Government Sucks

Richard Anderson at The Gods of the Copybook headings:

Meeting in the leafy and pleasant suburb of Oakville will be two groups trapped in nostalgia and afraid of the future. The economic structure of the auto industry has changed forever. A few hundred millions in subsidies may purchase some votes for the governing party, but it cannot change the underlying reality. The billions which the taxpayers of Canada pour into the bottomless pit of aboriginal affairs will not make real the dream of Turtle Island. The money goes we know not where, we know only that the Chief’s driveway is always paved and his home well heated.
Government will not solve the problems it helped create. Instead it preserves those problems…
Big government is ultimately a Big Lie that breeds smaller ones. Among the most pernicious of those lies is that the state can stop the clock.


Buy The Book: The Dominion of Snark

5 Replies to “Government Sucks”

  1. Quote: “The life of men and women of all races before the industrial and scientific revolutions was nasty, brutish and short.”
    What? No big screen TV??

  2. “such work, always physically demanding but now well paid,” FTA
    Actually, it wasn’t usually that demanding, or maybe i was just young. Boring, though. Once upon a time you just walked out of high school and made as much as most of the men on your street, or close to it. And we all complained.

  3. few hundred millions in subsidies may purchase some votes for the governing party,
    Another front in Harper’s War on Capitalism.

  4. Since we know the state could control the weather, what makes anyone doubt they can also stop time?

  5. Perhaps JT will campaign on his gummint creating the Bricklin II – the perfect private-public business amalagam – every dogamatic young “dear leader” dreams of the Kanadian Kar fueled with PetroKan Kerosine.
