8 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”

  1. Good old USA!! Come on guys, we need armed guards on the trains and buses!! Bullet and knife proof vests for the drivers might be a good idea! How about guard dogs at every bus stop and train station!

  2. don’t wear the rolex and the $300 Nike shoes.leave the iphone at home and carry little cash.

  3. I doubt that I am the only one to notice that society is breaking down at an alarming rate, but still the police and their promoters continue to try to convince us that crime is on the wane.
    It is the new way of policing – police sent by a judge to enforce a judgement, take up drumsticks and assist the perpetrators in the tom-tomming. And recently we hear of two judges in Quebec accused of buying cocaine off dealers, but the system says that everything is status quo!

  4. Give it a rest… Yes, crime and bad things happen on public transit. They also happen everywhere else. Public transit doesn’t hurt people. People hurt people. Do you see the inconsistent logic in your argument? I hope that’s your point.

  5. Even if the piece of shit that did this is caught, three good meals a day (plus snacks) and all the recreation he can handle is not much of a deterrent. More likely community service. Nothing if he’s Native. Getting a hand chopped off under Sharia law………. I do think they are ahead of us with a few things. Too bad we can’t integrate a few things here. Even that one percent that I admire them for would be a improvement over our system of punishing the victim.

  6. This website’s random and out-of-left-field war on transit makes me wonder what will come into the crosshairs next… GPS devices? The Personal Property Security Act? The Kansas City Royals?
