35 Replies to “While Monsanto Feeds The World”

  1. Probably not a bad idea for more people to experience the real world and kill their own food…I always get hungry when I butcher. And nothing goes to waste, the offal makes good coyote bait 🙂

  2. I only ever really read Salon for Paglia, so if I chance upon it otherwise I’m always taken aback by how cr@p it is. You’d think I’d learn.
    Going by this article, Sirota should just come out as a lesbian. That couldn’t possibly be any worse for his poor kid than having him as a “father”, it would likely be a big relief to his wife (or whatever), and it would really cause us all to reflect in a meaningful way on the very relevant relevance of upper middle class narcissism and the way it causes people to translate their emotional problems into unhinged political obsessions and ludicrously hyperbolic “journalism”.
    Oh, and “farming”. Ah, so. SDA is Gotham, and you just switched on the phil Signal.

  3. This former farm boy thinks that we need to have more farm kids. Living in the ‘burbs does not teach children about responsibility, the value of hard work or delayed gratification like raising a crop or a bunch of piglets will.
    Without farmers, we would revert to a society of hunter-gatherers. Consider that there were 4-8 million native americans prior to Columbus and now the same continent feeds its 360 million people and exports food overseas.
    phil, since you obviously hate farmers so much, why don’t you boycott all their products?

  4. Haha! “Pluck” chickens! When my wife was a girl growing up on a farm (apiary, to be precise) one of her chores was to chop the heads off the chickens. Every now and then she still sings,”chop their heads off one by one.” She also has zero fear of bees and wasps BTW.

  5. Jeez, that guy’s in for big parenting trouble down the road if he can’t manage to control what his 2-year old sees, hears, reads. Doofus.

  6. phil there’s a robust FN on an island in the ottawa river, me thinks she would enjoy yer company in yer boycott:-))
    Back mumba…you stolt my line, as I was going to mention that this muther should……..

  7. Got a bunch of Chick-Fil-A coupons for free sandwiches and stuff. Patronized them when they were being attacked by the Lefties a few months ago. I responded to their website ” How did you enjoy your visit today” thing and they have been sending me special deal coupons ever since.
    I believe it would only be proper to send them to Sirota’s little moppet so he could enjoy a Chiuck-Fil-A
    experience. As soon as I find his adress, they’re off in the mail!

  8. Producing industrial meat poisons the land air and water. The meat is laced with antibiotics and other toxins from the feed. The animals are raised and slaughtered inhumanely. The antibiotic rich manure pits are growing the plagues which will decimate the human population and restore the natural balance on the planet. So maybe some good will come from it in the end.
    I don’t eat industrial meat. Those few local farmers who raise grass-fed free-range meat sell all they harvest at a premium price to a regular clientele who appreciate good healthy food. There are alternatives when greed isn’t the driving force behind decisions.

  9. Sad stat, but true, the prices farmers got through the Wheat board, along with the media induced “mad cow” drove thousands to the cities, letting the collective who pay their cult members 7 dollars a month buy up all the land. Thanks to Ritz and Harper there is a huge opportunity now in farming and hopefully some more young” normals” will stay ,or go back in to farming, they are the ones who invent the air seeders, feed choppers, and all the other innovations that make farming easier, not the collectives who only steal the ideas at farm trade shows and replicate them in their massive shops without paying the inventors a royalty, yea I’m still waiting. And for the ones that hate farmers, well you prove every time you spew your stupidity, you are all prick and no balls, because if you had a set, you would surly go to where there is easy money like you think, and buy a farm! Loser, can’t leave mommas basement without her car keys.

  10. Wow north_of_60, I don’t know how I possibly survived my childhood on the farm if what you say is true. We had a big manure pile, we injected the piglets at 3 days old and fed the cows supplements to boost milk production. We drank unpasteurized milk, slaughtered one steer and one or two pigs yearly for our freezer used pesticides in our garden and shovelled the manure of chickens, pigs and cows with not even a cheap dust mask for protection. My parents are in their 70s and my brothers and I are in our late 40s with no cancer or mutations. Sadly no superpowers either, I often wish I could punch people over the internet.
    A question for you, how exactly do the local farmers that you so praise slaughter the grass-fed free range cattle in a humane way? Do they sing them a lullaby until they fall asleep, and then apply a local anaestethic so the cows won’t feel the needle that will inject the poison that kills them painlessly? In nature every animal dies fighting for one more breath, including us humans, whether its from old age or being torn apart by predators. Getting hit dead center in the brain with the pneumatic stunner is the most painless way there is to die, equivalent to being shot between the eyes.
    The bottom line is that there are over 7 billion people on the planet, compared to an estimated 1 billion two centuries ago. That population growth has only been made possible by a thousand advances in agricultural and transportation including the development of tractors and other powered equipment, crop rotation, breeding of livestock to improve meat, milk and egg production, herbicides to control weeds, railroads and trucks to transport the food into cities, the creation of hybrid grains and corn to improve yield, fungicides to control mildew, pesticides to control insects, fertilizers to improve the soil and genetic modification of cereal grains and corn to resist loss due to drought, rust and even inclement weather like hailstorms. Take away any one of these tools and hundred of millions will starve. Take them all away and five or six billion will starve. Is it worth that many deaths to make the people who object to modern farming methods feel better about what they’re eating?

  11. As well an not showing up to riot, supporting a despotic politically connected mega corporation (which is destroying the small farm local producer and tainting/monopolising the food supply with sub stanfard food), is a failed conservative policy.

