We Are All Treaty People

So, who’s looking after yours?

…to save the world, the aboriginals behind Idle No More want to stop Bill C-45, and along with it to force the government to recognize that Canada belongs to the Indians and anyone else who is here are “settlers” who need to get the permission of the aboriginals to do anything on the land. (We said we’re not making this up.)

h/t Neil Edmondson

77 Replies to “We Are All Treaty People”

  1. They were born here like me but somehow I owe them something because I’m white and they aren’t is that the gist of it? I thought that kind of thing was racist.

  2. Fontaine couldn’t resist tweaking Manitoba Hydro later, telling band members and a reporter he planned an explosive delivery to Hydro’s new downtown corporate headquarters.
    Security guards waited inside the Hydro headquarters’ glass-and-stone lobby as Fontaine calmly sat and waited half an hour to be greeted. When he finally was, he handed the official a can of baked beans.
    “I told him detonation was unpredictable,” Fontaine deadpanned.
    From the article in the Winnipeg Free Press – read the comments at the end of the article.

  3. This is the end result of progressives in our government and in particular our courts who keep giving credance to native claims.
    The noted native racialist ed john in BC states the end game very simply; he wants 10-15% of every resource related dollar to flow, unearned,except by skin colour,to less than 4% of the population,
    yet this literal red neck has been taken seriously for years,and is pursued by the media as a stirling source of fact.
    .Locally we are told the natives wish to make direct deals with the chinese because they are “soveriegn”. you may laugh, but in my small town, the on going development of a large parcel of fee simple industrial land was under taken by a chinese government backed developer.The first group the chinese contacted was the local native band. not the local government or the people whose infra-structure they need to access, no highways department, nope straight to the 300 member local band,The BC government had told them to get agreement from the natives even though this has been fee simple private land for over a century.
    If our own Government won’t even mildly disagree let alone fight this creeping loss of real soveriegnty then why should we pay taxes to support it?
    Apparently we have been sending our tax dollars to the wrong people for years, Government silence in the face of provocation like this just validates the situation.

  4. A quote from the Edmonton journal editorial Dec 21, “. . . Idle No More co-founder Tanya Kappo’s worry that current federal legislation will give more band members individual property rights on reserve land . . .” Believe it or not, but there are native people who do want to do away with the reserve system, but they are a minority and besides they do not count because they are not chiefs.
    From the blog article:
    “…This started as an objection to omnibus Bill C-45, which, among other things, calls for greater accountability from Indian Chiefs regarding their pay and how they spend their reserves’ money…”
    All power rests with the chief and council. Until that control is wrested away from them, then nothing will ever change. A resident on reserve does not get a vote for the Assembly of First Nations leader. The chief of a reserve gets to decide for everyone where his vote will go. No one is ever consulted. When the council is elected on a reserve, all the top administration jobs are filled by the elected council. Education, experience, work history, all that doesn’t matter; the elected official gets the job. Not every reserve is run this way, but sadly most are.
    The reserve vote for a chief is atrocious. Is there any other jurisdiction in Canada that allows a designated person, appointed by chief and council, to go out and deliver and gather people’s votes and deliver them back to the election officer? It’s more like steal the vote.
    Not only should this control be taken away, but the Indian Act and the bureaucracy of Indian Affairs has to be disbanded.

  5. Peter @ 11:16
    Is there some hugely important reason for you to make the same link that was provided in the post?
    Merry Christmas.

  6. I was hoping that ‘idle no more” meant these parasites were actually getting off there lazy butts and getting a job.That would be a good way to improve there lives and that of there children.Sick and tired of my tax money going to bunch of lazy whiners who have nothing better to do than hang out outside of malls beating on drums and blocking traffic with there stupidity.!!!

  7. All families of all smokers should be suing all Indian Bands for spreading the genocide of smoking amongst the Whiteman. This was a premeditated act of Genocide against White People. It has produced a holocaust of victims numbering in the millions upon millions. Oh yah I forgot, the victims are only Whites.

