44 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. I live in the ‘bush’ in rural Man.and we are dealing with home-invasions,b&e’s..and now theft of people’s dogs.I totally understand why our neighbours to the South are ‘arming up!’ It is frightening what is happening,more and more the rural areas,where we once thot we were safe,are being targeted.

  2. “…and now theft of people’s dogs.”
    Call Warren Kinsella…I think he had a theory about that.

  3. I guess the motivation is “get ’em while they’re not hot”. The plain, simple fact though is this. Guns don’t go bad. Neither does ammo if you keep it dry. There are so many guns and so much ammo in the hands of the public in the U.S. that nobody is going to be able to institute any really effective kind of gun control. They’ll never be able to seize all the firearms and if they try I can only suggest that there will be much resistance. And that’s fine with me.

  4. Jamie, that is the plan of the commissar, to make you feel snug in your bed, at least until he can pick you up in his black car at 3:00 a.m.

  5. How effective was FDR’s confiscation of gold (Apr. 1933)? That could give us a clue on the possibility for success or failure of gun confiscation.

  6. The last two months is in addition to the absolutely enormous number already out there. Most guys have the standard battery of pistol, .22 rifle, .30 caliber rifle and 12 gauge shotgun.
    Now that guns are back-ordered out the wazoo, I recommend our American brothers and sisters start looking at the following:
    sheet-metal brake
    mig welder
    cutting torch
    Bridgeport mill
    metal lathe with gun-drill capacity
    vise and a bench to mount it on.
    If you’re a keener, maybe a little heat treating furnace, plasma cutter and a few other odd and sods.
    I know there’s that guy who made an AK-47 out of a shovel with nothing more than a torch and a welder plus hand tools, but the above will make yours much more fun and faster to make. If you have the above I’m pretty sure you could whip up something nice out of a road sign, a railroad plate and a piece of pipe.
    Please note, making your own is -extremely illegal-. Just sayin’.

  7. Looking at the table, the jump which has been sustained, seemed to start when Bush lost Congress to the Democrats. I’d be interested in seeing the equivalent data on ammo if it is available.

  8. I’m sorry to hear about the increase in crime in rural Manitoba. You’re not alone in that.
    The RCMP are federales, privately they may be sympathetic, but the entire justice industry thrives on you and your neighbours suffering from a high rate of crime.
    There is not going to be any wildcat walkout of police, Crown Attorneys and Judges because they find it unacceptable that you and your neighbours have been burglarized, robbed, raped, maimed or murdered. .
    Organize some meetings, demand a local police force being hired for your municipality, with many local people serving on a part time or call-up basis.
    That would work. It works well in rural America. Their rate of crime is a fraction of what we suffer here on the prairies.
    Sorry to say it, but structure and profession of policing, under the current laws, is nothing more than a conspiracy against the laity.
    While police may try in rural situations, they have no practical way nor legal obligation to protect individual citizens. Only the citizen has that.
    The promise of Sir Robert Peel was that having a professional police force would never be used to violate the citizen’s role in suppressing crime and right of self-defense.
    Manitoba was granted provincial status because Ottawa was afraid you’d join the U.S. of A. , as the northern half of North Dakota… that is an idea to toy with.

  9. Yes,Sammy,they are.
    The RCMP can arrive at your invaded home within probably ten to thirty minutes from the time you call,IF you call. If you DON’T call, well,it’s not their fault they didn’t get there while your body was still warm.
    IF you didn’t call because the home invaders killed you,that’s excusable,and will be taken into account at your funeral.
    I grew up in the “bush” of Manitoba, 50’s and 60’s. The only thing we had to worry about was coyotes stealing the chickens. The local Indians were friendly and generous people, worked hard for a living. It was safe to leave your house unlocked at any time,and if you needed a hand with anything,folks would pitch in and help.
    Geez, even I can hardly believe that, but that’s how it WAS.
    Buy yourself a Defender,and keep it loaded.

  10. Sammy,I’m sad to hear rural Manitoba has gone for a dump,too. I was born and raised there in the 50’s and 60’s,and there wasn’t much crime,it was safe to leave your door unlocked,and folks looked out for each other.
    Had anyone tried home invasions in my home town,the first couple might have worked,but pretty soon the invaders would find themselves shot dead as they came through the door.
    Boy,have we ever progressed from those violent days!
    Get yourself a Defender and some SSG.

