The Sound Of Settled Science

Rottweiler study links ovaries with exceptional longevity;

The study, published in the December 2009 issue of the journal Aging Cell, found that Rottweilers that were spayed after they were 6 years old were 4.6 times as likely to reach 13 years of age as were Rottweilers that were spayed at a younger age.
The finding is important because the average life expectancy of Rottweiler dogs is 9.4 years, observed research team leader Dr. David J. Waters. “Our results support the notion that how long females keep their ovaries influences how long they live,” he said.
Dr. Waters is the executive director of the Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation at the Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette, Ind. The foundation is home to the Center for Exceptional Longevity Studies, which tracks the oldest living pet dogs in the country.
Researchers found that female Rottweilers have a distinct survival advantage over males–a trend also documented in humans. That advantage appears to be determined by whether the female dog is sexually intact, however. “Taking away ovaries during the first four years of life completely erased the female survival advantage,” Dr. Waters said.

There remain many good reasons to reproductively alter the family dog, but most are related to owner convenience – the health “benefits” claimed are a decidedly mixed bag and leash laws have largely solved the problem of unwanted litters. But as “spay-neuter” is a key political and legislative tool in service of the broader animal rights agenda to eradicate the ownership of companion animals, studies such as this have a tendency to be studiously ignored and their authors dismissed as unqualified. It’s not just “climate science” that’s been captured by a leftist agenda.

15 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Precisely the reason I had the wife done after our kids. So she can live longer and nag me to my grave.
    /that was humour for those who didn’t realize it.

  2. I am not a dog person but I would love to own a big dog when the NDP candidate shows up at the door during elections. Seeing as the candidate is usually a woman or an effeminate beta male it would be fun to turn a big dog loose and chase the POS socialist off my property.

  3. Exactly why my “baby girl” knows what to do with the command “get the Liberals!”…tis great fun to scare a socialaist Robert L!

  4. That’s a really fascinating study that makes me wonder about the longevity effects of the many hormonal “treatments” women undergo and the once-common prescription of hysterectomies for almost every female ailment. As well, the pressure to spay and neuter, while making dogs more docile for city life, drastically reduces the genetic pool.

  5. You should understand, Robert L, that your “Law Enforcement” would gladly shoot any animal that acted in such a manner towards an NDP candidate. But if your judiciary is honest, you might at least get some taxpayer dollars out of the event, as long as your dog did not BITE anyone or leave your property…

  6. We should be allowed to shoot feral dogs on sight to begin with.
    Having said that, unwanted litters are not sounding like such a problem then.

  7. The highlighted articles are interesting.
    Humans will be next on their list…OUR Dolly told us this in great confidence.
    However, I have a question. How do you train a collie to detect and appropriately deal with an NDPer at the door?

  8. First I’d heard of this, which is quite interesting. Thanks Kate.
    I co-own ( she’s my pet, but the breeder retains some rights in return for a much lower price) a young, intact, show-quality Rhodesian Ridgeback female who will be shown shortly, to determine if she’s going to be bred.
    I’ll send that tidbit on to the breeder as an FYI.
    The doggy panties are a little awkward when she’s in heat, but it’s not that much of a pain to manage. More annoying is not be able to let her run at the dog park, that doggy needs some running to get the zoomies out of her.

  9. Ken (kulak)
    it has been proven that a dog can detect a cancerous growth, and that should cover most lefties:-)))
    and on another note, I would not relenquish my job, of personally chasing off lefties, to the dogs, ’cause it entertainment for me:-)))

  10. I dont think our Y chromosome generators that we carry on the other side of the scale have the same effect unless entirely removed at age 12.

  11. Ken (Kulak) – I find that the simple command “Maxx! Eat the socialist!” whilst pointing at the subject seems to work well.

  12. Ken…I used a Liberal red blanket when my girl was a puppy you might want to round up an orange towel or blanket for NDP colours.
    Dogs love to play tug-of-war at any age…just get them pulling and growling and shaking the red or orange cloth for all it is worth and keep telling the dog to get the Liberals (or NDP).
    I leave the red cloth near the entrance door…and if an undesirable type rings the bell I open the door with a snarling, growling dog shaking a blanket to death.
    Liberals start to sweat right away…I assume NDPers might sh*t…but not sure on that.

  13. I think the research is just fine and all that, but in a near-run situation of mortality, once the crash and thunder of battle has died away, and once I have succumbed to my choking on my own blood, I would seriously advise against trying to pry my little Rottweiler, George, from my cold, dead hand.

  14. Yes, quite important to have long-lived dogs…as though there’s a shortage of dogs.

  15. Strad, obviously you’ve never felt the pain of losing a dog that has been your constant companion and loyal friend for a decade or more.
