21 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. The comet will smack into the Sun, causing huge solar flares that will scorch the Earth to a ruined ball of ashes.
    And that’s just the bright side!

  2. I remember the high-expectation comets that have sailed by over the past 40 years or so. Not a single one lived up to the hype that the media built up.

  3. It just may be Obambas shining star limo coming to pick him and his saviours up to do the grand tour of other worlds waiting for him to screw, sorry I mean save.

  4. knacker74 >
    “For all thought’s who missed their flight on Hale-Bopp.”
    That comment was very close to my initial thoughts reading this as well!
    Maybe if some “entrepreneuring” conservative individual could come up with a Liberal Comet Religion on the quick, we could save humanity within the year!

  5. Well indeed you are at least PARTIALLY right, dmorris! Solar flares capable of doing that would SURELY be rather bright…

  6. Sheesh. Massive 2 mile wide. So is 1 mile inmassive? And bigger and better have been going by Earth in the last 4 billion years,and will continue for the next 5 billion,until our star goes nova.Although Hale- Poop was a nice comet.And Mr Halley had it right.

  7. The Mayans invented zero I believe but maybe they started counting at 1 in their end of the world prediction?

  8. Yeah we’ll short of taking pictures who cares there is nothing we can do about if it hit so put your Armageddon movie away there is nothing we can do

  9. You’re right, it is nothing. BTW the Science Recorder report is nonsense in one regard – if it is brightest at magnitude 16 it won’t be remotely visible to the naked eye. Mag. -16 on the other hand would certainly be extremely bright!
    No doubt the people who have recently “discovered” the wonders of the Mayan number system and calendrical system will be impressed (I made the mistake of turning on CBC FM today and was “rewarded” with some fatuous female blathering away on the subject until I turned it off) – will be very impressed. It should be easy to blow what passes with them as their brains. With a little luck some may make a voyage to it.
    Wikipedia’s article is less fatuous than that of Science Recorder:

  10. I remember them saying that Halley’s comet was supposed to be that bright too, yeah it was barely distinguishable from a satellite, actually the satellites were easier to see.
