The Tolerant Left

Via Jonah Goldberg;

Samuel L. Jackson plays crusty, waxen Stephen as a vision of depraved loyalty and bombastic jive that cuts right past the obvious association with Uncle Tom. The movie is too modern for what Jackson is doing to be limited to 1853. He’s conjuring the house Negro, yes, but playing him as though he were Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes or Herman Cain or Michael Steele, men whom some black people find embarrassing.

6 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. No doubt some blacks would also find the reviewer embarrassing too. Unfortunately, as a honky or whatever the term du jour is, I would be termed a racist bigot for pointing that out.

  2. As I have said many times, the left will demonize any black American who escapes the Dem plantation to be a free thinker. Jackson hasn’t had an original thought since he slipped on his “kill the man” hoodie Dem incarnation. He comes off as just another ad hoc hollywieird commie. It’s hard to maintain the image of a perennial underclass victim of “the man” when one is a wealthy Hollywierd power broker made rich and famous by “the man”.

  3. This may be the ultimate in exploitation. I wouldn’t walk across the street to see it, though.
    What next, a motion picture about the Idle No More movement?
    Give me a break.

  4. I guess if I was married to a black women she would be a “house negro”. Is that how this works in liberal la la land???
    In fact I would venture to say all friends and family that I have who are not white are house slaves in the eyes of the left. The left do really enjoy divisiveness don’t they.

  5. Why would any White person pay to go and watch anything that stars an avowed rascist like Samuel L. Jackson. Many of them outed themselves in the recent election in the USA. Wake Up Whitey. By the way I would not go and watch anything starring a known White rascist either.
