28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Add to Maggies list:
    You know ….
    When the guy that gets caught getting bj’s at the White house is named father of the year.

  2. Barring a major event, looks like Kate will hit the big 30 in about 4-5 days.
    Could be sooner if Spence gets criminally charged, or Obama is impeached. Just sayin’
    Way to go Kate!

  3. Impeached! I don’t think he’d go along with it…..being above that type of thing and all…

  4. With all the bad stuff flying around the Internet these days, you want to hear a rather nice story?
    Here is an example of super, personal marketing and brand loyalty in effect … with Lego no less!!!
    P.S. The little kid has his own Twitter account. Probably more intelligent & insightful than 90% of Canadian “journalists”!

  5. Turns out that Barry is a trail blazer.
    “We are raising a generation of deluded narcissists
    A new analysis of the American Freshman Survey, which has accumulated data for the past 47 years from 9 million young adults, reveals that college students are more likely than ever to call themselves gifted and driven to succeed, even though their test scores and time spent studying are decreasing.”

  6. I’m crewing a fire-fighting helicopter on the Tasmanian peninsula, where the town of Dunally was nearly wiped out as bushfires tore through the area earlier this week.
    In spite of the long-time locals who say fires haven’t been this bad since 1967, the news reports all seem to find a way to blame global warming for an unprecedented fire hazard.
    It seems that everything is happening for the first time ever, and every thing is caused by global warming. Sad as the loss of homes and dreams is, the loss of truth is even worse.

  7. A letter I sent to the head of the OPP.
    Commissioner Lewis
    You, sir, in my eyes are a coward and do not deserve to lead the OPP. Your decision to not enforce the judge’s injunction is a despicable act that leaves us citizens with no one to ensure our laws are applied to all citizens of Ontario.
    As we saw and continue to see in Caledonia, Ipperwash, bridge, road and rail blockages, the abandoning of Ontarians to these FN thugs is beyond contempt. As reported in Christie Blatchford’s book on the Ontario Political Police your force even refused to answer an Officer Needs Assistance call and allowed the terrorizing of the townspeople. Your political masters like McGuinty dictate your actions not your police mandate.
    As a driver for the G20 conference in Toronto I stood beside an ETF officer while the Black Bloc destroyed news vans and vandalized a streetcar. This group walked right in front of literally hundreds of police yet they did nothing. When I questioned the officer he told me they were ordered to stand down and accept collateral damage.
    All across Canada groups challenge your police forces, sorry, services and each time you stand down yet when individual Canadians like Ian Thompson or David Chen try to defend themselves you and the crown arrest them and if you can’t prosecute them you break them financially.
    You and the Sarnia Police Chief should be held in contempt of court and at the very least removed from office. Its obvious who you “serve and protect” and it isn’t us.

  8. AGW Warming Journal.
    Super AGW News.
    “Snow forecast across the UK”
    “Holy cold snap! Snow blankets Jerusalem”
    “Race to save icebound whales”
    “Killer whales trapped in sea ice”
    “Chinese censorship dispute spreads”
    “Journalists at second newspaper defy authorities by refusing to publish editorial”

