17 Replies to “Not Waiting For The Asteroid”

  1.    ‘New York Times Closes!’
    Those are the words I’m looking forward to reading.   Yeah I know, not likely.   They would get a ‘Too Big To Fail(!)’ bailout before that could happen.

  2. SDA readers:
    Very funny comment on Delingpole’s article:
    They Committee wishes to share information from our vast archives.
    Our files predate anything held by the AGW druids scientists believers.
    Sea levels rise and fall.
    Temperatures rise and fall.
    Atmospheric CO2 percentages rise and fall.
    Ocean alkalinities rise and fall.
    Our files cover 600+ million years. They are filled as document number “Geology_101”.
    The Committee gives permission for the drones masses to read these files.
    The Committee

  3. The “Old gray lady” is on her death bed and all her like minded siblings are still swallowing the same arsenic. Sooner they all croak, the better. Hope MSNBC is next.

  4. Internet “news” sites like Yahoo are also full of lefty propaganda for global warming/climate change, and the new one, extreme weather. Every stiff breeze nowadays signifies “unprecedented extreme weather” that is of course all our fault, and I see the idiots in our government are playing up common snowstorms by giving them official names. Please make it stop.

  5. Posted by: TJ on January 13, 2013 2:34 PM | Reply
    Copy/paste worthy, not that the zealots ever listen.
    I actually (non-credited) coined the term 2+2= Potato.
    In 2002

  6. So the next question is when do the perpetrators of the “biggest scam in human history” get charged and tried. Don’t dump on me it’s just a little fantasy I have.

  7. Oh nothing is impossible. Look what happened to the Italian seismologists who drastically understated the risk of a certain earthquake, which went ahead and occurred. Tried and convicted – I don’t know if they have been jailed as yet.
    I would not want to claim that there is no climate warming. But the complete politicization of the climate issue, the concomitant frauds against the public, and some very fourth-rate people prancing and preening in the public light, has done a lot of damage. To scientific integrity, to public trust in science, and above all to the public welfare. The greens have cost us vast amounts of money, all wasted. Damn them, God damn them to Hell.
