“…while they smugly stand with their Secret Service and Police, armed to the teeth”

Some animals are more equal than others.

Mayor Bloomberg has a small cadre of hired hands who are near and with him literally 24 hours a day. They are armed, all the time, and they are paid to worry about these things so he doesn’t have to.
Likewise, President Obama has a literal army of trained, armed soldiers in the form of parts of the military and an entire division of officers (The Secret Service) who’s job it is, once again, to make this not his problem for both him and his entire family. Michelle and his children do not have to concern themselves about these issues because there are literally over a thousand others who are paid to take that responsibility — up to and including eating a bullet in their place.
Neither of these people is proposing to rely on what they claim you should rely on — a “law.” A piece of paper, which today doesn’t even get printed on real paper; it’s a ghost in a machine that glows at you in the dark.

Up until all of these people in political office disband their police forces, their Secret Service details, throw down their own arms, armored cars, body armor and other defensive means of interdicting assault they have nothing — not even a moral argument — behind them in their demand that you disarm and become an intentional victim — no matter who you are.

Read it all. (Via)

34 Replies to ““…while they smugly stand with their Secret Service and Police, armed to the teeth””

  1. The “Obama-Nation(tm)” and Mayor Bloomberg can go get stuffed on their so called ‘gun control’ notions.
    Perhaps I wouldn’t describe myself as a gun owner but rather a gun manufacturer.
    I wouldn’t give up my 0.45 calibre bear stopper any time soon.
    It is a fact of history and human nature that there are invariably a few that really mean to do you and your family harm. All the warm fuzzy political clap trap will not change that fact.
    The government will not save you, your child, or your family; but I damn well will…
    Any questions…?
    Frohe Weihnachten und Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. One of the best articles, although a bit long winded, to poke a stick in the hypocritical eyes of the DC Beast which wants to eat its young to stay alive.

  3. Congress will never ever vote for gun control.
    They all know that if they do they will have to spend millions of dollars trying to defend their record against a Tea Party,
    or Republican candidate and may not be reelected.
    The only reason Joe Biden has been given the gun control job is because everyone knows he is a dumb ass,
    and his political career has been neutered,
    (unless Obama dies in office).

  4. Does any high level politician or “star” live in Liberal drug infested communities worrying about Jamaican or Mexican gangs terrorizing their street or community?
    That said even in Canada “special licences” to conceal carry a handgun are granted to a select few that can prove that their life may be in danger – any guesses as to who in Canadian society gets to have a “special licence” to carry?

  5. Wow that’s a very well crafted view of the situation. It points out clearly to the hypocrisy coming from law makers, advanced by the LSM but more striking the logic that is missing in the whole discussion.
    BTW Kate I notice the site’s format has changed….comment section and links no longer load into a new window….at least in my laptop. Is thsi by design? And that posting “Captcha”…guessing sapm is a concern.

  6. Under socialism there are always those who are more equal than others, and that is by design rather than by ability and hard work.

  7. Kate…..and I am seeing that your new format still has not fixed my spelling….guessing I’m going to have to “preview” more often. Best site going…thanks.

  8. The biggest problem I have with gun control is that once the Feds get their foot in the door it will one little cut after another until only the criminals are laughing. Freedoms are lost in small steps and too many are already given up without a fight. All governments strive to have unarmed citizens and history has shown over and over that it eventually leads to the death of millions who could not defend themselves. Sane people do not kill children. Nut control is far more important than gun control. Lock them up and keep them there.

  9. In my estimation it was this anti-gun phobia which made schools and other public places into “gun free zones” . Our children, the most vulnerable members of society, are left completely unprotected against lethal criminal attacks. Lambs to the slaughter – sacrifices to the almighty anti-gun utopianism which left them defensless.
    In reading about Sandyhook it should be noted that although the police were alerted the first minutes of the criminal rampage, it took 20 min. for them to respond and by that time 26 were dead. Even then they sent the SWAT team to the shooter’s home not the school. Locked doors did no good as the shooter just broke the glass and entered. The answer lies in the fact that mass killings by drugged up psychos under medical care are the trend among the criminally insane. It’s time to get serious about security of schools and public places. Security training for staff (maybe arm and train one or two) or have armed police or security in the school at all times children are there. Have them equipped with communications, tactics and ordnance for fast response to armed intruders. The second thing to do is to offer a “no fault” law for anyone who offers armed resistance to a criminal shooter – make these nuts a free fire target, maybe even offer cash rewards for dusting them before they do damage. Next we need to make media liable for making sensations out of these shootings and provoking copycat shooters – they shouldn’t even have their names mentioned, just a small back page note about another nutter getting dusted. Lastly, we must rethink how we deal with allowing psychos to walk around freely on mind bending drugs. There are many questions to be answered before we submit to anti-2nd amendment hysteria.
    I can guarantee after they take school security seriously, turn down the media hype over these shooters and a few of these twisted bastards get dusted before they can do harm, suicidal shooting sprees will lose appeal to the demented scum who want to use it as a way to fame and immortality.