  11. Defender recipe. God willing? May you never have to use it.
    In the following order:
    Start small as a “warning” and work your way up if the threat doesn’t stop.
    I prefer Model 12 with that home-defense recipe. God willing? May it never have to be used.

  12. Wow I wonder how much S&W ect contributed to the great one, to get this kind of payback?
    Oh right the law of unintended consequences, the one liberals and do-gooders have never heard of.
    Remember American cousins, a gun license will be used to strip you of your civil rights, as has happened here in Canada and in New York state.
    A criminal has more legal protection than a Canadian with a gun license, NY handgun owners just got the shaft for complying with the law.
    So think long and hard, do you trust your government?

  13. Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?
    Yes, for starters:
    1. he can’t seem to reveal his transcripts from University to prove he actually passed.
    2. he can’t seem to produce an actual birth certificate, and no a certificate of live birth is not the same thing
    3. he can’t seem to tell the truth
    4. he can’t avoid the fact that he was a drug mule in between dropping out of college for failing and then getting back into college under an assumed name with the backing of Islamist’s money.

  14. Thank you all for your helpful hints..and don’t think I am not prepared! Warning shot you say? I live alone most of the time due to hubby’s job,I CAN shoot,keep the squirrels under control..and if someone was threatening my safety,or trying to take my dogs,damn right there will be some ‘trouble!’ Take a read of just today’s postings on Steinbachonline..good Mennonite area,and littered with crime.This dog thing is terrible,a skinned carcass found in a ditch near Stbch.

  15. I live in urban Manitoba and I keep a Mossberg 590A1 12 gauge shotgun handy for home defence in my bedroom. 00 buckshot and slugs are handy to quickly load and lay waste, if need be, to any POS that tries to break in. I refuse to attempt to have a fair fight in my underwear in my living room with an intruder at 3 in the morning. My house, my rules. And I refuse to fight fair.

  16. Robert L –
    under English Common Law, you have the right to defend your home. It s not you who are upside down in your thinking, it is the freaks who claim you have no right to self -defense. Ignore them: you have a right to life, regardless of what the radical left says.

  17. Phantom-
    apparently 3D printers make manufacturing anything even easier than you suggest. Glenn Reynolds is always blogging about them at Instapundit.

  18. Posted by: small c conservative on January 14, 2013 8:47 PM | Reply
    For airsoft grade wannabes, yea.
    5 shots until explosion is not exactly a reliable firearm

  19. dwright – I believe Glenn mentioned 200 .223 rounds being put through one, with no problems, but I never read the link describing the gun in detail.
    Even so, computers have revolutionized manufacturing of any and all scales.

  20. So is TechNewsDaily a credible source:
    ??? The first point is that printed guns are NOT durable. The SECOND point, which is more important, is that durability is NOT a requirement. If the Frogs, who were NOT Germans, were able to use the single-shot Liberator pistol effectively against the Germans, how many shots does one need to take out an American pig, if one is American? And then one has said pig’s gun as an upgrade…

  21. Seen on the TV Knowledge Network (Canadian): A documentary about life in Canada’s taiga forests. The 4 hunters were likely of native of metis origin. They were hunting caribou for winters meat supply. No Safeway store up there. 3 of the hunters had conventional hunting rifles but one had what looked like a M-15 or Bushmaster in .308 (7.62×54 NATO). I suspect the rifle had a 20 round clip and was as issued by our Government for the Rangers.

  22. I have enough .308 ammunition to get me through.
    I bought my armaments early, because I knew they would steal the election. The electoral thing is now corrupted and can no longer be used to pick your leaders.
    America is now on life support.

