24 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Vietcong had a name for people of his calibre. Useful Idiot.
    We need a test, perhaps the petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide, as a way to ridicule and drive the truly stupid from seeking or holding power.

  2. “Political correctness” is a term fostered by a delusional,illogical,liberal minority,and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  3. What Justin the drama queen seems to avoid mentioning is that it’s THEIR intolerance for our way of life that makes them so incompatible. The shiny pony really should read the Koran to see that it will never be a two way street.

  4. The critical question to ask Justina is what does he think about two homosexual Muslims that want to get married in their temple, and what would he do? Legislate that it should happen (as Christian churches are forced to do).
    What a lightweight dimwit he is (and the airhead followers, moreso)

  5. Audience is like “Oh yea Justin, we come together once you submit Islam, but we’ve got plenty of time for that yet dipshit so keep talking”.
    Muslims look at these Liberal white bread events as their night out at Yuk Yuk’s without blowing any fun rules.
    JT doesn’t care, he’ll take a vote from the fat little Asian guy on the balcony if he thought he could get it, most probably he could.
    “Hey lil Kim, pass me some more of those delicious pork testicles please”.

  6. This is why society used to shun pregnant party moms until it became liberally fashionable; today’s crack baby is tomorrow’s terrorist sympathizer used to matter to most folks.

  7. For some reason, the fact that the women’s section is called the “family section” irritates me more than anything else. Something about the idea that you have people, and then their families.

  8. Not surprised atall, Liberal Dalton allows muslim little girls to be segregated in school Mosqueterias. Keep in mind that women and gender equality are the first sacrifices liberals make onto the fire they build to appease Islamofascists.

  9. “She wrote that they had only done so after discovering there were no seats available in the family section. In one of her Tweets, she said of Trudeau, “Wonder if he knows what he is supporting?!”
    Nope.And neither does she if she keeps voting for him,which she will.Now when she demands that this crap be put on the MSM,CBC,etc,THEN I may start believing in a “moderate Muslim”.

  10. I wonder if they had fun with Justin on Thursday night. Muslims sure do love effeminate boys like Justin.

  11. Justin Trudeau is such an idiot. The guy doesn’t know which end is up, only that he’s “for” multiculturalism, ’cause his dad championed it, without having a clue what the often unintended consequences are for most Canadians. He seems utterly unaware that radical Islamists have no interest in freedom of expression — or freedom of anything. Muslims aren’t for the most part interested in inter-faith dialogue or in women’s rights. the guy’s willfully blind if he can’t figure that out. What a doofus.
    Multiculturalism, Trudeau-style, means good-bye European/British Judeo-Christian culture and hello every other culture. Trudeau Sr. used multiculturalism as a beard to give the godless and the Francophone cultures ascendancy in Canada. Getting rid of Christianity was a prerequisite for legalizing/normalizing abortion and the gay lifestyle. Given that the Muzzies are anti-Christian, that plays right into the multiculturalism-as-beard scenario in order to rid Canada of its Judeo-Christian heritage.
    What the Liberal$ get in return, however, when Shari’a is prominent in Canada, may come as a surprise to them. Muslims are not known to be supportive of feminists, gays, abortion-on-demand, or human rights of any kind.
    Justin Trudeau = Useful Idiot.

  12. TV ‘news’ aired only his ‘come together’ spiel, they made little mention of disagreement and certainly didn’t say bad things about the fascists.

  13. “…Liberal Dalton allows muslim little girls to be segregated in school Mosqueterias…”
    Posted by: Rose on December 23, 2012 3:30 PM | Reply
    Nope, Toronto parents allowed it – by failing to protest what happened. They all should have yanked their kids out of school until the nonsense was reversed.
    Didn’t of course. True Canadians. Much easier to piss and whine than do something constructive.

  14. Trudeau may be an idiot, but his campaign manager isn’t. Hate to say it, but this kinda BS sells really big in Toronto. Liberal voters lap this up.
    I’m starting to understand why. Liberal voters actually can’t stand Muslims for the most part. But they don’t want to admit that. They also don’t want to have to deal with the Muslims -themselves-. Because they can’t stand them.
    They want the GOVERNMENT to do it. So they see Shiny Pony making nice with the Muslims, and that means its all taken care of if they vote for the Pony.
    Same with gun control. Finally figured that out. Gun control to a Liberal means one more thing in life they don’t have to worry about, because Big Brother is taking care of it for them. Just like schools and hospitals.

  15. Well, I don’t know: from where I sit, I’d say that Trudeau’s losing… Meaning, of course, the Liberal Party stalwarts, as opposed to the free-riding non-member thingee they have going.
    I believe that he loves his wife, whom I think is fantastic, and his kids, who we don’t know and shouldn’t, plus I think he’s a really decent man overall, despite his foibles here and there (most of which his father knew well not to commit or ever get involved in). Overall, I regard him as a man of good character, and I quite like him.
    But he will not, on current trajectory, escape the famous Mark Steyn dictum, namely, “If you want to live like a Liberal, vote Conservative.”
    Despite Connecticut, most (read all) of the educational and other public sector professionals I know are not the slightest bit interested in gun issues — and are certainly not in the least bit prepared to be manipulated by any of it, which the Ontario Liberals are trying to do at the moment. What they want, as far as I can determine, is economic security, based on sound economic principles — both now and in the future.
    I’d say that, if you look at the vote in 2011 in Ontario (73 seats for “my friend Steve”, with a bigger percentage vote than Mike Harris got in 1999, plus the Durham by-election of this fall, most of the provincial and municipal public sector voted for our man Steve-O. Plus, I’d say that a good chunk of the Irish Catholic vote, which used to be pretty solidly Liberal, went for the party of Flaherty and Mulroney (if you don’t mind me using that last last name).
    Harper, as far as Ontario is concerned, IMO, is the true heir to Justin Trudeau`s father`s legacy. Unless the current Mr. Trudeau can turn that one around…

  16. Mark Carney (one of the few Liberals I like) referred to this kind of inane stumping as being a “clown circus”.
    That it certainly is. Seeing a superficial silver-spoon insulated partisan brat lecuring illiberal fundamentalists in liberal utopianism is akin to exposing Neanderthals to origami. But it does exemplify 3 things we (as voters) should always be aware of; 1) It demonstrates just how ridiculously naive the Liberal pop-star candidate is about life and the world and 2) It demonstrates just how deeply the Librano political cartel lusts for power, and to what ends they will go to acquire it. – Even to the point of schilling a naive boy-king puppet as face play for a deeply self-interested political machine which only covets power for power’s rewards. And lastly it demonstrates the Librano csrtel spinners have not learned a thing in the 3rd place rump party the voter has relegated them to, they have not changed the culture of deceit that sent them to opposition benches.

  17. Well you have to admit that he is carrying on his father’s tradition of working at being an enemy of Canada. I wonder what other fifth column things he has up his proverbial sleeve.

  18. Dancing boys are loved and admired in muslim culture, in afganistan two war lords fought a tank battle over a favourite.

  19. The problem for the LPC is that they ARE the LPC …
    Putting lipstick on a pig…. or putting lipstick on the whole herd…. if you catch the drift.

  20. As far as taking the lead in “head pandering” department of the Liberals, Justin has it hands down.
    It’s just that every time I see or hear him, I am reminded all over again as to why those mealy mouthed jerks make me sick and laugh, all at the same time.