  8. The CPC should run with Idle No More. Pass the Idle No More Act when declares workfare principle for payments to Indian bands direct to band members.

  9. Amazing to see a bunch of people fighting to have their powers strangled even longer.
    If I didn’t have native friends and family who were fighting against the authoritarian rule of the reserves I would have no idea that there is a slim glimmer of hope for them. My uncle left his reserve in Manitoba years ago out of frustration but helps in whatever capacity he can. Some of my school mates from school in Wetaskiwin and still reside in Hobbema are very vocal in their community against the chief and council.
    Natives on the right have an extremely tough and arduous road to travel.

  10. They can no more own the nation of Canada than the fleas on a dog own the dog. You are part of it or you are part of the wretchedly corrupt 3rd wold who envies it.
    If we scratch deep enough we will find these “fleas” are agenda 21 activists furthering the abolishion of private property, what a fantastic disguise the native land claims mythology offers the UN globalist or the misanthropic Marxist – and it shows.

  11. Here I was thinking that the ‘Idle No More’ thingy, was all of them going to get productive jobs… Silly me.

  12. robins111 I said the same thing on CBC’s comment section of the story. It and all related comments from me were deleted by the administrator. How weird is that!

  13. It is further agreed between Her Majesty and the said Indians that each Chief duly recognized as such shall receive an annual salary of twenty-five dollars per annum, and each subordinate officer, not exceeding three for each band, shall receive fifteen dollars per annum; and each such Chief and subordinate officer as aforesaid shall also receive once in every three years a suitable suit of clothing; and each Chief shall receive, in recognition of the closing of the treaty, a suitable flag and medal.
    From Treaty Number 3
    They have received 10,000 times that number per chief at least.

  14. “Stephen Harper = Adolph Hitler sign so prominently displayed on TV news coverage. ”
    Another stupid analogy by ignorant people. Hitler would have rounded you up and taken you to camps,where you would have become a puff of smoke.
    Stephen Harper tries his best to do something for the Indians who aren’t members of the Band ruling elite,and you’re too idiotic to see the difference.
    I read about twenty of the comments at the link, none were supportive of the Indians. They should take heed. The old time Mafia used to have an expression that when the ordinary citizen turned against you,you were finished. The Indians are at that point. Most people are sick to death of their blatant racism,their constant bitching when they are handed more freebies than any other Canadians.
    Idle no more? No, idle,no less.

  15. Canadian Land Right for Aboriginals generally go back to a 1752 treaty signed by the Governor of Nova Scotia Peregrine Hopson and a Mikmak chief of sorts from Schubenacadie named Jean Baptiste Cope. Cope was an irresponsible drunk who was disrespected by all other native leaders and only had any authority over a few dozen members of his tribal group.
    He revoked the treaty and took arms against English settlers within a year.
    Yet this is still pointed to as the basis for Native land claims.
    They have less claim to land in Canada than I do to land that was granted to my ancestors about that time for being loyal to the King and has since gone through several different owners.
    By Force Majeur we – the people of Canada – own this land if for no other reason. The Indians lost – too bad for them.

  16. This discussion reminds me of another discussion a few years back between myself and a young Native man. He had managed to draw a small group around himself, as he spewed what he had been taught, That us Indians own everything and the Whiteman owns nothing. I let him get his spleen vented and when he paused for a breath I walked over and said I have one question for you. He snarled what. (I am an older Whiteman) I said I overheard your speech on Native rights, and you claim you own everything. He said that is right. I said well tell me this, what do you intent to do with the 30M Whitemen living on your land. His jaw dropped, his friends slinked off, and he was speechless. “The Kings Writ Extends Only As Far As The Ends Of His Muskets”.

  17. We have the right to use the land, but will never ‘own’ it. That’s why we have no property rights. And will never have property rights. The Treaties were made with the ‘Crown’, not the people.
    This land will be returned to them one day. That is scriptural.

