We Are All Treaty People

So, who’s looking after yours?

…to save the world, the aboriginals behind Idle No More want to stop Bill C-45, and along with it to force the government to recognize that Canada belongs to the Indians and anyone else who is here are “settlers” who need to get the permission of the aboriginals to do anything on the land. (We said we’re not making this up.)

h/t Neil Edmondson

77 Replies to “We Are All Treaty People”

  1. The thugs are engaged in an occupation and blockade of Sarnia’s rail line. Lets all watch McGuinty and Harper look the other way and fail to protect the rights of Canadians.

  2. After reviewing the treaties this morning, I would point out one other fact… there are many tribes and bands that ratified the treaties decades after they were originally negotiated and signed. These chiefs, who presumably had been exposed to English as at least a second language all their lives, should have had no language barriers that the earlier chiefs may have had, and as such should have had no doubt as to what they were signing up for on that day. Yet, some of these tribes are ones who are still protesting and causing a disturbance today.
    In speaking with a band councilor from the area whom I employed until recently it was clear that she didn’t know specifically why she was upset at Harper and Bill C45, however she was upset enough to protest in town. I will say one thing… if what they were doing wasn’t “Idlework”, I don’t know what is.

  3. Blow it out your ear LAS. Harper is doing the right thing by ignoring them. Sooner or later they’ll give up because no one is paying attention to them. McGuinty is not an issue here because CN Rail property is private property.
    What would you do to resolve the situation?

  4. Jamie MacMaster >
    “The entire history (and pre-history) of mankind is……..”
    Absolutely, as well as the future.
    The Liberal Progressive lefts push for multiculturalism will finish any First Nation treaties in the future.
    Flooding North America with socialist/ communists, Islam, or indigenous cultures from Asia, Africa and South America will not bode well for the Native Americans.
    Has any Native American “cultural sympathizers” asked how all the other cultures that they are importing by the millions treat their own indigenous peoples around the world?

  5. How much you want to bet that there is U.S. left wing foundation money supporting the indians in this latest BS?

  6. So the Cree came to Sask in the 1700’s and killed everyone they found.Now they say this is their land because of forever.This makes scents. They are lucky the whites didn’t treat them like they treated each other.

  7. Harper is doing the right thing by ignoring them. Sooner or later they’ll give up because no one is paying attention to them.’
    Just like in Caledonia! Look at how well that went. Well Harper did woo Fantino over. I guess ‘let politically-correct thugs do what they want’ was sort of an implicit understanding. It’s not like they’re threatening to the government, just the little people.

  8. Treaties are ‘contracts of surrender’ between warring nations. They were signed by the natives to stop the fighting that would have left them as a footnote in Canadian history.
    They are not a ‘living’ document. They do not have ‘intent’. They are what they are, a ‘contract of surrender’.
    Those who cannot accept this fact are responsible for Caledonia, and much more importantly,the continued degradation of the native race.The 21st century is a much better place to live than the 19th.
    BTW,if this Spence chief on the hunger strike(soup diet)is a steward of the environment and one with the earth,how come winter always takes her people by surprise?

  9. The above post was written by ‘the regular formerly known as wallyj’. I’ll figure this out sooner or later.

  10. Message to FNs that believe that they own the land and that the “settlers” shall forever consult, grovel, and bribe for development rights:
    OK you win. There is no sovereignty in the Crown. There are no “Canadian” Laws. The 97% residing on your land may or may not be interested in your neolithic form of governance, in fact, it would be fair to say that the resulting mobs with the most guns get to decide the future from this point forward. And, since there are no laws preventing it, the majority might make it a sport to use their guns against the tiny “ruling” minority. Not only would this make a great position of negotiation for a treaty or better still, assimilation, armed Canadians could use the opportunity to implement an actual Constitution.

