18 Replies to “Cold, Wet Hands”

  1. You know what they say, if you ban something you just drive it underground. Or underwater in this case.

  2. There are over +300 million estimated civilian owned firearms in the US, and still selling at record highs every week Obamba opens his yap.
    You will never, ever, physically remove firearms from US soil in a million years of trying.
    Aside from the fact that the entire firearms industry is worth multiple BILLIONS to the economy from actual gun manufacturing to, publications, advertizing, clubs, sports facilities, clothing and other apparel, security systems etcetera – all of which is tied into real employment – Never will Obamba and Keith Olberman remove guns from the American public, and that’s even if they all agreed to let them.
    Even then if they could magically physically do it, and didn’t collapse the economy or start a civil war, those Americans that truly wanted guns would just make their own. I simply can’t get my head around why Liberals are too stupid to understand this.
    It’s all just another Liberal pie in the sky fantasy to try and hurt other people.

  3. Guns? People on this site have guns?
    Mikey, formerly known as Texas
    Kate, thanks for the upgrade to allow the OpenID, I am now connected.

  4. Careful,peoples.The blacksh….errrr…cops weren’t to happy when they came to my place to investigate an attempted robbery.They asked me if I had any weapons.When I opened the kitchen drawer to show them my steak knives and forks,they didn’t get the joke.Maybe it was the two ceremonial swords on my living room wall which threw them off.Heh.Or maybe telling them bluntly to check the LGR,if they wish to know.

  5. Yeah, Sully’s giant brain may have finally outgrown the planet.
    I’m surprised anyone still reads that tit. Oh wait, Obama got re-elected – never mind – I’m not surprised then…

  6. I simply can’t get my head around why Liberals are too stupid to understand this.
    Liberals are too stupid to understand a lot of things, just accept it and move on with your life avoiding them wherever possible. Consider liberalism as a mental disorder and it’s easier to understand.

  7. I’ve slept for many years with a fully loaded .30-30 behind the nightstand, never missed a wink.

  8. Free Thinker >
    “Fully loaded……”?
    Hope you check or replace mag tube springs occasionally.
    Half tube is better for longer term storage.

  9. The blacksh….errrr…cops weren’t to happy when they came to my place to investigate an attempted robbery…. by: Justthinkin
    Not surprising, from the story you told. You were rude and sarcastic to a couple of guys trying to do their job. You thus fit the profile of someone of suspicion. Way to go dude.
    If you treat cops the way you want them to treat you, then you will have far fewer problems with the law. Justsayin

  10. FT, mine is a 12 ga with 2 in the mag. Where I live it’s legal, as long as I’m on the premises. There’s something about that unmistakeable sound of a round jacked into a shotgun that makes anyone stop and consider if their next move is a wise one.

  11. All my guns got stolen too! It was horrible…!!!!
    Some pasty faced failed teenaged liberal social experiment stole the works…my pistols, my AR15, my trusty .308 Remington SPS Tactical…and all the ammo too!!!
    I told him to stop…sob…sob…but he just kept grabbing all my guns n ammo while I hid under the kitchen table, rocking back and forth gobbling in fright…!!!!
    Thank heavens McSquinty is locking up all the schools in Moronatario to protect the children! Hmmm…d’ya think that will help keep the little bastids IN too…?
    As the lady says, the world is run by crazy people.

  12. America is in for a real civil upheaval if this current ideogue keeps pushing to oppress/outlaw conservative/constirurional ideals.