  18. Are not ALL citizens who were born in Canada, peterj, “native citizens“? Of course, I realize that Canada may have additional leeches beyond those self-identifying as “aboriginals“…

  19. Here in Sarnia the Red Indians have been blocking the CN Rail lines for the past 4 days. Rail shipments to/from the USA have been blocked as well as shipments of propane intended for local farmers and other rural residents. The Mayor and Police Service have stated that they are doing nothing at the present time.
    In a way I must agree with their non-actions. These fools exist and thrive because people pay attention to them. If everyone, including the media would just ignore them,like petulant children they will go away.

  20. Seeing as Indians didn’t keep any historical records, how are we to know that they didn’t wipe out some previous race who could have, at that time, claimed to be a “first nation”.
    I would say, as I’m sure they might have said then, at that time, “to the victors, go the spoils”.

  21. A couple of points I have always pondered here. First, the original aboriginals, the first ones, they walked here from Asia, or that is how the scientists believe it happened. So, they are just as much settlers as the folks that came later on ships, with guns.
    Second, the folks here were living a stone age existence when Europeans sailed over. No advanced culture, no special understanding of anything, just a bunch of hunter/gatherers who had not progressed along the road to what Europeans considered civilization. Read Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel for an interesting take on N. American development.
    Third, why would I put any more credence on an aboriginal’s pagan beliefs over a christian’s belief? To an atheist I guess they are all silly, Mother Earth, God, Jesus, Allah, etc. And yet the newsies somehow bestow magical powers of earth conservation on many of these folks who live just like the rest of us, in houses with computers, TVs and the like. Perhaps in the past many of the hunter/gatherers had a bond with the land, they had to just to survive. But was it any more special than the bond that a farmer has with the earth and weather? I think not. My Grandfather farmed some, and for his whole life it seems that he observed the weather because every day, in his journals, he jotted down the weather, temp, wind, general observations. He was part of nature, he needed to know the conditions so he could sow and reap, to tend and nurture.
    When you read the treaties, what I get out of all of this, is that the British empire took a very humane position on expansion. Instead of fighting, and wiping out, all natives they negotiated in a way that they (the British) understood. Yes, looking back it hardly seems fair, but the alternative was just killing them all, outright. They had the means to do so, just not the desire. Pretty harsh to think of it that way, but here were other nations that took the different route, not a pretty sight.
    Time the aboriginal community grew up and joined the rest of Canada as Canadians. Stop living some kind of fantasy where all of Canada is returned to the few who feel they are entitled to it, never going to happen, ever. Stop allowing these Chiefs the total power some of them exercise, they are just humans, who are corrupted by power and greed too. Nothing special there.

  22. Canada is a Nation not built by the First Nations, yet it is money and materialism from the Canadian Nation that they want.
    Natives peoples of Canada who wish to live “the old ways” are free to do so in all the wildernesses of Canada, providing that they do not infringe on the people of the Canadian Nation.
    Hunt, trap, fish even build a teepee village on some remote lake, no one is stopping them. It’s the Canadian nation that has freely given them the skidoo’s, rifles, and modern medicine to make it easier to do whatever the hell they wish to do.
    No one has stopped the First Nations from joining the Canadian Nation to partake equally in its modern luxuries including education and employment except themselves.

  23. Who are these Idle No More idiots?
    They want all Canadians to ask their permission to use the resources on “their” land when they hadn’t even invented the wheel when Europeans came to North America? They’re obviously living on another planet. Treaties made it clear that they had surrendered their land a long time ago. As The Black Rod makes perfectly clear, “words have meaning.”
    The trajectory of all human endeavor since time began is that the group that builds the boat and pushes off into the unknown to explore the world and finds land, claims that land as theirs. If the natives can defend themselves and “their” land, they get to keep it; if not, they don’t have any particular “rights” to it. You may not like this reality but that’s the way it goes. As it was, the tomahawk was no match for the muskets and canons of the Europeans and so it goes.
    Look, Native tribes wiped out other Native tribes all the time, scalped their enemies, ate their hearts, and took over “their” land, so what is Idle No More’s beef? They want to re-write history and that’s not on. Talk about sovereignty and being stewards of Mother Earth. Natives, sadly, with billions of taxpayers’ dollars every year have done a dismal job of taking care of their own Native people and the land on which they live; how do they, then, propose to be stewards of the land for the rest of us?
    They’re obviously full of hot air. As far as one of their talking points: “Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water” (which isn’t even a sentence), my take on it is that Native indolence and corruption have done far more to “damage the land and water” than anything so-called “colonists” have done. I would truly like to see evidence of how Native culture has benefited Canada in the same way that colonists from all over Britain and Europe have over the past few centuries: Brits/Europeans brought medicine, learning, architectural and engineering know-how, etc., which Native peoples have largely benefited from. The myth is that Native culture is better, more pure than British/European culture and that’s just not true.

