9 Replies to “In Conversation With Tom Friedman’s House, A Continuing Series ….”

  1. Brilliant. This had me going for a while; I was gritting my teeth and starting on my third “column” before the penny dropped. The scary thing is, most Democrats/Liberals would never catch on. They’d just nod their heads and agree with every fluffy and pontifical word. And celebrate that the cabbie in [your favourite cesspool here] can finally afford to buy his kids iPods or whatever.

  2. Carbon is the basic building block of life. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will result in better crop yields and benefit the biosphere. He who opposes carbon dioxide opposes life. (It’s just .038 % of the atmosphere so carbophobia is unwarranted.)
    Hats off to Friedman and Suzuki. Their massive carbon footprints have contributed positively to the environment.

  3. Liberals need to “stop living in a world of paranoia and fear”!
    It’s what they keep telling the gun owning public that they surround with ghettos, crime, and drugs don’t they?

  4. The first piece , about russia, was lot of noise,but nothing of value got said, old friedarse would make a good preacher
    the one about the GOP, had only on e correct item, in that they need to regroup, and move closer to the centre, as there are too many lefties in it
    also old friedarse proves he is selfcentred and uninformed

  5. BREAKING NEWS!!! The IPCC comes clean. Their scary Global Warming predictions are bunk. IPCC predictions DO NOT coincide with their own AGW models. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/12/30/ar5-chapter-11-hiding-the-decline-part-ii/ Will this be AGW Alarmists Sandy Hook Moment? Billions of dollars wasted on the phony pursuit of trying to stop AGW that could have been spent saving the lives of millions of people. One might say a reverse Robin Hood Theology where the Green Mafia Elites Use their bogus belief in CAGW to take food out of the mouths of poor people to fund their phony pursuit of stopping non existent AGW.

  6. 7117 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda, MD, United States
    The old homestead sure seems to be thriving on all that “Tom Friedman Greenhouse Gas”.

  7. Global warming was a myth until its proponents upped their lifestyle to the point where they are now actually creating it.

  8. THAT was beautiful! Someone should sic the Canadian MSM columnists on to these guys,they’d never have to write another column! Warren,Warren,are you there?
    My favorite,”Mozambique is Israel”,which I always suspected.
