National Rifle Association: Not Clintonian Enough!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Jonathan Kay, 2012The NRA’s monstrously stupid plan to put gun-toting guards in every school
LA Times, 2000Marking the first anniversary of the shooting deaths at Columbine High School, President Clinton announced $120 million in new federal grants Saturday to place more police officers in schools …
More at PJ Tattler.

58 Replies to “National Rifle Association: Not Clintonian Enough!”

  1. Today, I’ve tried to have a rational, calm discussion with some Left-of-Centre friends about this issue. I’ve pointed out to them that most of these mass murders have occurred in Gun-Free Zones. I’ve pointed out to them that most every man in Switzerland is required to have a gun in his home. I’ve pointed out to them that I personally have never fired a gun but fully support the rights of law-abiding citizens to own them and use them responsibly. I’ve pointed out to them that Americans must deal with the current reality of an enormous number of guns being in their country, not a fantasy future reality where there are no guns [except in the hands of criminals and gov’t authorities].
    But in all cases, their fingers are in their ears. They don’t want a dialogue, simply a monologue.
    If Obama & Co. push forward with their monologue-like agenda of systematically removing guns from the homes of law-abiding citizens, there will be a civil war in America within the next 4 years.
    Never forget Rahm Emanuel’s prolific statement: “Never let a crisis go to waste!” 🙁

  2. I’ve tried to have a rational, calm discussion with some Left-of-Centre friends about this issue.
    That’s simply not possible. This issue has made the dysfunctional polarization in America even worse. Hopefully they’ll go over the top with gun bans and it will trigger the much needed revolution.

    This guy has a lot of good points on “gun control”,and after you read his background, the guy has the bona fides to make his case.
    Interesting to note that Bill Clinton made the same conclusion as the NRA,and that Barack Obama ended the funding for armed guards in schools. The MSM should be right on THAT story!

  4. Well, I happen to think it’s a stupid waste of a cop’s time no matter who suggests it. The fact that Clinton suggested it earlier is probably a sign that the NRA was attempting to be political rather than logical with their announcement.
    If you could somehow hope that teachers would be responsible adults it would make sense to train teachers to handle firearms and provide a secure armoury in the school. But with today’s crop of teachers they’d be shooting up the PTA meetings so I think we should just acknowledge nothing can be done.

  5. The solution to gun violence in a country with vast amounts of guns is… even more guns. Maybe the students should be armed too.

  6. Another fine example why the “Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!” features are one of my favourites. How many of the MSM mocking the NRA’s idea do you think even dared criticize a similar plan that came from Clinton?

  7. You can’t reason with the mentally ill creators of American violence.
    From the Liberal drug ghettos to liberal trailer parks full of early release sexual offenders and other mentally ill people that belong in an institution, you will never convince Liberals that they have been the source of America’s so called “Gun Violence”.
    “You build it and they will come” – and they have.

  8. Wow. Kay really seems to be trying to pull a Frum lately. This can’t end well.
    ‘The NRA press release has an almost comically alarmist tone to it, like a Reefer-awareness educational movie from the 1930s. It warns of “killers, robbers, rapists and drug gang members who have spread like cancer in every community,” and warns of “a national nightmare of violence and victimization.”’
    They’re not cool, you see. (I would argue that the “Reefer Madness” zealots look a lot more like the types who don’t think people can be trusted with their own protection, but whatevs.)
    I do think it’s nice that Jonathan Kay lives in such a spiffy safe neighborhood, though.
    ‘The very notion that a population can be divided into “good” and “bad” in any useful way is itself problematic, since many of the country’s most notorious killers were unknown to police before striking.’
    One tip-off that a person can be considered “bad” is when you notice him opening fire on a bunch of little children. That’s when the “good” guy having a gun can come in so handy.
    If I didn’t know better, I’d wonder if Kay was just trying to type enough words to complete his homework assignment article.

  9. Putting cops in schools is a stupid idea, but not nearly as stupid or wrong as gun control or blaming video games. It’s also (typically) dishonest of Kay to imply this is the NRA’s idea it’s been floated for a few days now. The NRA is probably just doing what it thinks is best in the short term. They’re probably right.

  10. @kady and the usual crowd found the NRA press conference positively mockworthy, an example of right wing insensitivity and general meaness…Good.

  11. Oy! the Mamba “Strikes” Again!
    Thanks Kate, She seems to luuuv this Christmas present. Let’s hope she uses it for good; not evil!

  12. @LAS They are right. What you don’t get is that kids are different today. Pixelated media, done to extremes, during brain development…has an effect. Unprecedented actually.

  13. A minor incident, of a type which has occurred in the past and which will occur in the future, has set off our minimally sane US cousins. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy, on the other hand, killed at least 253 people, and some of these deaths (most of the fatalities in the US, certainly) were due to government incompetence.

  14. Putting cops in schools is a bad idea because they may stop or prevent a shooting, taking away the Progressive arguement that schools should be gun free.

