Reader Tips

In tonight’s entertainment en route to the Tips, a romantic scene from the 1931 musical comedy Be Like Me, a young Ethel Merman leans across the table, looks tenderly into the eyes of her sweetheart, and breaks into…shout.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Arabs turn an unusual weather event into yet another jew hating exhibition.
    Is anyone surprised?

  2. Thanks for the Howie Carr column, EBD. The Fake Indian, Lizzy Warren, is as despicable and loathsome a politician as there ever was. Thus, she’s exactly perfect for the Brain-Dead Democrat Zombies of the State of Mass. who voted for her. Expect big things to happen for her over the next 4 years as she will fit in perfectly well with Clubhouse Obama. And as the American economy continues to get worse & worse, she will never, ever accept any blame for her part in the destruction that the Dems will wreak.

  3. I was curious about Rex Murphy’s most recent thoughts about Chief Spend et al. So I did a search for him. Not exactly the most flattering photo of him appeared in his top summary. This got me curious so I then searched for Ezra Levant. Once again, not exactly a flattering photo of him either.
    In the first case, the photo originated from In the second it came from SocialistWorker…. These aren’t exactly mainstream websites that your average Canadian would visit … ever. Yet they present to the world a rather negative view of what two great minds in Canada look like. Sad.

  4. Found these little pieces of doo doo on Youtube this afternoon.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Not sure when they were originally aired on ABC, but they were uploaded a couple of years ago. ABC makes it clear that they believe it is better for you to be unarmed and at the mercy of a shooter, than armed and having the option of some self defense.
    I have never been in the presence of a public shooting, but I don’t buy what ABC is selling. And I certainly know with out a doubt in the few emergency situations that I have experienced, the reactions shown in this video do not demonstrate what I have witnessed or portrayed.

  5. “That’s really the unavoidable end, by the way. False pride can never be sustained. The bubble of narcissism is always at risk of bursting. That’s why young people are higher on drugs than ever, drunker than ever, smoking more, tattooed more, pierced more and having more and more and more sex, earlier and earlier and earlier, raising babies before they can do it well, because it makes them feel special, for a while. They’re doing anything to distract themselves from the fact that they feel empty inside and unworthy.”
    I have had this conversation with my wife and other family members over the years. It wasn’t long ago that people were marrying and starting to raise families in the teen years, equipped with life experience, knowledge and a work ethic. “Progress” and narcissism has replaced what once was a noble life, IMO.

  6. This audio clip hails from early 2005. They talk about how former Democrat politicians were such complete losers for stirring up racial problems that didn’t really exist.
    Yet, that very schtick is now de rigeur for ALL Leftist politicians throughout America & Canada. In any intelligent person’s mind that would be described as a “regressive change”. Yet these jerks want us to call them “Progressive”. I never have and never will.

  7. Re Senator Elizabeth Warren
    During the election, the Boston Herald put three opinionators to work slagging Warren .
    But having people like Howie, with his “fake Indian” & “Granny Warren” half-witticisms” against you is probably an asset.
    A typical Howie quote —
    // Because she grew up on what she termed “the jagged edge of the middle class.” Her definition of “jagged edge” was only having three cars in the family driveway in 1965, including her own personal white MG sports car. //
    From Warren’s wiki entry
    // Warren was born on June 22, 1949, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to working class parents She was their fourth child, with three older brothers.When she was twelve, her father, a janitor, had a heart attack, which led to many medical bills and a pay cut because he could not do his previous work. Eventually this led to the loss of their car from failure to make loan repayments. To help the family finances her mother found work in the catalog-order department at Sears and Elizabeth began working as a waitress at her aunt’s restaurant.
    She became a star member of the debate team at Northwest Classen High School and won the title of “Oklahoma’s top high-school debater” while competing with debate teams from high schools throughout the state. She also won a debate scholarship to George Washington University at the age of 16 //
    And so on. An American success story.

  8. Peter, that sooooooooooo hits the mark of the reality in America! And I don’t think that Canada is terribly far away.
    Some of the most idiotic comments I’ve received on YouTube turn out to come from folks

  9. For those who dismissed my assertions weeks ago that common sense conservative Americans would now have to find some other vehicle than the Republican Party, I don’t sound so ridiculous anymore, eh? Make no mistake, it’s beyond a tragedy what has happened with what the GOP has done of late but they lied to get the votes of conservative Americans but had no intention of actually following through with their commitments.
    IMO the only hope is for an American Preston Manning to start up a brand new party, with very, very clear internal party laws that would have to be followed if & when they achieved power. Examples:
    1. The federal government can never grow larger than 10% of the private sector economy.
    2. A public sector job (wages & benefits) can never be more than 75% of the remuneration of an equivalent job in the private sector.
    3. All public sector unions will be outlawed.
    Come up with a series of clear policies that the majority of supporters can live with and then move forward and win back America.

  10. Robert W. – Where were you during the 2012 election in the USA? Did you not hear or see the Champion of the American Constitution/Liberty – Ron Paul? Google him and listen to one of his speeches; he is a giant in the political land of pygmies. Ron Paul, like PMSH is a Statesman.

  11. Good God, I know more about firearms than the execrable Piers Morgan. And, unlike so many of you Dead Gopher gun nuts*, I am not exactly a tough competitor in this category. (Remember when David Gregory was waiving around a magazine on the air [which was totally illegal but hey, that’s cool] and calling it a “clip”? You’d think a person would acquiaint himself – maybe get an intern to do some googling or something – with the basics of the subject before demanding violations of the Constitution on major news networks.)
    (*”gun nuts” is meant in a very positive way.)