  23. I’m so glad that I stocked up years ago. Only problem I have now is constantly tripping over boxes of ammunition and hoping that if the local gestapo ever raid me that a judge will buy my argument that my house is a large locked ammunition storage container. Next step is to start putting guns and ammo in waterproof bags after they’ve been well greased and burying said bags in lengths of sewer pipe. The Conservatives won’t be in power forever.
    According to C68, any resident in a rural area is allowed to keep a loaded rifle sans trigger lock if one needs to deal with vermin on ones property. IIRC, the number of legs the vermin are required to have isn’t specified. Thus, having a Winchester Defender loaded ready for use to deal with 2 legged vermin is quite legal. I’m not sure if “rural” is defined but I think that those of us who live in small towns should also be entitled to deal with 2 legged vermin if necessary.
    For those who are assuming the 2nd Amendment will protect them, don’t. The law in the US is made by crusading judges and thus a situation may exist soon where anyone claiming constitutional rights will end up in a psych ward. There was a major outrage under a Republican president when the SCOTUS overturned a conviction of an individual charged with possession of a firearm on his person within 1000′ of a school on the grounds that this would interfere with interstate commerce. The “interference with interstate commerce” excuse has been greatly abused in the US and reading some of the court decisions utilizing this as a basis for the decision makes me think that a serious cull of lawyers is needed in the US and perhaps an open season can be declared until the numbers are reduced to what the social ecosystem can bear.
    With a narcissist like Obozo in power, don’t be surprised if he makes some executive decision to ban whole classes of firearms. He’s likely assuming that people will go along with whatever he says. The US military can’t be deployed on US soil to enforce such an executive order as the majority of soldiers surveyed said they’d refuse to enforce such an order. However, TSA, homeland security, BATF and other paramilitary goon squads will gladly jump in to do their masters bidding. I only hope that if there’s a backlash in the US that there are some ex-military types with recent combat experience who will be organizing the ad-hoc militias that will spring up throughout the US. Having watched all of the Rambo movies as training and having a good firearms collection is just going to get you killed in a standoff with homeland security.

  24. Posted by: small c conservative on January 14, 2013 9:21 PM | Reply
    Sorry for the long wait on reply.
    Yes if you cast the receiver out of high grade thermoplastic, with a VERY expensive high temp 3-D printer, it won’t explode. For a while, with low power target grade ammo.
    Off the top of my head, $30 000 to step into that game.
    I thought you were talking about 3-D prototype printers, that make cheap models for corporate executives and little boys (same thing?).
    dwright (remains unconvinced)

  25. dwright, you’re quite right about the distressing lack of durability of firearms made with 3D printers. However, I was impressed that they could even get off a single shot without exploding. As Mark Matis pointed out, a single shot is all you need if the end result is a dead enforcer of the totalitarian state and a firearm in the hands of a freedom fighter. In this case, the 3D printer is acting more as a catalyst than a producer of a desired product.
    WRT 3D printers, the usual forces of oppression are getting involved with Micro$oft attempting to round up all patents relating to 3D printing and demanding that 3D printers have DRM built in. The concept of 3D printing is likely giving nightmares to statists. With the precedent set in which the government is allowed to ban certain patterns of bits that decode as child pron, likely there will be laws making possession of other bit patterns illegal if those bit patterns can be used as instructions by a 3D printer to produce such terror weapons as an M14 magazine capable of holding 20 rounds. Welding equipment is likely next on my list of things to buy as I did enjoy the video of the guy who made an AK47 from an old shovel. However, he bought the barrel and the machining of rifle barrels from steel blanks is on my list of things to learn about RSN. (That doesn’t include the trivial case of the improvised shotgun using ordinary steel pipe).
    Personally, I can’t wait for practical nanotech where I don’t have to go through the extreme psychologic trauma of unarmed air travel if I’m carrying a small number of nanomachines that just need to be added to common suitable materials to produce a fully loaded Glock17 in a matter of a few hours.

  26. The Phantom nailed it.
    The Liberal Left doesn’t seem to comprehend that the vast amount of firearms coupled with American ingenuity means that they will never rid the US of guns.
    Supply & demand baby.
    You can shut down every commercial firearms maker in the US today, and by tomorrow you will have thousands of underground machine and chop-shop operations across the country feeding the demand.
    There are guys out there today making armed remote controlled drones, much less quality custom guns in their basements.
    Of course like Pol Pot murdering the intellectuals and scholars in Cambodia, Obamba the Obamanoids may try to murder every machinist in the country, or anyone possessing tools, but that won’t work very well for them either.

  27. Knight 99
    Can the secret service Obama squad avoid a wi-fi controlled drone straight into his head?
    Nope, but the video game killer just might get one, with the high explosive option.
    Hypothetically of course (disclaimer) I would never consider that.
    I hope he carries an umbrella.