  15. What you don’t get is that kids are different today. Pixelated media, done to extremes, during brain development…has an effect. Unprecedented actually.
    There is less teen violence now than in decades. So if there’s any effect, it’s good.

  16. It’s weird that Liberals kill millions of black babies in abortion factories each year, enslave their would be parents in drug infested ghetto’s, but then freak out when one of their Prozac baby’s steals a gun and kills a bunch of kids.
    I suppose it may be because it’s one of their own turning on a few of their own, but still.
    Go ahead push to legalize more drugs libs, more kids die of accedents, overdoses, and drug/ alcohol fueled violence including suicides every year than anything else.

  17. People need to think big and take it up a notch. Everyone should have nuclear weapons – because this has a proven track record of stopping armed conflicts…
    But seriously, this is a mental health issue. Gun control will not solve this, but this knee-jerk unthinking response looks good in the press and with the sheep.

  18. Kay,and the majority of the MSM have mocked the hell out of the NRA, but offer NO alternatives. Do they think we can “attack the root causes” of violence,which,they always assure us about any other crime, is poverty?
    When an armed person shows up at any venue where the people are unarmed,the only way he is going to be stopped is by another armed person,period. When someone shows up with a bunch of guns and a lunatic mind, it’s too late for negotiation.
    Arm someone,I’d prefer well trained security guards or cops, but maybe some teachers are willing to learn the business of defence.Whatever,something has to be done,and passing more bs laws isn’t it.

  19. Let’s see…
    Apparently the murdered mother of the shooter was receiving $300 K/yr in alimony. The father of the shooter was nowhere in sight – not allowed to be nearby, I imagine. As long as he kept forking over the money. Perhaps we can add an absent father to the list of what went wrong? What might have happened if he had allowed to be a father to his son?
    Jonathan Kay is a major reason why I unsubscribed to the NP. He pretends to be conservative, but really he’s just another left-wing f***wit prentending to be intellectual – the way all lefties like to pretend they are intellectual.

  20. There are more than a few examples of the “school guards” idea working successfully. The most recent incident that comes to mind is the Dawson College shooting in 2006. A pair of Policemen happened to be nearby when the call came in. The carnage was reduced tremendously; one student killed and one wounded. Nearby is equivalent to being there at least.
    Another example occurred in the late 1950’s in Halifax, NS. A bank was robber repeatedly; almost weekly. The bank had the police train willing tellers under the view of TV cameras. Voila: no more robberies.
    And of course, schools in Israel, where there are real well trained terrorists to contend with.
    Mocking the NRA’s and Clinton’s idea is just juvenile stupidity.

  21. The response today from one Lefty woman in Vancouver:
    “This isn’t the Wild West anymore. There shouldn’t be anymore guns. They should all be outlawed.”
    And that was it. That was the totality of her public policy solution. The sad/scary thing is that I have little doubt that MANY Canadians think that way, including probably 99% of the MSM. Listening to hollow statements like hers are what burdened us with a completely useless Long Gun Registry. It accomplished nothing of significance but that doesn’t matter to its proponents. Why not? Because its creation made them “feel good”. 🙁

  22. Don’t use cops and don’t train and arm school staff. There are lots of unemployed, well trained, and qualified veterans who could work as plainclothes school guards. It would cost less that one or two useless school administration bureaucrats.
    The Israelis don’t have school shootings because some of the school staff can be armed at any time. Everyone in Israel does at lest two years in the military, they all know how to handle guns in a conflict situation. America doesn’t have the time to do that, so the vets can probably do it better.

  23. This is all about agenda 21 – an agenda that the Iwon Czars support. The kling ons in the msm are following the script. Unarmed citizens are easy to control.
    Good comment knight99.

  24. I saw John Lott on Fox debating a woman who’d lost a daughter at Virginia Tech and was advocating gun control. Tough to blame her, but she was still wrong. She said “experts” could define what was meant by assault weapons and weapons that should be prohibited. She seemed absolutely unaware she was debating an expert – John Lott knows his stuff. I assume she meant experts who already agree with her.

  25. I am astonished that most people cannot see that if we have to now arm teachers in kindergarten schools then it means the bad elements in society have effectively won.
    Seems to me the world is becoming less free by the day, where our lives are increasingly dictacted by the less desirable elements in society.

  26. I admire those men and women that have been trained and have a right to carry firearms.
    Remember what happened after the 9/11 hijackings?
    A terrorists or mental case doesn’t know if the man or woman sitting beside him has a concealed weapon.
    Anyone heard of any more hijackings in the USA?
    Didn’t think so.
    Our law enforcement and even normal citizens that would be willing to face an armed assassin or terrorists,
    and even die trying to protect an unknown stranger,
    possible even someone in my family is a hero.
    Life offers no greater friend or hero than someone willing to give their life for yours.
    I am an old soldier now, but I saw it happen many times on the battlefield.
    Our country is becoming more dangerous each day because of failed leadership.
    Young people need to get firearms training and earn your right to carry a concealed weapon.
    The future of our country depends on it.