  12. Well said bartinsky and Al in Ottawa.
    Al, “Take away any one of these tools and hundred of millions will starve. Take them all away and five or six billion will starve. Is it worth that many deaths to make the people who object to modern farming methods feel better about what they’re eating?” This is what many on the left want, Stalin’s methods.

  13. Wow north_of_60, I don’t know how I possibly survived my childhood on the farm if what you say is true.
    You obviously missed the point; is it because you couldn’t read and comprehend, or flew off on a tangent instead of understanding what was clearly stated?
    Industrial meat facilities are fairly recent manifestation, not your childhood farm.
    I was clearly speaking about industrial meat production, not family farm operations. If you could read and comprehend you would have realized I was speaking in favor of small scale family farms not industrial meat production facilities.
    Pay attention, details are important.

  14. “The antibiotic rich manure pits are growing the plagues which will decimate the human population and restore the natural balance on the planet. So maybe some good will come from it in the end.”
    (emphasis added)
    So decimating the human population is good?

  15. Anybody heard of a group called C B A N that has been going after glyphosate? I’ve been hearing increasing echos of an eko freakout from local rural types and it’s got me wondering if T I D E S is funding an attack on another of our resource based industries.

  16. What the He!! does this supposed cradle to grave welfare BS have to do with eradicating modern farming methods.If Phil is so much more knowledgeable than todays farmers who work at farming 7 days a week then OK Phil get your A$$ out there and show us all how it should be done!Otherwise crawl back under your rock and keep reading your autographed copy of Mulcairs Auto biography.

  17. Now, now, now Kate, don’t be so harsh! Almost everybody knows you can’t pluck feathers off soybeans. Tofu, anyone?

  18. “I don’t eat industrial meat”
    Atta boy North, I don’t either. The inhumane way these animals are raised and then how they are killed and then-oh -my-god- butchered. Not to me3ntion the manure.
    Nope, thats not for me.I prefer to buy my meat from Costco or Safeway so those poor animals don’t have to suffer and die so I can have a hambuger or a steak.

  19. .I prefer to buy my meat from Costco or Safeway
    “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity” RA Heinlein
    …and the effect that a diet of industrial meat has on reducing cognitive ability, as you’ve so beautifully demonstrated.

  20. there are over 7 billion people on the planet, compared to an estimated 1 billion two centuries ago. That population growth has only been made possible by a thousand advances in agricultural and transportation
    You’re blaming overpopulation on agriculture? Did you fail sex-ed?
    About half of the world’s poor live in urban mega-slums where they can’t feed themselves.
    A major portion of N.America’s agricultural production goes to corn and soy for meat animal feed and junk food. It’s not feeding the world’s poor, that’s not profitable.

  21. north_of_60, I know where babies come from, heck I knew where baby rabbits came from when I was 7 years old. There cannot be a population boom without a proportionate increase in food production to feed everyone. Famine used to be a common occurrence, the last one in North America was in the 1820s if memory serves and the Irish potato famine should be known to everyone. There would be one in the USA due to this years drought but corn will be shipped from South America and other places to make up for the shortfall.
    Regarding your original post at 805pm, please cite the sources to back your statements that ‘Industrial meat poisons the land, air and water’ and ‘antibiotic rich manure pits are growing the plagues which will decimate the human population’. Meat, industrial or not, is organic and will be broken by the natural organisms that are nature’s recycling system. As manure decomposes it becomes quite warm and produces methyl alcohol which is an antiseptic making your manure pit plague scenario unlikely. There is so much methanol produced that some farmers have sealed lagoons from which they draw off the methanol vapour to fuel a gen-set to produce electricity.
    Also please explain fully what number of people you believe is part of ‘the natural balance on the planet’. Should humanity be reduced by a billion or three to create this natural balance? I’m a big fan of humanity despite our many faults and believe we should have more people.
    By the way, back in the ’70s, the rule was that no animal was sent to market for three months after it’s last medication and if a milking cow was sick, it’s milk was thrown away.

  22. Pill,
    It is sad,for all your righteous anger and inane sputtering about farmers being welfare bums, that you can’t make the following direct mental connection:
    If farmers have to be subsidized by the taxpayer then they are NOT charging the cost and true worth of the sweat of their brow. You are getting artificially cheap food courtesy of your masters who wish to keep you plump and ignorant in your gilded cage.
    But you keep on downing your government controlled/manipulated cheap food stuffs and sputtering at the moon at the unfairness of it all.

  23. I know the book David Sirota is reading to his child and it recalls a bucolic time on the farm that hasn’t existed for 70 plus years. David is not alone in his paranoia judging by other comments here. It has been stated here before and I suppose it bears repeating; a switch to organic so-called sustainable farming worldwide would reduce food production by 1/3 and increase prices by 50%.

  24. I don’t hate farmers. But people who work for Monsanto are not farmers. They are just handy slaves for a global corporation. Monsanto is a disgusting company. Kate doesn’t believe what the climate scientists tell her but she believes everything Monsanto’s scientists say. Not the kind of naivety we expect from this world-class blogger.

  25. At least one can eat the things (if one chooses) that the scientists of Mansanto produce but you’ll choke on a hockey stick and you still had to pay for it with your tax dollars

  26. Last line should read: “Not the kind of naivety we would expect from this world-class blogger.”

  27. You’ve swallowed the lie. We don’t need the GMO products of Monsanto to survive and thrive. We do need science and research and ongoing new agricultural technology but we do NOT need Monsanto. This is greedy, disgusting company that doesn’t give a damn about the long-term consequences of their programs.

  28. Excuse me, I chose my words carefully. You have chosen to read more into them than I said. You made a comparison and I pointed out a single difference.
