19 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Happened upon this:
    Beautiful story and song.. enjoy….
    About the Song
    While at the mall a couple of years ago, my then four year old nephew, Spencer, saw kids lined up to see Santa Claus. Having been taught as a toddler that Christmas is the holiday that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, he asked his mom, “where’s the line to see Jesus”?
    My sister mentioned this to my dad, who immediately became inspired and jotted words down to a song in just a few minutes. After putting music to the words, and doing a quick recording at home, he received a great response from friends. He sent the song off to Nashville without much response, except for a Christian song writer who suggested adding a bridge at the end of the first chorus. My dad then asked if I wanted to record the song to see what we could do with it. I listened to the song, made a few changes to the words to make it flow better, and we headed to Shock City Studios.
    It was at the studio where Chris, owner and producer, rewrote the 2nd verse and part of the chorus… with goose bumps and emotions high, we were all hopeful and felt like we had something special. The demo was recorded in just under 2 hours and sent off again to Nashville … still no response.
    Then 2 weeks before Christmas last year, my cousins Greg and Robbie decided to do a video to see what we could accomplish on YouTube. The first day we had 3000 hits and it soared from there. We received e-mails, phone calls, Facebook messages from people all over asking for the music, CD’s, iTunes, anything… we had nothing. After a couple of meetings with Chris following the amazing response, we got serious. We headed back into the studio this past spring… this time with guitars, drums, bass, pianos, choirs… the real deal…. and here we are today.
    Getting iTunes set up, a website put together, and loving that thousands upon thousands of Christians have come together… remembering the true meaning of Christmas. Out of the mouths of babes come profound truths that many adults can not understand. Hopefully Spencer’s observation will cause people all over to reflect on the love of Jesus, and that one day we will all stand in line to see Him. We are most thankful to our Heavenly Father to have this chance to share our music with you. Merry Christmas everyone.

  2. The complete LACK of self-awareness of the Left has never been more clear as in this piece.
    On MSNBC and throughout the Leftosphere we constantly and consistently see white liberals telling minorities precisely how they must think and vote. Yet if a conservative pundit merely mentions a Black or an Asian in passing, then they’re deemed to be racists.
    The well is so poisoned and I lay 95% of the fault directly at the feet of Leftists the world over.

  3. “But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. Not at the head, where a fatal wound might result. But at some other body part, such as a leg.”
    The Dalai Lama, 2001-05-15 – Source

  4. In a free society, people have the right to own guns
    “Why does anyone need a military assault rifle?” one friend asked.
    In fact, military assault rifles are prohibited weapons in most jurisdictions. They weren’t used in any of the mass shootings, and aren’t part of the debate. But the question illustrates why gun control is tied so closely to liberty.
    Strictly speaking, no one “needs” anything but a breath of air, a cup of water and a bowl of rice. The rest are individual choices we make as free human beings, if that’s what we are, instead of wards of the state. Liberty means not having to answer, explain, or justify, any of our choices to anyone.

  5. ‘Beautiful video, snagglepuss. Thanks.
    Where’s the line to see Jesus?
    Is He here at the store?
    If Christmas time is His birthday,
    Why don’t we see him more?

    Where’s the line to see Jesus?
    He was born for me.
    Santa Claus brought me presents,
    But Christ gave His life for me.


  6. PET Cemetery Report.
    Left-liberalism + Mohammedanism.
    “Trudeau defies critics who questioned his appearance at an Islamic conference
    Vancouver Sun”
    “Syrian Strikes Said to Kill Dozens in a Bread Line
    New York Times”

  7. insight from a cowboy on Keenyscorner……….
    Posts: 1283
    Join date: 2010-09-24
    Subject: Re: 2nd amendment’s effectiveness Sun 16 Dec 2012, 12:24
    We have placed the lives of our children in the hands of those who do not value their own lives. If they do not value their own lives, by denying the right to protect themselves, why would you expect them to protect your children?

  8. AGW’s Ho-Ho-Hold the Snow Event.
    “Holiday songs and a warming planet: Time to ditch the one-horse sleigh
    The Globe and Mail”
    “Major Oklahoma to Northeast Snowstorm in the Works
    A major snowstorm will soon spread from the southern Plains to the eastern Great Lakes and Northeast.”

  9. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “The overwhelming suspicion is that they, like poor quality mobile phones and cheap clothing, come from China.”
    H/T Rachel Carson/DDT.
    Leftist ecoism’s ban of DDT has killed untold millions.
    ‘Malaria is not going away because we are getting fake treatment’
    China suspected as source of counterfeit drugs that are holding back fight against malaria in Africa”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.