  24. I’ve had a bit of fun tearing their arguments to shreds on their FB page. It’s always so easy to make liberal freeloaders angry when they have nothing but emotion and racism. The cognitive dissonance required to call someone racist while at the same time saying they should go back where they came from…
    Just so long as whitey keeps the cash flowing.

  25. One of these protestors was quite critical of Bill C45 because it would allow reserve land to be mortgaged, and might therefore “destroy” the reserve system by making it possible for non-natives to wind up owning native land. That improvement alone makes me a huge supporter of Bill C45. The best thing that could happen to natives is the destruction of the countless mini-Soviet Unions that dot the Canadian landscape whose sole purpose is to consume vast amounts of scarce capital in order to prop up failed experiments in central planning.

  26. Peterj >
    That is only one part of the true story:
    “When scientists analyzed the mtDNA of a broad sample of living Native Americans, they found that about 97 percent had mtDNA from haplogroups A, B, C or D. These haplogroups are all present in modern day Siberia and Asia, so it makes sense that the forefathers of those Native Americans came from those regions. But the surprise was that about 3 percent of the Native Americans tested had mtDNA from a different haplogroup, called X. Some populations, such as the Ojibwa from the Great Lakes region, have a high concentration of X – 25 percent.
    How did haplogroup X get to North America?………..”

  27. I note a potentially misleading item in Black Rod’s description of the constitutional situation. The land belongs to the Queen of Canada. It is accurate to describe her as the Queen of England (or more correctly, of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) since there is only one person, but Canada is an independent sovereign nation and our Head of State is the Queen of Canada. It is a matter of historical happenstance that the hereditary monarch holds the same position in both countries, but Canada no longer belongs to the Queen of Great Britain but to Her as Queen of Canada. If the U.K. should ever do away with the monarchy, or if that country were to sink into the ocean when the global warming fantasy comes true, or it just disappears up the collective a#$*hole of the British population as it eventually must if their political left doesn’t keep leading the country around in ever-decreasing circles of social engineering, Canada will still be Canada and our head of state will still be the Queen of Canada (or her heir or successor) unless Canada does something to change that.