  10. 9/11 would never have happened if all passengers were issued a foot long knife when boarding. Or stun guns holstered by every seat…etc.
    Politicians have a lot of lives to answer for…

  11. Thomas Sowell delivers primer on gun control; it should be required reading for all those advocating gun control or gun free zones, etc:
    I think part of the solution lies in how weapons and ammo are stored. In the military the weapons, breech blocks and ammunition are stored separately under lock and key. The idiot killer should never have had access to weapons, firing mechanisms and ammo.
    As pointed out to me a clip of more than 10 rounds can be very useful to a hunter (example rampaging bear that will not go down) but surely some kind of restriction (in US) of military assault weapons and mega-mags should be considered. No it will not solve the problem, but it may help in some way. I watched the very emotional speech from the NRA chief who rightly pointed out that the public has been misled by a thrill seeking media to draw no distinctions between weapons claiming semi-automatic .223calibre weapons are assault rifles (aren’t they rabbit guns?)
    Anyway, Sowell’s wise words need to be considered before even beginning any gun control pro/con discussion.

  12. As the week winds on it has become increasingly clear that This Time Is Different for the Left. They are no longer pretending to have a debate, as they used to pre-2000 election when Algore lost over gun control.
    This time they are dictating the terms of surrender to the NRA and anybody else who dares oppose their wishes. The facts of the matter are no longer an issue. The facts are that gun control doesn’t work. They know it, we know they do, and they don’t care. They are raging bulls now, heads down and charging.
    Andrew Cuomo, Governor of NY, just said in a statement that confiscation and forced buy-backs are on the table for the next NY legislative session.
    This time they have the power, and they are determined to USE it. Rights be damned, they’re going to ban those murder/death/kill instruments of Satan once and for all.
    Meanwhile I see on Drudge that a gun manufacturer sold three months supply of 20 round magazines in the last three days. So the Lefties may get a little more in the way of pushback than they bargained for. Probably not a good thing, but definitely a thing.

  13. Phantom, Brownells claim they sold out of a three and a half year supply of rifle mags this week. The run on pistol and rifle ammo has depleted most stores, plus there’s hardly a single AR variant left on the store shelves… This is after 4 years of stocking up, since under the radar Bammy came in… I was talking with a buddy in Tennessee, he’s got a weeks work of handloading ahead, presuming he can get more powder and primers.. Its gonna get interesting..

  14. You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel
    It’s a fundamental tenant in the elitist liberal mindset that “We know what’s best for you little people and of course it does not apply to us, just you”.

  15. The lieberal elite don’t see this as a personal problem that effects them. They have their gated communities with private security and their kids go to private schools with security guards.

  16. It ain’t just gonna be the Lefties who get the “pushback”, The Phantom. It will also be their “Law Enforcement” enablers who spit on their very oath of office who will be the first on the receiving end of that “pushback”. Every “Law Enforcement” officer in the US has sworn an oath to the Constitution before pinning on their badge. Yet pathetically few bother to honor that oath. NOT ONE of the “Law Enforcement” officers who follow Cuomo’s direction is anything more than a damnable traitor. Time is quickly approaching for them to rot in hell where they belong.

  17. “Law Enforcement” officers have no mandate to protect citizens. This has been clearly established in court.

  18. I watched the address of NRA Chief this afternoon.
    Predictably, the loser-left protesters were there too.
    After the presentation, switched over to the BNN channel, and had to endure the host’s analysis…some puny metro-sexual-limey-accented dweeb ‘trying to get the taste out of his mouth’ after that,!
    Picture it now- a mouse on the loose, this panty-waist up on a chair shreiking, tippy-toeing and lifting his pant legs while it skitters around!
    Anybody know the name of this ahole? I missed it.

  19. If what I’m reading, at least there’s gonna be a troll cull.
    Still. lotsa aholes slip between the cracks. (?)

  20. Hi Gerry, did you believe “who’s job it is” to be the correct form?
    “Who’s” is a contraction of “who is”, as in “Who’s illiterate?” whereas “whose” is a relative pronoun, bound in this case to the referent “a literal army of … (The Secret Service)”, instantiated as “WHOSE job it is” not “WHO IS job it is”.
    ps. “More BS written by illiterates.” is a sentence fragment, but of course you already knew that.

  21. They care not if they create a whole underground black market for guns in the US.
    If they were ever successful banning so called “Assault” weapons they would fetch 4 or 5 times their already high prices on the criminal black market.
    That will force all sorts of people living on the edge to dump them for some high dollar returns than into government scrape.
    He’ll even some military & police will try to pad their retirements by selling a few that fall into their possession.
    The end result will be well armed criminal groups and unarmed civilians just like Mexico.

  22. Well said. You would be a fool to give your child’s life in the hands of Men or Women who would never do the same. It just goes to show deep down even the gun control nuts know. Without special privilege they too would cede their children’s safety. Which off course means gun control is just another power grab, or some other insidious political gambit.
    Gun control for dafty is a political farce for something else they want. Since they are safe from criminals like3bhz9h phychotic killers.

  23. The only place that this gun control fantasy will go is those states that voted for Ø. Places like Californcatia and the whole NE. In the GOP states you can be sure the schools will have armed guards.
    It might sound heartless, but it’s fine by me if the libtards want to cull their population with one mad shooter after another in their gun free zones. It’s not my problem.

  24. If the metrosexual nancy boys and their wimminz-lib friends want to live where only gangs have guns…. well…It’s not my problem.

  25. Three words for ‘what America should do’ – Follow the Constitution. All the Washington gang (except maybe the President – he had a ‘do over’ behind closed doors) swore to defend and uphold the Constitution. Template was written before those ‘debaters’ were born.

  26. I guess what distinguishes Obama (like Bush, Reagan, and every other world leader of any political stripe) from your average citizen is that his country is full of people who regularly state they want to see him dead.

  27. Ah…so if you were a public figure who had a active (or Perceived) threat against you, you too could have the same comfort protection the elite is allowed ? Ah…why not?
