13 Replies to “Calendargate”

  1. Mann should get a hold of Pat Martin, for current fundraising tips.
    A collection plate is so … “medieval”.

  2. 4 calendars is widely distributed??? This “Mann” deserves to be in jail,or the local nut house.This is what you get when you let leftards shut down mental institutions.

  3. Michael could always come to Canada.
    It’s winter and it’s time for street hockey.
    He can bring his own hockey stick.

  4. Heh, Annoyed, that ain’t gonna happen. He knows very well that someone would most likely high-stick him as he so truly deserves. Y’all got any good enforcers available, with the NHL on hold, who could do some dental work on Mann et al? Just to keep in practice, of course, for if and when the season starts…

  5. Dear Michael Mann,
    I hope Mr. Watt got his funds via a Green Energy Act grant – so at least we can say that one good thing is coming out of the billions that have been pissed away on parasites like you.

  6. Mann’s reaction immediately reminded me of Jacky Gleason’s response to the question of what the remains of his car was in the film, “Smoky and the Bandit” — (In a thick southern drawl) “This? Why this is evidence.”
    It’s hard not to look pathetic when expounding paranoid delusions.

  7. Mann goes Dumpster diving for his (Junk) Science, and now he
    is whinning about Sceptics. He was on PBS ~ 2 weeks ago complaining that his feelins are SO hurt.
    Penn State! get rid of the Dumpster Diver before more scabs fall out of the walls

  8. I think maybe I would have laughingly replied that Mark Steyn financed the “widely distributed calendars” And that NRO intends to introduce them as evidence in court. And that they will be used to modify the behavior of world gov’ts with Adam Corolla making a documentary called “A Convenient Truth” featuring hockey sticks, Non-Blue Man Groups and Dan Quayle. We really are ruining Mann’s Christmas but seeing as he doesn’t subscribe to that crass commercialism it is no loss.

  9. Calendars are like tree rings†, you can extrapolate global conditions (like temperature or item distribution) just from very small sample sizes: even as low as a single item. Thus if you can deduce global warming from the behaviour of a single tree in Siberia, from a single calendar in your mail box you can deduce massive funding to pay for global distribution of billions of calendars.
    † Calendars are even composed of tree rings. Countless potential hockey sticks are certain have been destroyed by the pulping of their wood into paper to supply every household in the world with calendars: this process is known as AGC (Anthropomorphic Global Calendaring), now known as Date Disruption, or more recently as Dirty Almanac. This dramatic rise of Dirty Almanac can be traced back to 1964, where the publication of the first Pirelli calendar started off the proliferation of unsustainable NSFW calendars.
