21 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. It is weather and it changes from year to year, from decade to decade and from half century to half century and then back again.
    Some insist on making weather a political issue by scaring the gullible.

  2. Isn’t it interesting to see those wind turbines spinning madly generating all of that power just when the German weather makes power so essential!

  3. Now we know why the Global Warming/Climate Change conference is in the tropics … it would interfere with their goal of cooling off the planet.
    Time to pump more carbon into the atmosphere.

  4. Greta pictures . . . Sure to bring back some Stalingrad memories from a long ago Christmas period.

  5. It is interesting that the coal-fired power plant is having to supply electricity for the country with all those ‘green-power’ things standing in the background. The caption under that picture in the slide show said it all!

  6. Proof that all the money SCAMMED, worked, David and Fat Al Hanson and Mann and their cronies have stopped the rise of the oceans, cooled the planet to a much better -30, I’m sure the green societal parasites will be jetting to Inuvik for their winter getaways. Start the fraud charges now, food banks empty shortage of homeless shelters and these charlatans meet in Doha or Bali or wherever, sickening.

  7. Energy generators that are intermittent are not nearly as valuable as those that can generate dependably 24/7, I don’t care how many megawatts per hour their listed at.

  8. Somebody at Der Spiegel is in deep doodoo.They actually correctly named the emmision as dihydrogen monoxide vapour,which it is,and NOT evvvvviiiilll CO2!
    Not to worry though.I’m sure the Gorbul will find a propaganda spin for it in his next lying film.

  9. Wind farms all around the world are struggling to produce 10% to 15% of their installed capacity.
    Small scale nuclear is a much better investment, for something that will produce 100% of it’s installed capacity, when it’s needed, even if the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.

  10. foobert said: “I hope those giant fans have block heaters.”
    I hope they have blade de-icing.
    Interesting factoid, windmill blades are very, very carefully balanced. At top rotational speed the blade tips exceed 200mph, in a not very strong breeze they can be going 100mph.
    Imagine one of those blades shedding a hundred pounds of ice. The sun comes up, all the nice black carbon fiber catches those warming rays, the ice heats up next to the blade, water starts to form a tiny film and WHOOSH the blade suddenly becomes a hundred pounds lighter. AND it suddenly increases its aerodynamic efficiency, possibly doubles it. Its 184ft feet long, it can generate literally tons of rotational torque on the hub, and now its -way- off balance to the other blades and pushing maybe twice as hard. Think of an unbalanced tire on a car going 100mph.
    The snapping sound would no doubt be memorable.

  11. The Phantom
    Beside the structural failures assopciated with this icing…..In Germany, the ice throw has been measured out to 1/2 a kilometer…punching a hole in a house roof.

  12. “I hope those giant fans have block heaters.”
    Funny you should mention that.
    A few years ago somewhere in Northern Canada as I recall. The local utility erected a rather large wind turbine on top of a mountain, at great expense. Primarily to satisfy the big-mouthed greenies clamoring for more ‘alternative’ energy on the system.
    However, the turbine designers / manufacturers [a very well known firm BTW], ‘forgot’ to install the correct low temperature lubricants, and as a result when it got cold like it does every winter, the tracking motor seized, and chewed up part of the yaw ring gear.
    Now one would think that competent engineers would design a ring gear that sits 50 meters in the air in sections, so damaged parts could be relatively easily replaced. Not these mechanical wizards.
    So the utility had to bring the erecting crane back from down south, get it back up the mountain, remove the blades, remove the nacelle, and replace the ring gear and tracking motor. Then put it all back together. Covered under warranty? Not a chance.
    This little misadventure cost more money than the value of the electricity the turbine was likely to produce in it’s useful lifetime. The utility is understandably reluctant to engage in any more costly wind power experiments, and meanwhile the ratepayers have to foot the bill.
    Locally it’s known as Pinard’s Folly.

  13. The money spent on the turbines could have been used to reduce the toxic emissions from the coal plant to almost nothing.

  14. The money spent on them there fancy perpellers coulda bought more drones what to blow up brown babbies an weddin parties.
