34 Replies to “#Hashtag Of The Entitlement Generation”

  1. Was in the States when I first heard of a Native movement back home called “Idle No More”. The moniker gave me a brief moment of hope, which lasted until a few facts were added on. Perhaps the title should be revised to “Idle in Perpetuity” or “Idle Forever”. Canadian Idle?
    When your idea of getting off your keister is sitting on it in a better publicized location…..

  2. These people are just the native version of Occupy. Useless POS entitlement generation idiots who have no idea that the chiefs are using them to cover up their own corruption. They seem to think that they are owed something from everyone else by virtue of their heritage. Just like the last crop of douche nozzles, they will slink back to wherever they came from and carry on doing FA as usual. And in a year people will barely remember that they were out annoying the rest of us who pay their welfare tabs.

  3. first timer:
    More, please — and faster!
    “Canadian Idle?” Brilliant! LOL! That’s coffee-out-through-the-nose stuff.
    But what’s the question mark about? Is this the right room for an argument? (Eric Idle, I mean).

  4. Guess who owns shares in Enbridge, Pembina Pipeline Corp., Exxon, Cnooc (!), Halliburton, Canadian Oil Sands Trust, Occidental Petroleum, and what appears to be every natural resource company under the sun?
    Attawapiskat Trust fund, that’s who. They profit from the oil sands while concern trolling about the environment – nice racket.
    The blockade that is costing CN $5 million a day isn’t helping the portfolio either since they own shares in CN too.

  5. The First Nations people who are out there demonstrating (there are some First Nations people who are working) are the ones that are wanting to be Idle in Perpetuity.

  6. Native issues aren’t my cup of tea. But I can say with certainty that the indians I work with, and there’s many of them up here in the North, are neither idle or entitled. But then again, none of them live on the reserve or seem to be particularily involved in Reserve life.In fact I hear much distaste expressed for the nearby reserve.

  7. Idiocracy is not 500 years in the future…it’s right here, right now, right amongst us.

  8. Just sent Shaay Cloud a tweet, she is famous, thanks to Small Dead Animals. Don’t worry Cloud girl, I will go back to work after the hollidays and continue to pay taxes so you and your leaders can do nothing for a lifetime.

  9. This could become a movement…hopefully. Maybe people on other welfare will join in sympathy. Automatic tax cut… 🙂

  10. Don’t blame PMSH.It was one of your own,a commie from Flatland, that started our “health” care.Get it right,leftard twit.

  11. BTW,it is not widely reported,but Chief spence’s ‘hunger strike’ includes not only the fish soup and the medicinal teas,but she is also drinking “Boost”,which is ‘meal replacement’ in a bottle. This was reported by Terry Milewski the other day.
    Junkies survive on this diet for years,also at taxpayer expense.

  12. Wallyj on December 29, 2012 2:07 PM, I would be interested in finding out where/when Terry Milewski reported Chief Spence is also drinking “Boost”, as you wrote.
    I viewed the video of the CBC’s The National to confirm what you said — just because it sounded somewhat out of character for Milewski to reveal something like that.
    What I heard Milewski say is “moose broth” not “Boost”. Did Milewski do another interview?

  13. No doubt the cheque is in the mail and the 120″ flat screen will be helicoptered in on the next Chinook available…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. How about hashtag #Moouuuchnomore. But seriously folks, I guess this means Jesus is back, because….ahh. you know the rest.

  15. They can form an environmental lobby group but can’t waste one single minute of their day working to ensure native kids don’t live in poverty and dispair. Mythical lakes are more important than their children.

  16. Heh. Let me add my vote to the clamor for “Canadian Idle”! Of course, I expect that will curse it to never be heard again. But it is good to see at least SOME Canadians learning from the Chimps and such South of the Border. I’m glad to hear, though, that an apparent larger percentage of Canadian Indians are decent human beings than the percentage of Black Americans are down here.

  17. I’ve checked her ‘Twitter’ page a couple of times now, it seems to consist entirely of foul-mouthed gibberish? Is that it? Is that all? Is she mentally retarded?
    Is she a spokesperson that our ‘journalists’ pay serious attention to? Or just another idiot?
    Is there something I’m not understanding?

  18. Shaay Cloud — what’s with the double-a and the nature reference? — has let the cat out of the bag.
    This whole fake “hunger strike” is all about trying to embarrass PM Harper and his Conservative Government because they’ve dared to ask Native Chiefs for accountability. All Canadian taxpayers, including a great number of Natives who’ve been totally skunked by too many of their Chiefs, should be grateful to PM Harper and his government for trying to find out how much and where taxpayer dollars are being squandered by corrupt and irresponsible band “leaders.”
    This kind of accountability is normal in most situations where taxpayer dollars are involved. Trust Chief Honey Boo Boo to have a problem with this. It can only mean she’s culpable and doesn’t want anyone to know just how culpable she is. I have no sympathy for her or her supporters. My family doesn’t own a Cadillac Escalade but a car that we’ve paid for by our own hard work and money that we’ve put in the bank.
    I’m beginning to be deeply resentful of these people who think they’re above the law and above being accountable for the public monies they spend, especially when what’s necessary is replaced by what feathers their nest and has nothing to do with fulfilling their “leadership” (sic) obligations and responsibilities. It’s a Third-World MO alive and well in Native reserves. Chief Spence should be utterly ashamed of herself and stop playing the victim card. She’s no victim. She’s turned her own people into victims — of her incompetence and lacklustre leadership.