  9. Ah, what the heck………
    This is FYI for SDA readers…….
    Good Morning, Mr. Lorne Gunter,
    I AM, Joseph (Joe) Molnar, eighty years of age, sober at this typing, and of ‘sound mind’ at this time of my earthly consciousness.
    I was baptized into the “christ” principle as a child, am not now, nor have eve been a religious zealot, but as a conscious being on this plane, I do believe that “miracles” happen in our lives.
    Why am I writing to you sir?
    I have high regard for your ability as a journalist, most often articulating a view I hold, only miles better than I could ever do.
    No smoke blowing here, Mr. Gunter (Lorne) , just fact.
    Now the real reason for this email.
    First Nation issues are front and centre this week in Canada.
    The PM and Shawn Atleo will be in discussions and I would hope mainstream media would take this opportunity to point out to Canadians the fact that “Property Rights” are non existent in the lives of the aboriginal people on Reserves.
    In short First Nations are a “communist” form of self government within the borders of Canada.
    That system should change.
    Women are the losers in that scenario, sir, and I suspect an astute Community Leader such as Grand Chief Shawn Atleo must in his enlightened heart know that, only too well!
    Therefore for Canadian Mainstream media Lorne, I am offering a seque to highlight that fact for Canadains.
    It would take a ‘National’ Canadian medium to pick up the story of an eighty year old Canadian attempting to “walk across Canada'” raising not only the “awareness” of non-property rights of First Nations Band members but raising money for any specific Bands whom agree with my effort to highlight the non-property issue.
    This is not about me Lorne, but the story line would be perfect attention getter for correcting the communist controlled lives of First Nations women in particular
    Do you see?
    Logistically much work would be needed for such a “walk” but I would not take on dollar for myself but would insist that only mainstream media would be involved in handling any donations toward the cause of my walk.
    Could I complete such a walk at my age?
    I don’t know that, but should I get as far as Terry Fox did on his famous run, I would be delighted, and I suspect my “beer belly” would by then be history as well.
    AS Kate McMillan , “Small Dead Animals” blog editor observed in a recent email. “Joe, You are Nuts!”.
    No Lorne, I am not nuts, but willing to take a crack at pointing out to Canadians that “Property Rights” enshrined into the lives of “First Nations Bands” would put make a new world for those Bands as well as a festering sore in Canadian History begin to heal.
    I have added CC’s to this email Lorne, you will recognize most names.
    This is not about me or my story Lorne, I assure you, nor do I expect to gain financially in any way from an “across canada walk, attempt”!
    I urge you Lorne, do not Reply to this email, it is not intended to initiate a dialogue with you, it is out there for Mainstream media and Grand Chief Atleo to mull over.
    I AM
    Joseph (Joe) Molnar
    Post Script:
    Which Canadian Mainstream Media is willing to ‘Bell’ the Communist “No Property Rights” First Nations Cat?

  10. Hey Kate, remember this guy…
    I did something the other day I thought I’d never do. Something which in my previous career as a broadcast journalist would have been verboten. Something admittedly rather uncool. Yes, I signed up as a supporter of a federal political party. The Liberal Party of Canada, to be exact.
    …Kai Nagata is a writer and videographer based in Vancouver. He previously held positions at CTV and CBC

  11. Wind For Sale. Cheap.
    Disclaimer: This is not a paid announcement.
    “Sprott Power launches strategic review”
    “Sprott Power Corp., one of Canada’s small but rapidly expanding public wind power companies, has started a “strategic review” that could see the company put up for sale.
    The company is initiating the review, chief executive officer Jeff Jenner said in an interview, because it needs to raise a lot of money for expansion, and it wants to explore all the options for getting those funds.”

  12. Way to go dave, Robert of Penticton, and Joe!
    Yes, Joe…you are nuts, but I bet it keeps you from going insane! 😉

  13. > Nepinak says the “Idle -No-More” people have the power to seriously disrupt the economy of Canada UNLESS we accede to their every demand
    … and the Governor General must attend!!
    … and it has to be at the Delta!!!
    and we also demand…. A SHRUBBERY!!!!
    That’s right, The Chiefs who say NI!!!

  14. AGW Warming Update: 100 +/- ?
    Outlook Is Great for Red-Green’s Poverty Fund Drive.
    “Newfoundland bracing for massive, 100 cm dump of snow
    CTV News – ‎54 minutes ago‎
    A massive blizzard could dump as much as 100 cm of snow on parts of Newfoundland overnight, according to meteorologists, leading local residents to start stocking up on supplies.”
    “Blizzard warning issued for Winnipeg, parts of Manitoba
    Winnipeg Free Press”

  15. dmorris: “No one has mentioned that if Canada has no economy, there will be NO MONEY to give to the noble First Nations.”
    Well, I did over at BCF!
    If they bring the Canadian economy to its knees, no more money for these crybaby terrorists.
    Who do they think pays for their indolent — Idle No More, my you-know-what — lifestyle? How do they think there’s billion$ sent their way every year, if it wasn’t for Canada’s hardworking non-Natives and the economy we keep going?
    If Canada depended on her Native population, we’d all be living like … the 99% in Attawapiskat.

  16. Jail the Idle No More terrorists.
    To even threaten to disrupt Canada’s economy is unlawful. It’s time to crack down on these a**holes.
    Enough is too much.

  17. When cops are told to “accept collateral damage”, that’s why the public needs guns to protect itself from collateral damage. We have the right not to accept it.
