The State of Public Education

Toby Young is a British journalist, who got involved a few years ago with the creation of what Americans would call a “charter school”. The education facility he co-founded is called the West London Free School.
Earlier this year he did a podcast with James Delingpole, in which he describes his battles with Far Leftist teachers in London and to what extents his opponents went to, trying to prevent the school from ever opening. Echoes of Waiting for Superman come to mind.

4 Replies to “The State of Public Education”

  1. Oh my.The same standards for ALL students,regardless whether male/female,white,black,purple or pink?
    What a racist policy!The leftards must shut this place of inequality now.

  2. How can we justify equal treatment and requirements for all students? Think of the harm this policy will cause on the poor little minds! the horror!!!