  27. The LA Times points out Columbine had two armed guards and that didn’t stop the shooters. Well let’s go with that logic, since Ronald Reagan got shot despite a phalanx of Secret Service protection detail with machine guns. Obviously armed protection doesn’t even work for the POTUS. Conclusion: Obama should drop his Secret Service detail and go al fresco just like his liberal supporters demand of the rest of us.
    No, don’t like that logic? Why would that be? Oh, I see some people are more equal than others especially IF THEY CAN’T VOTE.
    The same could be said for banks, politicians and celebrities. Disarm the lib elite and make them equal to the rest of us. We demand Equality of Outcome. Especially the people of Chicago want you to share equally in their (lack) safety.

  28. Actually dscott, Columbine had one armed school liason deputy. He was later awarded for helping save lives by disracting and exchanging gunfire with one of the Columbine shooters who was attempting to kill students who had fled to the parking lot.
    As usual the media cannot even get this right.

  29. TJ >
    “I am astonished that most people cannot see that if we have to now arm teachers in kindergarten schools then it means the bad elements in society have effectively won.”
    You’re exactly right.
    I’m astonished that most people cannot see who has enabled this to occur in our society.
    It most definitely wasn’t law abiding gun owners and the NRA that is for certain.
    “Seems to me the world is becoming less free by the day, where our lives are increasingly dictacted by the less desirable elements in society.” – TJ
    Your exactly right again.
    We are becoming less free every day, enabled by the same elements that have allowed criminals and drugs to freely roam our streets. Disarming yourself and others around you who believe in freedom will not help your situation get any better.

  30. Of course Kay is displaying his flexible ideals again, I always considered him a flake because of his contradictory positions, but the larger scope of this issue transcends the ridiculous idea of punishing the population for the crimes of a few madmen and the ineffectiveness of police security.
    This is really about leftist utopianism versus real world problems. America has a problem with its culture. Too many want to surrender their most personal responsibilities to and ever increasingly authoritarian omnipotent government. One of those constitutional duties of citizenship is the right/duty to defend yourself, your family and fellow citizens from rampaging criminals – both free-lance and in the guise of government. As demonstrated amply in the past month, this cannot be done with a cell phone and 911.
    The media will whip up hysteria, bad law will be passed by opportunistic politicos, innocent citizens will be criminalized and nothing will change, there will still be killings. As always the left are useless in these debates because the solution here is citizen vigilance – if the authorities will not act to secure our children with proper armed police protection, you must do it yourself. This leaves lefty out because he thinks all you need to do to solve real crime issues is surrender more of your responsibility to government or hold the right opinion or vote the right way or wave a placard around on the street- that is the extent of lefty’s vision of citizenship.
    America has a crisis of insane people on the street, criminally insane people who want to kill as many others as they can. Guns are just one way; they could probably do as much damage with a car or gasoline and a locked door. But this seems to escape the narrow thinking of leftist indoctrinates. As I said before leave them out of the discussion because they have nothing to offer but capitulation to a system that is uninterested in stopping crisis – authoritarian government thrives on crisis and they certainly will never offer a solution to end crisis, particularly criminal violence. It is a fear motivator that will herd the people any way they want them to go. They know that oppressing innocent gun owners for these crimes will result in another crisis – they will revolt and do so with force equals force. Then the government can claim they were right, that all gun owners were “terrorists” to begin with, and justify turning the left-right culture war into a real civil war – this is the way of authoritarians – and America has been captured by this creed.

  31. When I went to college in 1981- 82. in Lindsay Ontario. The school had just passed a new policy that you had to leave your gun with the secretary in the front foyer and were no longer able to put them in your locker., ammo was still Ok in the locker.
    The secretary would have twenty guns sometimes behind her desk (unencased because gun cases weren’t mandatory) laying on the floor and leaning against the wall as she welcomed visitors and answered the phone. The guys who drove to school left them in their cars.
    Nobody would have thought to shoot anybody.

  32. I was a few years ahead of you Rich. We never had any such rules then. Everyone in the wildlife conservation and silviculture courses hunted. Thy were either ciming tnto school after a morning hunt or leaving school foe the afternoon hunt. Lockers were full of guns and ammo – no school shootings either. Different day and culture my friend.

  33. We are becoming less free every day, enabled by the same elements that have allowed criminals and drugs to freely roam our streets.
    Oh God the irony.

  34. Richfisher, I can recall we left ours in the cloakroom till after school.. that was in Bancroft.

  35. @ 11:44am Occam wrote: “This is really about Leftist Utopianism versus real world problems.”
    That one, brief sentence, better summarizes the American gun control debate than any other I’ve ever read. Thank you!
