31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Hmmm…I was expecting a ‘countdown rumble’ as Kate and SDA hit 30 million tonight. I’ll be sleeping, so I’ll miss the excitement.
    Congrats Kate and friends!

  2. Aboriginals are not ‘Native Canadians’ and people should be corrected when they use the term. Aboriginals hate Canadians – although they don’t mind being supplicants.

  3. I think the real reason that Theresa Spence, AKA Porkahontus, is continuing her “hunger strike” is that she hasn’t reached her goal weight yet.

  4. law enforcers in two American states are using crime-prediction software to predict which freed prisoners are most likely to commit murder, and supervising them accordingly.
    Instead of relying on parole officers to decide how much supervision inmates will need on the outside by looking at their records, the new system uses a computer algorithm to decide for them.


  5. It is over 30 million.Well done Kate.
    Anyways the “warriors” blocked a bridge in Calgary today and got away with it. Which means they will likely do it again.
    Our cops say,”law enforcement is trying to strike a balance between the rights of the protesters and the freedom of Calgarians to use the bridge.”
    That doesn’t make any sense,but the protester’s statement ” the blockade will continue until they meet a Treaty 7 chief or Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi”,makes even less.
    For a change of pace,here’s part one of “Brocket 99”,there’s some coarse language and it is not for the easily offended. Part 2 is right there also.

  6. It’s like petulant children stomping their feet and holding their breath to make you do what they want, or trolls on an internet forum. Ignore them and they will go away. They want a confrontation with someone or anyone if it means they get more media attention. Ignore them and they will fade away just like ‘occupy’ did last year.

  7. This past week Thief Spence signed her Last Will and Testament. It has now been announced that she has signed a Do Not Resuscitate order. When will this comedy end?

  8. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “‘Chinese Warren Buffett’ wants psych assessment
    Toronto Sun Staff”
    “‘The end is nigh for China’s Communist system'”
    ” Harry Wu has spent a lifetime fighting for human rights in China. He talks with Deutsche Welle about his struggle, the country’s rights situation and also about Chinese politics.
    Deutsche Welle: You were locked up in laogais (prison camps) for 19 years and have since become a prominent activist who has held political talks with a number of countries. Do you think that your involvement has brought about any change?
    Harry Wu: Well, fundamental change will happen later when the Communist regime ends. Then the laogai system will also end. But I really made the Chinese authorities nervous when I talked to a reporter in 1993 and I said I want to see the word laogai become a common word in every dictionary in every language. Right away, the Chinese deleted the so-called “Laogai Affairs Department” as an office name. They said “well, that was good for us in our fight for international human rights.”
    But China has retained the laogai system. China still forces prisoners to undergo “reform through labor,” which means brainwashing through labor. Not only political dissidents, but everyone, including criminals, are subjected to forced labor and to brainwashing to become a “new socialist person,” to uphold communism. And that is basic situation today in China.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  9. Hey, where’s the latest installment in the series of how public transit is THE DEVIL INCARNATE? I need a good laugh.
    It would be extra awesome if each installment also mentioned how many people in this country died in car accidents since the last installment ran.

  10. With a comparison of passenger-miles for each mode as well, glorp? Or might that not give the desired result?

  11. ” It would be extra awesome if each installment also mentioned how many people in this country died in car accidents since the last installment ran.”

    Evidently not enough.

  12. Aaron Swartz
    Committed suicide on Jan. 11th ….. apparently depression. Much is being said about “unjust” prosecution of the 26 year old.
    Under current laws in Canada he would have gone to jail.
    Breaking into pay for use systems and publishing the data seems like theft to me.

  13. Citoyen MulcairBloc News.
    What is? “hunger strike”/”liquid-only diet”/”Ikea monkey”.
    “Mulcair calls on Spence to end hunger strike
    CTV News”
    “Tom Mulcair calls on Attawapiskat chief Spence to end her liquid-only diet
    Vancouver Sun”
    “Sanctuary alleges Ikea monkey was strangled and hit with a wooden spoon
    Montreal Gazette”

  14. Yes please, let’s see those figures for automobiles if you’ve got them.
    The TTC carries 2.59 million passengers per day and generally, entire years pass between passenger fatalities.
    Meanwhile, hardly a day goes by where there isn’t a fatal MVA in the GTA. Here’s a rundown of the fatal MVAs around Toronto from just this past weekend:
    So, yeah, let’s hear one more time about how awful and dangerous public transportation is. Heh heh heh.

  15. She’d have been better leaving the 100,000 quid to a person with the proviso that they take care of her 8-year-old dog.
    If I’d been her neighbour, I’d have happily accepted the 100,000 quid and her dog. I would have taken exquisite care of the dog — and me!

  16. MSM says Spence now has “fast” in addition to “hunger strike”/”liquid-only diet”/”Ikea monkey”.
    “Mulcair calls on Chief Spence to ‘step back’ and end her fast
    Vancouver Sun”

  17. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    Super Dooper Results Going Forward At The End Of The Day.
    “California cold snap expected to be worst in years”
    “SAN DIEGO—California was going from cold to colder Friday as a chill expected to bring the biggest mercury dips in years descended on much of the state.
    The Grapevine section of Interstate 5, the key artery linking southern and northern California, was shut down Thursday night. The area was blanketed with heavy snowfall that showed no immediate signs of stopping, leaving truckers and would-be travellers stranded.”
    (TO Red Star)
    “Beijing Shrouded in Dangerous Smog”
    “Pollution from vehicles and burning of soft coal has accumulated in calm, cold air trapped beneath a shallow “temperature inversion”.
    Breaking of the inversion will require a cooling of the air above it, bolstered by a rise in wind speed.”

  18. Maz2, from your link.

    Called the “worst on record”, according to the Australian ABC News website

    ’nuff said.

    The ‘climate commission’ has already conducted a thorough, advanced scientific ‘report’ into last week’s weather.

    A new report from the Federal Government’s Climate Commission says the heatwave and bushfires that have affected Australia this week have been exacerbated by global warming.
    The Report.
    – Off the Charts: Extreme Australian Summer Heat – warns of more extreme bushfires and hotter, longer, bigger and more frequent heatwaves, due to climate change

    You have your Suzuki we have our Karoly.
    You have your CBC we have our ABC.

  19. “The corpse that calls itself Craig…” Didn’t the old goat expire in the Muppet’s balcony? Coulda sworn…