  19. It seems to me that this chief is the biggest thief there is. I’m not sure. She is hiding something.When your not open it makes for a lot of questions. How can you spend millions and not help your ppl? Has she got a bank account somewhere that no one knows about? Does she gamble it all away? Someone should ask her.

  20. If you remember, Blabooligan a few threads down was asking just which financial books Chief Starves-Without-Weight-Loss was refusing to open.
    “When the government attempted to send in auditors to examine the books, Chief Spence refused to allow them access to the financial records. Considering the desperate straits this tiny remote community was facing and Chief Spence’s demands for more money and housing immediately, you would have thought she would have been only too happy to show that there had been no mismanagement or corruption related to all of the previous funding received. You would have been wrong. Chief Spence wasn’t having any outsiders take a look at the books although her refusal to provide financial transparency didn’t stop her from demanding more financial support.
    Now that the government has passed legislation that requires more transparency by band councils, Chief Spence is on a hunger strike. I’m certain it is merely coincidental.”
    About half-way down. Via BlazingCatFur
    I’m sure Blabloooeee will get right back to us.

  21. Okay, so someone please sort me out. Because obviously I am not getting something.
    A lady making $250,000 a year from the taxpayer as a Chief is on a diet of soup and tea, and, judging by the pictures of her, the diet will be beneficial to her. And a Minister of the Crown is prepared to meet with her at any time?
    And the MSM calls this a “hunger strike” and uses this to drum up hostility to the government?
    Are we mad?
    Where do I have it wrong?

  22. I’d be very happy if many of my native Indian patients went on hunger strikes. When they don’t have to hunt for their food, they put on massive amounts of weight and often manage a good approximation to a sphere. A clear example of where “thrifty genes” are out of place. Hopefully the “hunger strike” practice spreads widely and the rates of diabetes in the native Indian population will drop drastically. Some of the patients I’ve seen appear to have packed on enough weight to survive the next ice age.
    As I’ve mentioned before, I know a lot of off-reserve Indians who are hard working and don’t get any handouts from the government. They’ve left the reserve and have absolutely no desire to go back there. Often those that remain on the reserve are uneducated, totally dependent on government and seem to have nothing better to do than produce more brain damaged children whose primary function appears to be guaranteeing employment for social work graduates. If it wasn’t for Indian reserves, uncountable thousands of social workers would be out of work since every fetal alcohol syndrome case appears to require between 3-5 individuals “helping” this “unfortunate” person. If only Planned Parenthood could convince native Indians to have the same abortion rate as the white population.
    It’s time for the whole reserve system to be scrapped as it’s primarily a means of the tribal chief and a small group of relatives getting huge amounts of money while the remainder of the reserve population live in primitive squalor. Of course the pitiable condition of the majority of the population of the reserve is how the chief extorts more money from the government and gets richer while nothing changes on the reserve except that more fetal alcohol children are produced.
    I’d be quite happy if every corrupt native Indian chief and their family went on a hunger strike and starved to death. This might finally result in some badly needed change in a system that depends on the large scale creation of “victims” which are needed for the Indian industry to be a growing concern. If all of the social workers and other groups enabling the current completely dysfunctional situation choose to go on a hunger strike in protest, I’ll encourage them to the fullest extent I can. Whether PMSH has the balls to deal with this issue is something that remains to be seen.

  23. Protesting turns me right off to any cause. I have no clue if the aboriginals staging this have a point or not because this form of politics makes me shut right down and call for the police to restore order.
    Dialogue does not take place within the hysteria and mob mentality of a protest.

  24. After reading the majority of comments on here..let me restate something I read elsewhere:
    Education Begets Understanding.
    NOT all Natives are protesting.
    NOT all Natives are on welfare.
    NOT all Natives don’t pay taxes.
    NOT all Natives are overweight.
    NOT all Natives are of the “Entitlement Generation”
    If you can’t be original be quiet. Entitlement Generation was coined a long time ago to describe the current generation in general and was not meant to be an ignorant label. But Kudos to you for making it one.
    However, remember that where you spout hatred, you do nothing for your side of the argument. If you are incapable of a mature argument, your presentation will not make a difference but will hinder your stance.
    Once again small dead animals, sadly breeds hate in its small dead brain.

  25. Whatever’s going to have to do better than lecture SDA commenters.
    Detail what comments breed hate, rather than simply accusing commenters of spouting “hatred.”
    There’s a difference between hatred and exposing corruption. The really sad thing in Chief Spence’s grandstanding is that it’s her own people she’s fleecing, not just the Canadian taxpayer.

  26. I am tired of my tax dollars used for natives. I am tired of some getting 5 million dollars for their reserve and they have no running water or heat give me 5 million and I can have food/heat water and clothes. Why dont the natives get and education(free already} or get jobs I lived north of 60 for a number of years and the only thing they do is drink and bitch about there free ride well I dont have a free ride and am tired of giving the natives theirs.
    written by THE WIFE former RCMP Matron north of 60

  27. I totally agree Whatever.
    And when the moderate Muslim, err, First Nations, stand up and be counted in the media standing up to their entitled, parasitic brethern, we might give them the opposite level of respect shown in this thread.
    Until then, expect generalizations, because you know, the object of this post is about as generalizing as it gets and shouldn’t expect anything else in return.
