Oh, Frack!

Youtube cracks down on F-word;

This isn’t McAleer’s first run-in with YouTube over his work dispelling environmental activists’ fear-mongering claims.
“I decided to make ‘FrackNation’ documentary because Josh Fox – the director of the anti-fracking documentary ‘GasLand’ forced YouTube to remove one of my previous films challenging his inaccurate claims about ‘burning water.’ It seems that anti-fracking activists don’t want debate or dissent – they want to silence criticism and questions.”

8 Replies to “Oh, Frack!”

  1. Ha! Youtube, i.e. Google, complaining about a potential “privacy violation” in a Youtube video. The irony!

  2. From one of the comments, “Scratch a liberal lightly and find a fascist”.
    That pretty much covers it and we see the silence any opposition or dissenting views in our universities all the time now.

  3. The activists are so foolish to fight this without using the children. Always use the children. Then facts or logic against you won’t hinder your cause.

  4. Youtube is a wholely owned policy subsidiary of Obumbles Homeland security inc. Where seldom is heard a disparagin’ word – and so is Facebook and twitter – wise up people.

  5. “It seems that anti-fracking activists don’t want debate or dissent – they want to silence criticism and questions.”
    Hmm.. never mind the science, let’s just shout down anyone who disagrees with us. Now, where I have heard that approach before?