  11. Treaty 2
    And the undersigned Chiefs, on their own behalf and on behalf of all other Indians inhabiting the tract within ceded, do hereby solemnly promise and engage to strictly observe this treaty, and also to conduct and behave themselves as good and loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen. They promise and engage that they will in all respects obey and abide by the law; that they will maintain peace and good order between each other, and also between themselves and other tribes of Indians, and between themselves and others of Her Majesty’s subjects, whether Indians or whites, now inhabiting or hereafter to inhabit any part of the said ceded tract, and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitants of such ceded tract, or the property of Her Majesty the Queen, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract, or any part thereof, and that they will aid and assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this treaty, or infringing the laws in force in the country so ceded.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Her Majesty’s said Commissioner and the said Indian Chiefs have hereunto subscribed and set their hands at Manitoba Post this day and year herein first above named.

  12. Well Robert L, they have to be demiltarized before the Germans can sell them. Or weren’t you talking about F105s?

  13. a@c >
    “They are lucky the whites didn’t treat them like they treated each other.”
    That’s a great point.
    However what the white Liberal Progressive has done to the aboriginals with welfare subjugation and drug dependency is just as genocidal if only in a less open way. They murder the aboriginal unborn and use their plantation votes just as readily as their counterparts do with the Negro’s and Mexicans in the US.

  14. Just saw this, happy you front paged it.
    The numbered treaties specifically prohibit blockades; for example, Treaty 8 (which covers where I live) says:
    “and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tract, or of any other district or country, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract or any part thereof, and that they will assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this Treaty”
    Every blockade on treaty land breaks the treaty, and you can only break a treaty so many times before it becomes, or should become, null and void.
    The treaties also compel Indians to uphold the law; with Indian crime rates ~8 times higher than non-Indian rates it’s at least debatable whether this in itself voids the treaty.
    One positive aspect of #idlenomore is that I’m seeing non-Natives actually read the treaties covering much of Canada and discover that it’s Indians, not the crown, who are breaking the treaties.

  15. phil >
    “Yet of all the myriad products modern society has to offer, some that we need,………”
    Like food?
    Russia also tried to socialize farming and force farmers into flat rate quotas for their labors and skills, didn’t work out very well. Needed commodities with the experience and skills to produce them have much power in societies that wish to thrive beyond hand to mouth.
    Example: Liberal arts major not so much.
    BTW, with all of your griping about farmers, what is it exactly that you produce or provide?
    There is a difference between welfare for losers to simply exist, and subsidies to insure a valued commodity flows within the economy. That said most small farmers I’ve ever met certainly haven’t done as well as big corporate publicly traded conglomerates. Maybe you should buy some shares in those and stop feeling as small and ineffectual in life as you apparently do to most here.

  16. Mike in White Rock on December 24, 2012 4:25 PM |
    Kennewick man is very interesting; but we don’t need a white man’s corpse to demonstrate that there were successive waves of immigration to the New World, and that the lot found here by the Europeans were merely the last wave.

  17. These WeightWatchers success stories provide such good role models to younger women struggling with obesity. Good for Chief Spends !!! It’s also good that Mr Harper is waiting to meet with her when she get to 150lbs. It’s positive encouragement like that which makes all the difference to success. You go girl.

  18. You’d have to explain to me, exactly, how Caledonia is an example of bad governance by Stephen Harper.
    As I understand it, the lands in question were part of the Haldimand Tract, which was transferred, on a proclamatory, non-Treaty basis following its purchase by the British government from other native tribes, to the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy as a reward of one form or another for their support of the British in the American Revolutionary War. The Six Nations then sold off the lands, which subsequent transfers have been upheld as legal by the Canadian courts, who, again as I understand it, have not found any constitutional issue involved.
    So, given the complete and utter absence of evidence of an unsettled land claim arising from the failure of the Canadian government to honour a treaty obligation, what, exactly, do y’all think Mr. Harper should have done? Take it upon himself to send in the army to expel the illegal occupiers, without a, er, request to do so (let alone one to which he would have actually acceded) from the Province of Ontario — which is, after all, responsible for “Property and Civil Rights in the Province” (section 92 of the BNA Act) and which has systematically failed to live up to those responsibilities? Or maybe take it upon himself to try to “negotiate” a solution on the same basis?
    I’m guessing you’d say something, in response, like “well, none of that stopped him from sending troops to Afghanistan!” Oops, sorry, I forgot — it was the Liberals who sent the troops to Afghanistan, and its former Deputy Prime Minister who recommended their continued commitment to that country. How forgetful of me!
    OTOH, my parents just sold their home, which they owned for 41 years and which is also situated in the former Haldimand Tract — if the “descendants” of the Six Nations came along and asked for my parents’ money and the shoe was on the other foot…
    Regardless, you’d need to do a good deal better than your usual switch-blade approach to important questions to convince me that you have the slightest clue what you’re talking about on Caledonia.

