20 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. And the furious backpedaling begins.
    Stop funding the U.N. now, please Parliament.
    We won rejecting Kyoto, go for the Gold Medal win.
    Please and thanks.

  2. Ohhhhhh . . that is such a bad case of Hide the Decline.
    About time they pivoted to some other Eco Greenie Hysteria and Fear Mongering scam.

  3. I’m shocked I tells ya…
    You’ll notice at the bottom right of the graph it shows the confidence level.
    Why is there no 0% level?

  4. the whole data gathering process is f*cked (totally inadiquate), the data assembly is f*cked (and lies), and the interpretation is a bloody joke. Garbage in , lies out, simple as that!!!!

  5. They can’t even get the weather right for 3 days in a row and now they think they can predict the climate until 2020 ? Wrong, as usual but they want to make economic decisions based on their garbage predictions that have huge implications for every taxpayer. Can’t even guess as to the number of drones riding this gravy train. Studying chicken entrails is probably more accurate because there are no computers involved.

  6. Posted by: NME666 on January 13, 2013 2:46 PM | Reply
    In Comp Sci, it’s GIGO
    (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
    And yes, the real-time gathering, reporting networks are junk.
    Al Gore had to pay for that private jet…..
    or somebody did…

  7. “… About time they pivoted to some other Eco Greenie Hysteria and Fear Mongering scam.”
    But they have, don’t you know, ‘the jet-stream is slowly shifting north’ …..
    Since the jet stream ‘wobbles’ by its very nature I can’t see worrying too much about what it does — accept to recognize in humility that has an enormous effect on weather.

  8. dwright, I’m talking before it even reaches the “computer”, and the programs used to model happen to be juiced up (modified) statistics program, completely incapable of running such a complex scenario as “climate”. When I read how they were arriving at their models I almost fell off my chair, as, before then I thought they were just incompetent, but then I relized they were either stupid or dishonest, or just both!!

  9. Be careful there, dmorris! The Attawapiskat Band managers are fully credible to Porkahontas, the CBC, the RCMP, and most Leftist politicians…

  10. Why do these graphs always begin at a low temperature point, in this case 1950? If they started at the high point in the 1930s we would see a wave, not an increase. Not only that, the cherry picked data is bogus.

  11. NME666 Yes I know, the computer models they were ALL using were as you said, internally biased. I was not clear, used to “glib” replies.
    The CO2 doubling was the assumption that all their models were based on.
    This is debunked, and the greedy bastards are still pushing the same crap.
    Grrrr, for myself as well. Not doing my blood pressure any favors.

  12. No worries, pay no attention to that graph.
    “Rational skeptics” such as gordinkneehill and cgh will assure the world that there is still global warming.
    They will further continue to fuel the argument about whether the cause of the still ongoing warming is a natural cycle or anthropogenic CO2.
    Take heart it’s still warming according to them, you just have to take the long view as they do and there..it..is…..a continuing argument.
    So rational.

  13. // on Christmas Eve the Met Office sneaked on to its website a revised version of the graph //
    That’s funny. And a few days earlier, the Santa Claus parade ‘sneaked along main street’.
    Most of the graph shows the increasing temperatures over the past 60 years.
    The difference is in a decreased level of increase [got that?] predicted for the next decade.
    Here’s another prediction. Next December, they will sneak another revision onto their website —
    // our experimental decadal global temperature prediction […] is routinely updated in December each year.

  14. @ dizzy
    Gotta love yuh. Against overwhelming evidence that this whole thing is a scam, you are the only one that continues to throw yourself in front of these discredited snake oil salesmen in their defense. You are very loyal and I admire that in a foot soldier. If I was running a crooked operation I would definitely hire you to run the front desk. That’s a compliment by the way.
