62 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. “There will be blood.”
    Meanwhile the actual demonstrators are mostly women nurses and teachers. Fat ones. Yeah, I’m shakin’ in my boots. One of ’em might fall on somebody.

  2. “Without the union, you’re nothing but a slave,”
    And with the Union,you’re usually either out of work,or a slave to the Union.
    I didn’t know there are 23 States currently who have “right-to-work” laws,seems SOME people are beginning to get the picture.
    Let’s see the same laws passed here.

  3. Just a hint: look at a red/blue political map and it virtually mirrors right to work laws. Seems a battle of mindsets as everything else in the US. The government teat and the union teat are attached to the same swine.

  4. Hopefully this goes through in Michigan and the state can pull back from the abyss of being another socialist disaster. It has a long way back.

  5. It’s not just the union management fighting to protect their rice-bowel…..the donkeys really rely on union financial support.
    It is documented unions spend about 10%+/- on contract matters, and over 60%+ on political donations….always to the donkeys…

  6. Let’s be fair, I think the unions are finally seeing the light… “We live with a situation, which is equivalent to RTW (Right To Work),” (member of the American Postal Workers Union Paul)Felton said. “It’s really the right to freeload. Those who don’t pay dues still get the benefits. Our union negotiates a living wage for us, and then they choose not to join but get the same wages we do.”
    Now if the brilliant mind can see past the union scenario he might see the real life one too! Forest and trees comes to mind.

  7. I would like to see something similar in BC. Only call it right to associate.
    When I have to deal with government I should have the right to deal with a person who is not under the control of a union.
    This also includes the right to have teachers, who have a large influence over young minds, not associated with unions.
    With the scope of politions I know this is a pipe dream. But I can dream can’t I.

  8. now if unions actually functioned they way they should, the teat sucking leftards would be screaming for their demise

  9. Why was the Right to Work legislation dropped in Sask? Brad Wall you missed an oppertunity to hand cuff the marxist unions here.

  10. First, the union doesn’t negotiate a ‘living wage’. It extorts an elite wage.
    Unions are now primarily found in the public sector, which has a monopoly on the service and is excluded from the free market competition for those same services. The source of money for this elite set of employees is: the taxpayer, who is held hostage because of the monopoly.
    Unions have transformed from their original, quite valid role, as a means of protection for the worker from an employer in the private sector. But government took over this protection, with its minimum wage laws, its safe working conditions etc. This left unions with no role and they moved into the public sector.
    Understand that now, Unions are not a service for the workers but are a major corporate business. Their agenda is: profit. Their source of money is: the taxpayer. Their focus is on getting as many people in the union as possible, excluding any contract non-union workers, getting higher wages to increase their ‘take’ from their obligatory dues. It’s all about profit for the unions.
    The result of unionization in the private sector was, eventually, to drive manufacturing out of the country as it increased the costs of production. AND, to increase cheap imports for the consumer.
    The result of unionization in the public sector is to reduce the quality and quantity of public services, as the majority of the tax dollar goes to pay the high salaries, benefits and pensions – all far, far beyond anything in the private sector. There is no money left for maintenance of equipment, for new infrastructure..it all goes to this elite set of ‘Workers’.
    This is a battle between a massive power-focused Corporation, the public service unions, linked directly to the Democratic Party which it funds…and the taxpayer private citizen.

  11. I commented on Dec. 8th. at 1:31 that this “right to work” law would pass. The Mich. Gov., Republican, has already said he would sign it. Obama was in Mich. yesterday pumping the union. But like Wis. he is too little too late, the train has left the station. As I also said Ont. now looks much worse as Ohio, Wis. and now Mich. are right to work, while Ont. has not only uncompetitive,astranomical(and growing)electric rates but militant unions.

  12. A parasite is always most energetic when it feels it’s being removed from its host — likewise the unions being pulled away from the increasingly financially anemic taxpayer and threatened with being forced to draw their wages based on their value added to the users of their services. Many union members realize it’s an economic death threat since they are, effectively, worthless.

  13. Why should my provincial taxes support the NDP? Follow the money. My provincial taxes go to the provincial government. The government pays the civil servants. The civil servants pay union dues. The union donates to the NDP. Part of my taxes end up in the pockets of the NDP, whose platform I certainly do not support.

  14. “Gee, ya mean we’d have to actually SERVE our members, rather than treating them as cash cows? They’d have to VOLUNTARILY join our association? Why, that’s downright UNAMERICAN!”

  15. Ugh, unions. You have to be in one to understand how twisted they really are. Day in and day out the agitators nurture the feud between management and union, union and government, union and conservative/libertarian ideas. The only way to get away from it is to avoid gathering places – the cafeteria, coffee room, locker room and any type of meeting.
    As such, it does not surprise me to see violence from well paid, middle class employees. The martyr/entitlement complex has been learned and reinforced over many, many years. Even a socialist government like the NDP cannot escape the wrath of a union scorned. The rowdiest members never consider any perspective other than the one they are given by the union. Those are the ones who require very little encouragement to turn into a mindless mob.