  28. now that new york state has basically said no one can own a gun it is going to get really nasty very quickly down south. when the first groups start shooting back it will not go away but become within hours a full blown revolution against that moslem president.

  29. That is correct, denis. And Loki, one only needs to face off against the Gestapo if one faces them head-on. They ALL have to sleep some time. And they do NOT live in “Green Zones”, even though that situation does present OTHER opportunities for justice.
    What will be interesting to see is where non-Federal “Law Enforcement” fall out in the festivities. I know many are insisting that they will stand with Mere Citizens against FedPig. With my local “Law Enforcement” participation in Operation Castaway, however, running guns to Communist terrorists supporting former President Zelaya in Honduras, I have no doubt which way THEY will swing.

  30. Drones, dwright, are a concern, regardless of whether they are unarmed, or use HE, or carry something such as ricin or sarin. But the SS and “Law Enforcement” presence is massive around the Chimp in Chief, and they understand my message – you stop the drone by killing the drone operator. They’ve got a ready excuse for any casualties among the bystanders. Their favorite, of course, is “If they weren’t associating with criminals, they wouldn’t have been harmed”. Or they can call the Dwarf of East End Avenue and have him spew something like they used for those two cops who killed the guy at the Empire State Building, firing fourteen shots total. One of those shots hit their target while he was upright. Four more were pumped into his back as he lay dying on the ground. And the OTHER nine hit nine innocent bystanders. Big Crapple pigs are good at that.

  31. Hi Phantom, I was on a US based blog the other night and the law was quoted as ‘unlawful to manufacture for sale’ regarding the manufacture of full-auto sears, silencers, etc. No mention of manufacturing for personal use. Which begs the question, if you set up your CNC mill, have your buddy bring his own billet and show him which button to press to start the mill has any law been broken? Instead of ‘brew your own beer’ how about a ‘make your own lower’ shop, where anybody can walk in, buy a billet and rent a CNC mill?
    Yes millions of people in the US are in favour of gun control, but millions have voted against it with their wallets in the past month. I would say those who put their money where their mouth is are more determined.
    Whatever new laws are created, expect them to be ignored or flouted.

  32. Robert, don’t publish where you keep your sh1t on the interwebs. I know its a pseudonym, but please.
    Bad people read blogs too. Some of them don’t even work for the government.

  33. …”No mention of manufacturing for personal use.”
    Yeah… I wouldn’t bet the farm on that. Approaching the issue from the “this is illegal” angle is probably more realistic. And safer.
    Still, if some neighbors got together and turned out a whole bunch of loose parts in each other’s basements, I don’t suppose that would be cause for much concern, would it?
    Incidentally, that whole list of stuff I listed above can be had for less than the price of a half decent used car. Just to illustrate the utter, absolute futility of the entire gun control exercise.
    Personally I think the easier plan is just to get a 2×4 and wait for an armed bad guy to wander past. So much less handwork involved, y’know.

  34. small c conservative said: “…apparently 3D printers make manufacturing anything even easier than you suggest.”
    As it happens, I have a link to the Defense Distributed site on my blog.
    These busy boys have posted the files to make an AR-15 lower receiver and quite a few other nice things on their site.
    The problem with 3D printing right now is that without some very expensive machines, the printed models are just that. Models.
    However, your printed “model” makes a dandy core for a lost-wax mold, and aluminum can be successfully cast in the privacy of one’s back yard.
    Where the fun is with CNC for my money is the new, super cheap 3-axis routers and plasma cutters/lasers/water jets. You can cut any shape out of any material. Busy Bee has a quite nice 3-axis router on sale right now for $2500.00 Yes friends, that out-of-the-box-and-working for twenty five hundred dollars.
    Did you know you can make all the major parts of the Uzi subbie with nothing more than a sheet-metal brake, a MIG welder and a cut-off wheel? Probably a weekend project.
    But hey, there are easier ones too. The Sterling was a fine design, then there’s the Feather AT-9, and the Australian Owen. Sheet metal slip-roll is all you need for those. The Feather you could probably manage with just the tube from a Maglite.
    Now, I would never advocate that anyone actually -make- any of those things, because that would be wrong. Oh yes it would. Terrible. Bad! Double-plus ungood,even.
    Being -able- to make one though…