  19. Sean
    Thats the fly in the ointment.Soon Whitey will be outnumbered by, Chinese, East Indians, Muslims & sundry others. Do you think for one minute they will pay these layabouts anything. The gravy train has passed them by. Yet they still think theres plenty left over. The peoples I mentioned can honestly tell them they did not Colonize while the Indians where nomads. So no Wampum for you. Besides these treaty’s where humane documents given by a soft touch Civilization. Most of the rest of the World would have eliminated them to the last man.

  20. http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/dept-min/pub/c45/p02.html
    Just thought I’d leave this here…..
    I’ts Christmas eve and the 108 octane punch is in effect.
    Just from a quick scan it seems as if the Chiefs and their “tribal government” can be held criminally accountable for their actions, if those actions can be proven to be not in the best interest of the community.
    This bill covers any organization that is not the Federal or Provincial Governments
    No doubt the multimillionaire Chiefs will be deploying astro-turf. I wonder if they get paid in 8-balls.
    (street for cocaine/crack)
    Harper win for sure, to the lamentations and horror of the people who profit off of the subjugation of their neighbors.
    The reservations are ghettos buy the choice of the people that run them. Not racism, not bigotry, not white mans fault.
    Bonus: organizations include criminal gangs and enviro-nazis.
    (maybe? I didn’t dig very deep, but can always hope.)

  21. *
    sorry… i have to disagree with the conservative majority here.
    i mean, after receiving my humungous “highland clearances
    cheque from the british royal family last
    week, it would be rank hypocrisy not to support my aboriginal
    brothers and sisters.

  22. Sounds like there’s an organization of native Indians that should be classified as a terrorist organization and dealt with appropriately. The Indians should understand that there was a war over N. America and they lost. If they want to live in the same primitive conditions in existence before the Europeans came to N. America, then they should be allowed to do so but should also forgo all modern technology. That means no rifles and no medical care. They should get used to hunting with bows and arrows again and use the local medicine man instead of the white mans hospital.
    Now that I’ve seen the wording of some of the treaties that were signed, it would appear that more than a few chiefs should be in jail over the behavior of members of their tribe. What I can’t understand is why PMSH hasn’t taken a very hard line on this issue given the terrorist organizations that are operating among the native Indians.
    Probably the first place to start would be to return care to local medicine men as native Indians are a huge drain on the medical system. Recently had a new neurologist who migrated here from Europe see one of the local native Indian diabetics and he was flabbergasted that someone could have as many diabetic complications at the age 30 years — in Europe it seems that people don’t get that way until they hit the age of 60-70. Told him to get used to it as the interface between a culture used to periodic feast or famine and a culture of plenty is not pretty.
    Incidentally, I refuse to use the term “aboriginal” as it refers to members of the set of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived there. I’ve also got native Indian patients who get quite annoyed when someone refers to them as “aboriginals”. Fortunately, where I happen to live is a place where the native Indians are doing quite well preferring to work and not behave as oppressed victims asking for endless supplies of money. There seems to be an indigenous native Indian characteristic of working their ass off and then suddenly quitting and telling their boss to f*** off if they’re fed up with the job. That’s actually a refreshing racial property.
    Heavily into the Jaegermeister tonight which is far preferable to eggnog.

  23. If Chief Spence’s “hunger strike” is as honest as the operation of Attawapiskat, she could stop eating for a year yet add twenty pounds.

  24. It’s all about keeping the cash flowing, hollering for more, more and never have to account for any of it.