  16. It’s disgusting, and I mean the word, that Obama is there campaigning on behalf of the unions.
    Doesn’t he ever do anything BUT campaign in front of adulating crowds? Doesn’t he ever do any work?
    This is a State and not a federal issue, and thus Obama has absolutely no business saying one word about it. Furthermore, he’s supposed to represent all Americans not just the greed of the union corporations.
    Oh, and we all know that the left loves the UN. Well, the UN Declaration of Human Rights lists the ‘right to work’ as a basic human right Article 23. It doesn’t list any ‘right to strike’ as a human right. And, Article 19-2, states that ‘no-one may be compelled to belong to an association’.
    The Unions are right to be worried. In other states that have passed these laws which make union membership voluntary, that membership has dropped by 60%. Heh. Gosh, that means the Union executive, those parasites who live off those workers’ dues, lose their jobs. Gosh.
    Dr.D, right; that’s what’s missing from these unionized public services. The concept of market value for their services is totally missing from the ‘negotiations’ for their salaries, benefits and pensions.
    Instead, the taxpayers are reduced to functioning as slaves of the public service; the taxpayer works and works and hands over extorted sums of money to these unionized elite. It’s the left who enslave people.

  17. Watched the video of them ripping down the tent. 100’s of guys standing around and about 20 doing the work. Yep. Sounds like a union shop all right.

  18. And, to add to ET’s comments, don’t forget that every dollar that goes towards public service union’s wages, benefits and pension is a dollar that cannot be spent on other services. As the pension crisis nears its peak the fight will not just be between unions and taxpayers. It will be unions against social justice programs, infrastructure and essential services. WRM writes a lot about what he believes will be a nasty blue-vs-blue war in the US. These internecine battles may severely damage the Dems.

  19. LCBennett, exactly. The fact is, that the majority of the tax dollar goes to sustain this Union Corporation and its elite set of employees, both the union executive and the public service employees.
    This means that there is zilch left on, not merely maintenance, expanding and upgrading infrastructure, new equipment etc, but on other non-union services.
    What I am also concerned about is why Obama is getting so involved. Obama does nothing for others; it’s always about Himself. What does he want from the unions, apart from Democratic funding? What does he want? My concern is that he might have an agenda of a third term.
    He is flipping the finger at the GOP in Washington, who are trying to deal with the ‘fiscal cliff’. Obama is indifferent to it, indeed, he welcomes it, for IF no deal is done, then HE gets more tax money, he doesn’t have to do a thing about entitlements, AND, he gets to blame the GOP for it all. Perfect win for Obama.

  20. Obama is interested because he’s a “Party Guy.” The unions can forcibly collect dues from an entire industry working population and then turn around and donate a large amount to the Democratic Party. He knows that money, not rhetoric or ideals, wins elections and promotes power.

  21. Kevin, right, I know that Obama wants money from the Unions. But why? He’s hardly loyal to the Democratic Party. He’s only loyal to Himself.
    My concern is that he’d try for a third term. Obama has dictatorial tendencies.

  22. I would have guessed that the number of eighth-graders in Detroit public schools who are proficient in reading was considerably less than 7%. Maybe it’s a typo for 0.7%.

  23. My concern is that he’d try for a third term. Obama has dictatorial tendencies.
    Posted by: ET at December 11, 2012 4:15 PM
    As I’ve been saying for quite some time, Obama will either attempt to abrogate the 22nd Amendment or offer Michelle as a Lurleen Wallace candidate.

  24. Well said, Iowa Jim! You need to remember that the figure came from the government, and was reported by the Media. Either of those two institutions could easily have made such an “innocent mistake”…

  25. Nemo2, I fully agree. I think that Obama will try to overturn the 22nd Amendment and set himself up as President or Dictator for Life.
    Notice that he’s back at his campaigning. That’s all he ever does – apart from golf and parties. When he was elected as Senator, he voted ‘present’ on almost all policies and instead, began to campaign for the presidency.
    In 2008, after winning the presidency, he began almost immediately to campaign for 2012. He left all policies, and I mean all policies, to The Gang. The Health care to Pelosi and Reid. The Stimulus to Valerie Jarret etc. And he’s doing the same now.
    Obama is not a ‘reasoning’ person; he operates by psychological need, and this need is for control of others and their submissive adulation. So he can’t sit down and the policy table and discuss programs with others. After all, they aren’t equal to Him. All he can do is campaign.
    Now, he is doing nothing but campaign. Why? He’s won his second term. Why is he interfering with the State Legislature in Michigan? Why is he campaigning for the Unions? Obama does things only for himself and my concern, as you point out, is that 22nd amendment and his agenda to become a permanent dictator.