  12. Joshua Blakeney comments on Idle No More and the fascist Harper regime on PressTV.
    It is ironic that he accepts money from Iran,a country that would arrest him if he said the same about their wonderful democracy.
    “IdleNoMore Movement Responding to Harper Regime’s Fascistic Traits”: Joshua Blakeney

  13. A little more info on the useful idiot,Joshua Blakeney, from my above comment.
    Talk about biting the hand that feeds you,he is an immigrant from the UK,now living in Calgary.
    I don’t know the sanctions that we have placed on doing business with Iran,but I think that being employed by them to spread lies about Canada would be on the list. This comes close to being treasonous,IMHO.

  14. Heh. A spammer defeats the captcha, apparently. Or is it a sock-puppet playing a joke. Funny, I never saw spam on SDA, with the old software in place.

  15. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    Coughee-chokee caused by global warming, no?
    “China is choking on its environmental complacency
    National Post – ‎25 minutes ago‎
    It’s not very nice to enjoy other people’s misery, but when it comes to smog in China a certain schadenfreude sets in. China has been most forthright in criticizing other countries for failing to pay adequate attention to the environment , while continuing to burn [soft coal] …”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  16. From the ugly feminist….
    Until websites force readers to use their real name, with address, as newspaper letters pages do, we’re always going to get racist muck on our boots.
    But here’s an email that’s much more troubling: A white nurse I’ll call Margaret (she provided her name, email and phone number) wrote to me about Indians she knew in Calgary.
    “Out west one sees First Nations daily. They are not hidden away like in Ontario. I have been in some of the homes (on the reserve) and in my experience there was no excuse for the squalor. Not when they had a TV that probably at the time cost a few thousand dollars. But the windows were broken, the sinks were out of order, etc.”
    This woman doesn’t know she sounds like a 1950s white lady complaining about shiftless negroes. She doesn’t know how sententious and smug she sounds about the pain of others. Her drains run free and clear.
    The comments don’t seem to agree with Ms. Mallick’s musings on what constitutes racism. I’m not gonna link to her Tor Star column from SDA. If you want to read her race baiting drivel you can search for her last column on yer own.

  17. “….doesn’t know how sententious and smug…”
    Sententious means, “saying much in a few words”, or “inclined to make wise sayings”, or “speaking as if one were a Judge settling a question”, or “speaking in a wise and judicious manner”.
    In other words, while “smug” may be a negative description of a person, “sententious” basically means the words spoken or written are worthy of consideration.
    Mallick’s medication is causing confusion again.

  18. Dmorris, my dictionary says sententious means “given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner” – which is how I’ve always used it – but even that definition is misused by Mallick. The nurse she quotes was simply relaying her personal experiences/observations in a straightforward and matter-of-fact, and not a pompous or affected, way.
    The dumb, reflexive “racism!” card that’s at play in the comments used to really pee me off, but now I find it funny that so many people think the word/accusation is not only a substitute for an argument, but a coup de grâce against all rational thought – kind of a “get out of thinking” card that can be played at any time.
    Those who use the “racism!” card always lose the argument, because they don’t have one.

  19. We need a Windmill/Solar Panel Registry, Red-Green Says.
    “Clean Energy Investment Fell 11% as Governments Cut Subsidies”
    “Clean energy investment slid 11 percent last year after governments in industrial nations slashed subsidies for technologies ranging from wind turbines to solar power and biomass.
    The $268.7 billion invested in the industry last year was down from a record $302.3 billion in 2011, the second highest reading ever and was five times the level in 2004, according to data compiled by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.”

  20. Former TDSB serial plagiarist Head Chris Spence has hired Warren Kinsella has his PR rep …
    Daisy Consulting Group, a Bloor St. firm that advertises itself as a solution when a client needs “someone to protect your reputation … someone to move public opinion … someone to help face a crisis (and) someone to change impressions.”–chris-spence-s-online-reputation-takes-a-hit-amid-plagiarism-crisis-can-it-be-recovered
    Ha Ha Ha
    Lisa Kirbie former ORNGE rep now works at Daisy with her main squeeze Warren.
    Maybe Warren could hire Chris Spence. And Theresa Spence too.

  21. Former TDSB serial plagiarist Head Chris Spence has hired Warren Kinsella as his PR rep …
    Daisy Consulting Group, a Bloor St. firm that advertises itself as a solution when a client needs “someone to protect your reputation … someone to move public opinion … someone to help face a crisis (and) someone to change impressions.”–chris-spence-s-online-reputation-takes-a-hit-amid-plagiarism-crisis-can-it-be-recovered
    Lisa Kirbie former ORNGE now working at Daisy.

  22. Of AGW & “Bipolar media”.
    “Epic” California freeze threatens citrus crop”
    “Bipolar media treats cold weather as normal and warm weather as man made”
    “California Citrus growers were up all night trying to protect their crops from an “epic” cold spell which is dropping temperatures into the twenties and as cold as twelve degrees. Temperatures twenty to thirty degrees below normal are also stranding motorists and threatening zoo animals. A headline in Silicon Valley’s Mercury News proclaimed that California has gone from “golden to frozen.””
    “What we have here is naturally variable weather, the kind of harsh winter we prepare for and cope with when it strikes.
    Yet that same media does not hesitate to attribute unseasonable warmth as evidence of global warming.”