  28. n the Idle No More movement, Indians say they are fighting for their treaty rights.
    But, in the treaties, the Indians ceded land to the British Crown but reserved land for the Indian bands.
    The 1850 Robinson Huron and Robinson Superior treaties say the Indians did “surrender, cede, grant and convey forever all their right, title, and interest” in the land they ceded to the Crown.
    Treaty 1 says the Indians did “cede, release, surrender and yield up forever” the land they ceded to Crown.
    Treaties 2 to 11 say the Indians did “cede, release, surrender and yield up forever all their right, title and privileges whatsoever” to the land they ceded to the Crown.
    The 1923 Williams Chippewa and Williams Mississauga treaties say the Indians did “cede, release, surrender and yield up all their right, title, interest, claim, demand and privileges” to the land they ceded to the Crown.
    The Crown did promise Indians could hunt and fish in the areas the Indians ceded to the Crown but that was only until the Crown needed the land.
    In the 1850 Robinson Huron and Robinson Superior treaties, it says the following.
    “and further to allow the said Chiefs and their Tribes the full and free privilege to hunt over the Territory now ceded by them, and to fish in the waters thereof, as they have heretofore been in the habit of doing; saving and excepting such portions of the said Territory as may from time to time be sold or leased to individuals or companies of individuals, and occupied by them with the consent of the Provincial Government”.
    In the numbered treaties 1 and 2, the Crown did not give Indians the right or the privilege to hunt and fish on the land those Indians ceded to the Crown.
    In the numbered treaties 3 to 11, it says the following or something very similar.
    “Her Majesty further agrees with Her said Indians that they, the said Indians, shall have right to pursue their avocations of hunting and fishing throughout the tract surrendered as hereinbefore described, subject to such regulations as may from time to time be made by Her Government of Her Dominion of Canada, and saving and excepting such tracts as may, from time to time, be required or taken up for settlement, mining, lumbering or other purposes by Her said Government of the Dominion of Canada, or by any of the subjects thereof duly authorized therefor by the said Government”.
    The Crown promised a school and/or a teacher on each reserve only in the 11 numbered treaties across western Canada but not in other treaties.
    Perhaps two of the 11 numbered treaties call for a medicine bag on each reserve but other treaties do not call for medicine or healthcare for Indians.
    None of treaties say the Indians would get a share of the money from development of resources on land the Indians ceded to the Crown.
    One thing you can be 100% positive they weren’t promised running water or free housing.
    So, what exactly are the treaty rights the Indians think they should get?

  29. Occam: “If we scratch deep enough we will find these ‘fleas’ are agenda 21 activists furthering the abolishion of private property, what a fantastic disguise the native land claims mythology offers the UN globalist or the misanthropic Marxist – and it shows.”
    Right on. The UN places ‘indigenous peoples’ in a superior category to the rest of us. The treaty negotiators won’t brook dissent from the politically correct game plan. That is the UN Agenda 21.

  30. The term “First Nations People” is so abused as to be ridiculous. I’d gladly negotiate with any real First Nations Person. Not with one who might be 5% First Nations. The right to live on reserves is grossly abused.
    Now, let’s discuss Kennewick Man and the possible fact that Europeans were here BEFORE the folks came over the land bridge in the Bering. Do a little research and you’ll discover that possibly the First Nations really aren’t.

  31. Phil, just remember that if you are eating a nice Christmas dinner…….you didn’t build that.
    It’s getting busy around the old homestead so I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas.

  32. peterj >
    Phils out hunting himself a Christmas moose and cattail roots for dinner at the moment, so most probably to occupied to reply.

  33. Idle No More…. it’s a waste of energy to leave the vehicle running while your in the mall shopping. Good to see the natives behind something worthwhile.

  34. When asked if the local adults would be ready to start taking jobs associated with mining activity, the usually taciturn Evelyn Baxter explodes: “What planet are you from?”
    Almost everyone on her reserve from teenagers on up is addicted to prescription painkillers, she says, and she has seen addicts as young as eight or nine. Despite having no formal healthcare training, Baxter is a key member of Marten Falls’ first-response team and spends many a night rushing to her neighbours’ houses to deal with overdoses, suicide threats and addicts struggling with withdrawal. By day, she is engaged in the unrewarding experience of prodding sleepy, forgetful recovering addicts into learning life skills and attempting to work nine-to-five.
    “It’s like trying to teach a little kid to eat and sleep and walk again,” she said. Every day she starts from scratch because her employees have forgotten everything from the day before.
    Need for speed in resource development meets First Nations reality

  35. Yawn. The entire history (and pre-history) of mankind is locating, getting relocated, conquering and getting conquered. But here’s a cure for what ails us and them:
    Make all Indians a one time offer: a one time offer of half-a-million bucks if you (a) graduate high school, (b) leave the Res., (c) renounce your ‘status’ forever.

  36. Does Kennewick man, ring any bells, and how the natives in (Washington, Oregon?)destroyed any evidence that would prove he was white, and very, very old. In facct, I think it was under a Democrat (Clinton?) who disallowed investigation of the remains.