  26. Speaking of “there will be blood” I don’t believe Obama is that unintelligent. He’d have to be seriously delusional to think that 50% of the country (ironically most of the “armed” citizens) would roll over and allow such a thing. Regardless of what is portrayed in the media there are still die-hard patriots who remember the America that the left has been attempting to deny and denigrate for the last 30 years. Most of our military boys and girls come from conservative states and conservative values.

  27. Very brave of the half pint to start chucking knowing full well that his brothers were there to get his back if the tables turned

  28. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when the unions are out in force. Their tolerance of others opinions and attitudes is wonderous to behold in this season of joy.

  29. Readers may remember that when Indiana went RTW there was far less ruckus from the left.
    Not so when WI partially brought in RTW for public sector unions. The left went ape. AND LOST. That’s because WI was felt to be a solid dem state.
    Indiana has long been seen as a GOP state and thus not a winnable, sure bet like WI.
    MI is seen by the dems in the same light as WI – as their political back yard. A safe place to raise union funds for campaigns across the country.
    And thus the RTW legislation comes as a shock and is seen as mortal threat to the dem union money machine. And MIs location and role in the heavy industry infrastructure of the uS makes it a very big competitor to the two other big players: OH and IL.
    Indiana has seen several firms relocate since feb to the more welcoming RTW shop environment. When MI goes RTW they will reap a landslide from neighboring OH and IL. (And ONTARIO.). And it could spur a stampede for those and other states and provinces to go RTW if only as an act of self-defense.
    In time MI going RTW could be seen as THE most significant economic event in North America in 2012. And you can be sure that the unions will not take it lying down.

  30. People should not wonder why those of us who own them – will not give up our guns. Man – do we ever need the emergence of great leadership in America! The good ol’ USofA is being flushed and something has to happen to stop it.

  31. Look at those poor starving union guys, for the love of Mike get them a Twinkie or some Ding Dongs.
    Ohhhhh, right! The union screwed that pooch too.
    They’ll never learn.

  32. Never go to a leftist protest where thugs gather.
    UNLESS… You bring a stick to play a pick up game of street hockey while you wait around or bring a glove, ball and bat in case you feel the need to play some hardball.
    Yelling “CAR!” is optional…
    My money is on Obama issuing Presidential Pardons to them…

  33. I feel sorry for these union guys in some ways – like it’s their Marxist leaders and Lefty politicos who have radicalized/inflamed them with Bolshie kill-the-rich mind-fxxk and set them loose as a mob to undermine democratic process. I also understand the anger but, again, it was their Marxist leaders and polis that sent their jobs off shore with taxation, regulation, green taxing etc. – and it was by design (read Agenda 21 again to understand the left is on a deindustrialization crusade under different guises).
    These poor schmucks are working men with families to feed, they don’t understand the finer points of politics and agendas that are impacting them – the current economic mess (caused by leftist-progressive kleptonomics) and job loss, job security and stagflation has them panicked and whipped to a fever pitch looking to lay blame . It in no way excuses the attack on Crowder, but he was stupid enough to poke a fired up mob in the eye with his smug commentary. I get the impression Crowder hasn’t been exposed to too many working guys.
    It’s sad to see the working man striking out blindly at these straw men their leaders set up as the enemy when their real enemy all along has been the union and Dem mutts who say they support them. It still does not excuse the sucker punching bit it does help understand it. I think Crowder is acting like a little pissy-assed lib whining about it. Live and learn Steve, don’t run that urban smugness at a working man who has been told you are the enemy.

  34. Occam, can’t add much to that. Stirring up the proletariat with lies to attack the business owner has been the method of operation for the left for over a hundred years. The joke of it is that after the revolution topples the society, their new bosses, the commissars, install a real repressive regime.
    The 1848 revolution is alive and well in the unions, left-wing political parties and in the educational system.

  35. A couple of years ago, in cohoots with Jennifer Granholm (CDN born Democratic governor of MI), the SEIU worked out a deal where those providing home support for family members were enrolled in said union w/o knowledge or approval and then had their ‘union dues’ deducted from the stipend which the state govt sent them for family support. Not the most wonderful way to become a union member. Court battles galore.

  36. “These poor schmucks are working men with families to feed, they don’t understand the finer points of politics and agendas that are impacting them ”
    Occam – With due respect I didn’t know being a middle class worker with responsibilities removed the ability to think independently?
    My father retires next week at 67 after four decades of work and his days started at six am out on the job and ended many nights around nine pm on the phone at home on a salary and in the last twelve years he’s had a heart attack, CLL (leukemia), colon cancer, and skin cancer last year, he’s beat the last two cancers the first still has his number but it never really slowed him down work wise, he never missed many days and he did it all without a union or much whining. And he sees what’s going on in the world.
    That’s a working man to me, guys in the video not so much, but I still don’t think they are stupid just selfish and spoiled rotten.
