have no problem with female sex related abortions and no doubt they will be fine with aborting fetuses with the gay gene. Sure!

  3. Better buy shares in the stock, I’m betting this will sell like hot cakes in the Middle East, India and Asia!
    Cha Ching.

  4. Contrarywise, I’m sure pro-life SoCons would never think to have an abortion if they’re foetus turned out to have homosexuality markers…

  5. Actually Ken K, liberals do have trouble with female abortion, it’s just that women aren’t as protected as gays. There is a radio host that I try not to listen to to often who says that she is prochoice. When she was asked about female selection, she did the liberal thing of speaking out of both sides of her mouth at the same time. She said that a womans right was sacrosanct, and at the same time deplored the practice.

  6. Contrarywise, Max, I’m sure pro-choice Libertarians and Leftists would never think to outlaw an abortion if the unborn gay child turned out to have homosexuality markers…

  7. It’s amusing how the MSM likes to label homosexuality as a riddle or puzzle. The puzzle analogy is especially ironic, since it’s obvious that the pieces don’t fit together like they’re supposed to.

  8. LAS >
    I’m with you on this, I’ve never stood in the way of Liberals murdering black babies and I won’t for gays either.
    I just like to point out the hypocrisy and most definitely don’t want to pay for it. They should pay for their own institutional minority murders, why should we?

  9. “Haha, look at the rage in the comment section”.
    Yeah, you can almost hear the lisping and bitchy cadence too!

  10. U mean gayism ain’t learned, now what will the nutjob’s, who wanted to be president, husband do, the one who taught gays to unlearn this horrible leason. If this discovery passes the “test”, a few in here will be eating crow!!!!

  11. Geeze. I made a post this morning, first time in a few days, I come back and it’s gone!
    What happened?

  12. Oz >
    “What happened?”
    Jeeze you sound like someone who’s just been made gay in the boy scouts or something.
    Relax, there were two running threads this morning on this, must have been trying to accommodate the “confused’ with a little fun. You must have posted on the thread with all the sex changers that got deleted.

  13. Did the tea leaves tell them this?
    How many other “scientific” studies must one crawl through? It’s all junk science and it makes people twist their own undershorts into knots for their own reasons.
